A+ Content API Use Case Guide
Create and edit A+ content.
API Version: 2020-11-01
Use the A+ Content API to create and edit high-quality content to help buyers make purchasing decisions. A+ content consists of collections of modules (known as a content document) that you can use to display product images and text. For an example of a content document, and a complete list of available modules, refer to A+ Content Examples.
Tutorial: Create, edit, and publish A+ content
Learn how to create a new content document, add ASINs to the content document, and get the content document approved for publication.
To complete this tutorial, you need:
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. For more information, refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API applications.
- The Product Listing role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Product Listing role selected in the app registration page for your application.
- One or more ASINs for which you want to publish content.
- Content that you want to publish.
Step 1. Check for existing A+ content
- Find out which content documents are published to an ASIN
- Get all of the content documents that the selling partner created
Step 2. Find out which content documents are published to an ASIN
- Call the
operation, passing the following parameters:
Query parameters
Parameter | Description | Required |
asin | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN). Type: string | Yes |
marketplaceId | The identifier of the marketplace where the A+ content is published. Type: string | Yes |
Request example
GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/aplus/2020-11-01/contentPublishRecords?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&asin=ZZZZZZZZZZ
Name | Description |
publishRecordList | The list of A+ content publishing records. Type: PublishRecordList |
warnings | A set of messages to the user, such as warnings or comments. Type: MessageSet |
nextPageToken | A page token that is returned when the results of the call exceed the page size. To get another page of results, call the operation again and pass in this value with the pageToken parameter. Type: string |
Response example
"warnings": [],
"nextPageToken": null,
"publishRecordList": [
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"locale": "en_US",
"asin": "ZZZZZZZZZZ",
"contentType": "EBC",
"contentSubType": "",
"contentReferenceKey": "d54a4096-f864-4326-bc80-ce8807497f98"
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"locale": "es_US",
"asin": "ZZZZZZZZZZ",
"contentType": "EBC",
"contentSubType": "",
"contentReferenceKey": "f58cf4d7-b1b2-4f43-b900-5fd75cb688c5"
- To get the content documents and metadata for the records that are returned, use the
operation and pass in thecontentReferenceKey
Step 3. Get all of the content documents that the selling partner created
- Call the
operation and pass in the following parameter:
Query parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceId | The identifier for the marketplace where the A+ content is published. Type: string | Yes |
Request example
GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER
Name | Description |
contentMetadataRecords | The list of A+ content metadata records. Type: ContentMetadataRecordList |
warnings | A set of messages to the user, such as warnings or comments. Type: MessageSet |
nextPageToken | A page token that is returned when the results of the call exceed the page size. To get another page of results, call the operation again, passing in this value with the pageToken parameter. Type: string |
Response example
"warnings": [],
"nextPageToken": null,
"contentMetadataRecords": [{
"contentReferenceKey": "436e986d-4a94-4511-a857-58802f3ba7b0",
"contentMetadata": {
"name": "Name of content document",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"status": "DRAFT",
"badgeSet": [null, "STANDARD"],
"updateTime": null
- To get the content documents for the records that are returned, call the
operation and pass in thecontentReferenceKey
Step 4. Create a content document
To create a content document, complete the following tasks:
- Construct a JSON content document
- Create upload destinations for images
- Upload images
- Submit the content document for validation
- Create a content document
- Add ASINs to the content document
Construct a JSON content document
Content documents are composed of one or more content modules. Content documents for selling partners can contain up to seven modules; content documents for vendors can contain up to five content modules.
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | The A+ content document name. minLength: 1 maxLength: 100 Type: string | Yes |
contentType | The A+ content document type. Type: ContentType | Yes |
contentSubType | The A+ content document subtype. This represents a special-purpose type of an A+ content document. Not every A+ content document type will have a subtype, and subtypes can change at any time. Type: ContentSubType | No |
locale | The IETF language tag. This only supports the primary language subtag with one secondary language subtag. The secondary language subtag is almost always a regional designation. This does not support additional subtags beyond the primary and secondary subtags. Pattern: ^[a-z]{2,}-[A-Z0-9]{2,}$ Type: LanguageTag | Yes |
contentModuleList | A list of A+ content modules. Type: ContentModuleList | Yes |
"contentDocument": {
"name": "Example content document",
"contentType": "EMC",
"locale": "en-US",
"contentModuleList": [
"contentModuleType": "STANDARD_HEADER_IMAGE_TEXT",
"standardHeaderImageText": {
"headline": {
"value": "Lorem ipsum",
"decoratorSet": []
"block": {
"image": {
"uploadDestinationId": "SampleID",
"imageCropSpecification": {
"size": {
"width": {
"value": 970,
"units": "pixels"
"height": {
"value": 600,
"units": "pixels"
