Tutorial: Automate your SP-API Calls Using a Python SDK
Automate your SP-API calls with Login with Amazon (LWA) token exchange and authentication.
This tutorial provides you with all the required details to generate a Python SDK with Login with Amazon (LWA) token exchange and authentication, to build your application seamlessly. You will learn the prerequisites required to build the Python SDK and also view an example using the Selling Partner API for Orders and the Swagger Code Generator.
You can use this SDK to integrate Amazon marketplace features into your applications, including accessing product information, managing orders, handling shipments, and more.
The following tutorial will help you set up your own Python SDK for automating SP-API calls.
To complete this tutorial, you need the following prerequisites:
- A hybrid or SP-API app in draft or published state
- Integrated development environment (IDE) software
- Python (version 3.6 or later)
(or later) This tool is used to generate Python client code from the SP-API's Swagger definitions.
Before your application can connect to the Selling Partner API, you must register it, and it must be authorized by a selling partner. If you do not have a hybrid or SP-API app, follow the steps to register as a developer, register your application, and Authorizing Selling Partner API applications. Then, return to this tutorial.
Next, set up your workspace for the tutorial.
Step 1. Set up your workspace
On your local drive, create a directory for this project, name it
, and navigate to the new directory. -
Clone the client repo.
Download the following tools.
- IDE software (this walkthrough uses Visual Studio IDE on Windows OS)
- Python (version 3.6 or later). You can download this software from python.org.
Run the following command in your terminal to download the Swagger Code Jar:
`wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/swagger/swagger-codegen-cli/2.4.13/swagger-codegen-cli-2.4.13.jar -O swagger-codegen-cli.jar`
into your local directoryC:\\SPAPI_Python_SDK
. -
Run the following command in your terminal to install the Python
library in your environment:pip install backoff
In GitHub, go to
and run the following command to clone theselling-partner-api-models
repository to your local directoryC:\\SPAPI_Python_SDK
.git clone https://github.com/amzn/selling-partner-api-models
Now that you have completed the required setup, the next step is to generate the Python SDK with the authentication and authorization classes downloaded to your local directory C:\\SPAPI_Python_SDK
Step 2. Generate a Python client from Swagger definitions
Locate the Swagger JSON file for the SP-API model you want to use (for example, Orders API) from your local directory
. -
Run the following command in your terminal to generate client code. Make sure to replace the paths and API model with your settings.
java -jar /[path_to_swagger_jar]/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -l python -t /[path_to_mustach_resources]/resources/ -D packageName=swagger_client -o /[path_to_client_folder]/client/[SP-API_NAME] -i /[path_to_model_folder]/models/[SP-API_NAME]/SP-API.json
Now that you have generated a Python client, you need to integrate the authentication model.
Step 3. Integrate the authentication module
- Locate the
client code folders inC:\\SPAPI_Python_SDK
, the directory where the SDK was downloaded. - Update the paths in the following Python files:
. Each file contains instructions on what to update.
With authentication set up, you're now ready to set up the Python SDK package.
Step 4. Set up the Python SDK package
- Navigate to
the directory where the SDK was generated. - Use the following code to create a
file. This file is required for packaging your SDK. Make sure you replace information in the example with information for your package and dependencies.
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
name='SellingPartnerAPIAuthAndAuthPython', # Replace with your package's name
version='1.0.0', # Replace with your package's version
package_dir={'': 'src'}, # Replace 'src' as necessary
install_requires=[line.strip() for line in open("requirements.txt", "r")],
description='A Python SDK for Amazon Selling Partner API',
With the Python SDK set up, you're now ready to create an instance of the Orders API.
Step 5. Create an instance of the Orders API and invoke an operation
The following is an example of how to use the Python SDK with the Orders API to make a getOrders
request. Update the code with your information and then run the code in your terminal.
if __name__ == "__main__":
from auth.credentials import SPAPIConfig
config = SPAPIConfig(
client_id="Your client-id",
client_secret="Your client-secret",
refresh_token="Your refresh-token",
region="NA", # Possible values NA, EU, FE, and SANDBOX
scope = None # Required for grant_type='client_credentials' ; Possible values "sellingpartnerapi::notifications" and "sellingpartnerapi::migration"
from spapi.spapiclient import SPAPIClient
# Create the API Client
print("Config and client initialized...")
api_client = SPAPIClient(config)
marketplace_ids = ["ATVPDKIKX0DER"]
created_after = "2024-01-19T00:00:00"
orders_api = api_client.get_api_client('OrdersV0Api')
orders_response = orders_api.get_orders(marketplace_ids=marketplace_ids, created_after=created_after)
print("Orders API Response:")
Never commit this file to your version control system as it contains sensitive information. Ensure these LWA credentials are stored securely in an encrypted format.
A status code of 200 means the API call was successful.
Step 6. Connect to the Selling Partner API using the generated Python SDK
Run the following commands in your terminal to build and install your SDK locally:
python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
pip install dist/{YourPackageName}-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
Run the following test script in your terminal to test the Python SDK:
python test.py
A status code of 200 means the API call was successful.
In this tutorial, you learned how to automate your SP-API calls using an SP-API SDK for Python. In the walkthrough, you learned how to set up your workspace, generate a Python SDK for Selling Partner API, connect to the Orders API, and make your first API call.
Updated 10 days ago