Check Listing Status
Learn how to check your app registration status.
The app publishing process includes review and translation. You can track the status of your app listing by viewing the status of your app on the Solution Provider Portal or checking the case log that was automatically created when you submitted your app.
View your app status
Sign in to the Solution Provider Portal using your developer credentials.
On the top navigation, select Develop Apps.
For Seller Central users, sign in to Seller Central for your marketplace and navigate to Apps and Services, then Develop Apps.
For Vendor Central users, sign in to Vendor Central for your marketplace and navigate to Integration, then API Integration.
View your app status on the Solution Provider Portal homepage.
If you have recently published a new application, here are the possible statuses and their descriptions.
App status | Description |
Draft | Your listing is saved or rejected. |
Submitted (Edit pending review) | Your listing is in review. |
Ready for Publishing | Your listing is approved and being prepared for publishing. |
Published | Your listing is approved and published on the Appstore. |
If you have recently made updates to an application that has already been published, here are the possible statuses and their descriptions.
App status | Description |
Published (Current edit is in draft) | Your approved listing is published. Your updates are saved to a draft and not yet submitted for review. |
Published (Current edit pending review) | Your approved listing is published and your updates have been submitted for review. |
Published (Current edit is approved and pending publishing) | Your approved listing is published and your updates are being prepared for publishing. |
Published | Your listing is approved and published on the Appstore. |
Amazon conducts periodic Data Security Assessments to ensure that each application adheres to Amazon's policies. Applications that are found to be non-compliant will be suppressed. If your application is suppressed, refer to the following possible statuses:
App status | Description |
Suppressed | Your listing is removed from the Appstore. |
Suppressed (Edit pending review ) | Your listing is removed from the Appstore and app is in review. |
If your app is not published after 12 business days, contact Amazon Selling Partner Developer Support
View your case status on the case log
In the Solution Provider Portal, choose Case Log or Launch Case Log.
On the Your Cases and Requests Log page, view your case status.
Case status | Description |
Pending Amazon Action | Case has been submitted for review. Amazon team will reach out to you soon. |
Needs Your Attention | Case has been reviewed and needs additional information from your end to move forward. |
Answered | Amazon has responded to your case. |
- | Case is resolved. |
If your app is not published after 12 business days, contact Amazon Selling Partner Developer Support.
Updated about 1 month ago