"offset": {
"x": {
"value": 7,
"units": "pixels"
"y": {
"value": 0,
"units": "pixels"
"altText": "Lorem ipsum"
"headline": {
"value": "Nunc faucibus neque auctor faucibus pretium.",
"decoratorSet": []
"body": {
"textList": [
"value": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc faucibus neque auctor faucibus pretium. Quisque sed blandit nunc. Pellentesque malesuada lorem vitae justo efficitur viverra.",
"decoratorSet": []
Create upload destinations for images
- Call the
operation of the Uploads API v2020-11-01 and pass in the following parameters:
Query parameters
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceIds | A list of marketplace identifiers. This specifies the marketplaces where the upload is available. Only one marketplace can be specified. Type: string | Yes |
contentMD5 | An MD5 hash of the content to be submitted to the upload destination. This value is used to determine if the data is corrupted or tampered with during transit. Type: string | Yes |
contentType | The content type of the file to be uploaded. Type: string | No |
Path parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
resource | The URL of the resource for the upload destination that you are creating. For example, to create an upload destination for a content document, the resource would be aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments and the path would be /uploads/v1/uploadDestinations/aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments . Type: string | Yes |
Request example
POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/uploads/2020-11-01/uploadDestinations/aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments?contentType=image/jpeg&contentMD5=9e92dc1ed22ffc814f063f02b1c0f233&marketplaceIds=ATVPDKIKX0DER
Name | Description |
payload | Information about an upload destination. Type: UploadDestination |
errors | A list of error responses that are returned when a request fails. Type: ErrorList |
Response example
"errors": [],
"payload": {
"uploadDestinationId": "sc/7ae2d3b1-fdd3-42c4-98c4-9cc509fb95d8.png",
"url": "https://aplus-media.s3.amazonaws.com/?x-amz-date=20201116T184623Z&x-amz-signature=c5c8efd95d883b6787a2b1a93c7c066f01cb4e8d7be3ece4360aa800332e0cf9&x-amz-meta-owner=A2CZ04NGKYDXDV&acl=private&key=sc/7ae2d3b1-fdd3-42c4-98c4-9cc509fb95d8.png&x-amz-algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&policy=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&x-amz-credential=AKIA6L6R7QE56F6GMG5E/20201116/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request",
"headers": null
- Save the
value to include in your content document in Submit the content document for validation. Save theurl
value for Upload images.
Upload images
- Use the following cURL command with the
response element that the previous task returned.
Example cURL command:
"codes": [
"code": "curl -F \"key=sc/7ae2d3b1-fdd3-42c4-98c4-9cc509fb95d8.png\" \\\n-F \"acl=private\" \\\n-F \"policy=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\" \\\n-F \"x-amz-credential=AKIA6L6R7QE56F6GMG5E/20201116/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request\" \\\n-F \"x-amz-algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\" \\\n-F \"x-amz-date=20201203T011128Z\" \\\n-F \"x-amz-signature=c5c8efd95d883b6787a2b1a93c7c066f01cb4e8d7be3ece4360aa800332e0cf9\" \\\n-F \"x-amz-meta-owner=A2CZ04NGKYDXDV\" \\\n-F \"file=@Sea.jpg\" \\\nhttps://aplus-media.s3.amazonaws.com",
"language": "curl"
- Confirm that you received a 2xx status code in the response. The 2xx status code indicates a successful image file upload.
Submit the content document for validation
- Call the
operation and pass in the following parameters:
Query parameters
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceId | The Amazon marketplace identifier of where the A+ content is hosted or published. Type: string | Yes |
asinSet | The set of ASINs. Type: array(csv) | No |
If your content document includes images, add the
value that you received in Create upload destinations for images to your content document.
Body parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
postContentDocumentRequest | The content document request details. Type: postContentDocumentRequest | Yes |
Request example
POST https: //sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/aplus/2020-11-01/contentAsinValidations?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&asinSet=0123456789&asinSet=ZZZZZZZZZZ
"contentDocument": {
"name": "Example content document",
"contentType": "EMC",
"locale": "en-US",
"contentModuleList": [
"contentModuleType": "STANDARD_HEADER_IMAGE_TEXT",
"standardHeaderImageText": {
"headline": {
"value": "Lorem ipsum",
"decoratorSet": []
"block": {
"image": {
"uploadDestinationId": "sc/7ae2d3b1-fdd3-42c4-98c4-9cc509fb95d8.png",
"imageCropSpecification": {
"size": {
"width": {
"value": 970,
"units": "pixels"
"height": {
"value": 600,
"units": "pixels"
"offset": {
"x": {
"value": 7,
"units": "pixels"
"y": {
"value": 0,
"units": "pixels"
"altText": "Lorem ipsum"
"headline": {
"value": "Nunc faucibus neque auctor faucibus pretium.",
"decoratorSet": []
"body": {
"textList": [
"value": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc faucibus neque auctor faucibus pretium. Quisque sed blandit nunc. Pellentesque malesuada lorem vitae justo efficitur viverra.",
"decoratorSet": []
Error response example:
"warnings": [],
"errors": [
"message": "These keywords violate our community guidelines: $.",
"details": ""
Check for errors. If you receive an error, correct the error and retry. Repeat until you receive no errors.
A 200 status code in the response indicates that Amazon ran a validation on your content document. This status code does not indicate that your content document passed validation. Your content document passes validation when the
operation returns no errors.
