Error Handling
Troubleshoot VIDR and upload errors.
You might experience VIDR errors and upload errors. For information on the types of errors and what causes them, refer to the following sections.
VIDR errors
Error | Cause |
Provided MarketplaceIdList is invalid. | An unsupported marketplace is specified. Only EU marketplaces are supported. |
Provided reportType is not valid. | The specified ReportOptions value isn't PendingInvoices or All . |
The maximum date range for ReportOptions All is 30 days. Try again with a shorter date range. | The date range is more than 30 days. |
Provided endDate is before the startDate . | The specified end date is before the start date. |
Upload errors
To get the result of a feed upload, use the invoice-status-description
column in the VIDR. If there is an error during upload, it is listed in invoice-status-description
and the shipment is listed in the PendingInvoices
Don't use GetSubmissionFeedResult
to get results of the uploaded feeds. GetSubmissionFeedResult
is used for all feed types, and the standard throttle limits apply.
The following errors can be returned when you submit a feed to upload an invoice:
Error | Cause | Code |
FeatureNotAvailable Invoice Upload API is in a closed beta. Contact Seller Support or your account manager if you want to use this feature. | VCS with self-invoicing option is not available to all sellers by default. A seller who didn't opt for the self-invoicing option during VCS enrollment can't upload an invoice. | 79509 |
MarketplaceIDInputError Provide only one valid marketplace while uploading an invoice. | Multiple marketplaces are specified, no marketplace is specified, or an unsupported marketplace is specified. Supported marketplaces are Spain, UK, France, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and Poland. | 79523 |
MissingRequestPreferences Provide {missingParameters} | One or more required key-value pairs is missing in the metadata that is uploaded with the feed. You can input up to seven key-value pairs (some required, some optional), depending on the type of transaction. For more information, refer to Create and Upload Invoices. | 79513 |
InvalidDocumentType The document type {documentType} is not supported. | The DocumentType key has a value other than Invoice or CreditNote . | 79531 |
InvoiceFileIsNotPDF Invoice uploaded is not PDF for shipmentId {shipmentId}, orderId {orderId}, and InvoiceNumber {invoiceNumber}. | The uploaded file is not a PDF. | 79503 |
NoFileUpload Invoice missing in feed submission. Provide an invoice for shipmentId {shipmentId}, orderId {orderId}, and invoiceNumber {invoiceNumber}. | You submitted the feed without an invoice. | 79508 |
InvalidOrderId OrderId {orderId} is invalid or shipment has not yet been dispatched. | The uploaded order ID does not exist, does not belong to the seller, or the shipment has not yet been dispatched. Amazon rejects invoices that are uploaded before shipment. | 79517 |
MultipleShipments OrderId {orderId} has multiple shipments. Provide the shipment ID. | If an order has multiple shipments and an invoice is uploaded against the order ID, Amazon returns this error because we cannot map the invoice to a shipment. When an order has been dispatched in multiple shipments, the invoices must be uploaded individually for each shipment. If an order has only one shipment, Amazon accepts an invoice against the order ID and automatically maps the order ID to the shipment ID. | 79518 |
InvalidShipmentID Shipment ID is invalid for shipmentId !{shipmentId}. | The shipment ID does not exist, or does not belong to an order for this seller, or the shipment has not yet been dispatched. | 79530 |
MarketplaceIDDoesNotMatchShipmentID The marketplaceId {marketplaceId} seller input is wrong because the invoice seller tried to upload is not in this marketplace for orderId {orderId}, or shipmentId {shipmentId}. | The specified shipment ID is not for an order from the specified marketplace ID. | 79535 |
NotdoubleRequestPreferences {nonDoubleParameters} not number. | The total amount or total VAT amount in the metadata is not in numbers. | 79521 |
InvoiceAlreadyPresent Invoice is already there for shipmentId {shipmentId}, orderId {orderId}, and invoiceNumber {invoiceNumber}. | An invoice is uploaded against a shipment for which an invoice has already been uploaded. The seller cannot upload an invoice if the shipment status is InvoiceUploaded . Each shipment can have only one invoice. | 79510 |
InvoiceUploadInProgress Invoice is being processed for order shipmentId {shipmentId}. | An invoice is already being processed by Amazon for a shipment. After the invoice is uploaded, the invoice status of the shipment becomes InvoiceProcessing . If the seller tries to upload an invoice at this stage, this error will be returned. | 79521 |
InvalidDocumentUploaded The uploaded document is invalid. | You submitted a document that is blank or is not a valid invoice (for example, a document with quotes, pictures, citations, or missing mandatory fields). You must upload a valid invoice against this order or shipment. | 79555 |
Updated about 1 month ago