Create a content document
Call the createContentDocument
operation and pass in the following parameters:
Query parameters
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceId | The identifier for the marketplace where the A+ content is published. Type: string | Yes |
Body parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
postContentDocumentRequest | The content document request details. Type: postContentDocumentRequest | Yes |
Request example
POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER
"contentDocument": {
"name": "Example content document",
"contentType": "EMC",
"locale": "en-US",
"contentModuleList": [
"contentModuleType": "STANDARD_HEADER_IMAGE_TEXT",
"standardHeaderImageText": {
"headline": {
"value": "Lorem ipsum",
"decoratorSet": []
"block": {
"image": {
"uploadDestinationId": "sc/7ae2d3b1-fdd3-42c4-98c4-9cc509fb95d8.png",
"imageCropSpecification": {
"size": {
"width": {
"value": 970,
"units": "pixels"
"height": {
"value": 600,
"units": "pixels"
"offset": {
"x": {
"value": 7,
"units": "pixels"
"y": {
"value": 0,
"units": "pixels"
"altText": "Lorem ipsum"
"headline": {
"value": "Nunc faucibus neque auctor faucibus pretium.",
"decoratorSet": []
"body": {
"textList": [
"value": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc faucibus neque auctor faucibus pretium. Quisque sed blandit nunc. Pellentesque malesuada lorem vitae justo efficitur viverra.",
"decoratorSet": []
Name | Description |
warnings | A set of messages to the user, such as warnings or comments. Type: MessageSet |
contentReferenceKey | A unique reference key for the A+ content document. A content reference key cannot form a permalink and can change in the future. A content reference key might not match any A+ content identifier. Type: ContentReferenceKey |
Response example
"warnings": [],
"contentReferenceKey": "52c2534c-d37a-4854-b9b3-79e2f8a86bfa"
Add ASINs to the content document
Call the postContentDocumentAsinRelations
operation and pass in the following parameters:
Query parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceId | The identifier for the marketplace where the A+ content is published. Type: string | Yes |
Path parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
contentReferenceKey | A unique reference key for the A+ content document. A content reference key cannot form a permalink and can change in the future. A content reference key is not guaranteed to match any A+ content identifier. Get this value from Task 5. Create a content document. Type: string | Yes |
Body parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
postContentDocumentAsinRelationsRequest | The content document ASIN relations request details. Type: PostContentDocumentAsinRelationsRequest | Yes |
Request example
POST https: //sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments/52c2534c-d37a-4854-b9b3-79e2f8a86bfa/asins?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER
"asinSet": ["0123456789", "ZZZZZZZZZZ"]
Name | Description |
warnings | The set of messages to the user, such as warnings or comments. Type: MessageSet |
Response example
"warnings": []
Step 5. Get the content document approved for publication
To submit your content document:
- Call the
operation and pass in the following parameters:
Path parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
contentReferenceKey | A unique reference key for the A+ content document. A content reference key cannot form a permalink and can change in the future. A content reference key is not guaranteed to match any A+ content identifier. Get this value from Task 5. Create a content document. Type: string | Yes |
Query parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceId | The identifier for the marketplace where the A+ content is published. Type: string | Yes |
Request example
POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments/52c2534c-d37a-4854-b9b3-79e2f8a86bfa/approvalSubmissions?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER
Name | Description |
warnings | The set of messages to the user, such as warnings or comments. Type: MessageSet |
Response example
"warnings": [
"message": "",
"details": "0123456789"
- Check for warnings and errors. If you receive a warning or error, correct and retry. Repeat until you receive no warnings errors.
To check your submission status:
- Call the
operation and pass in the following parameters:
Call the
operation no more than once an hour for each content document that you check for approval status.
Path parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
contentReferenceKey | A unique reference key for the A+ content document. A content reference key cannot form a permalink and can change in the future. A content reference key is not guaranteed to match any A+ content identifier. Get this value from Task 5. Create a content document. Type: string | Yes |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceId | The identifier for the marketplace where the A+ content is published. Type: string | Yes |
includedDataSet | The set of A+ content data types to include in the response. Specify METATDATA to get the submission status and not the content document itself. Type: IncludedDataSet | Yes |
Request example
GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments/52c2534c-d37a-4854-b9b3-79e2f8a86bfa?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&includedDataSet=METADATA
Name | Description |
warnings | A set of messages to the user, such as warnings or comments. Type: MessageSet |
contentRecord | A content document with additional information for content management. For the submission status, refer to the status property. Type: ContentRecord |
Response example
"warnings": [],
"contentRecord": {
"contentReferenceKey": "52c2534c-d37a-4854-b9b3-79e2f8a86bfa",
"contentMetadata": {
"name": "Example content document",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"status": "APPROVED",
"badgeSet": ["STANDARD"],
"updateTime": "2020-11-18T03:05:50.052Z"
"contentDocument": null
- Check the
property. Possiblestatus
values are:APPROVED
: The content is approved and published to the applied ASINs.REJECTED
: The content is rejected during review. Revise the content based on the provided rejection reasons and resubmit.DRAFT
: The content is not yet submitted for approval. Wait a minimum of one hour and resubmit.SUBMITTED
: The content is submitted for approval and is currently in review. Wait a minimum of one hour and resubmit.
Tutorial: Manage A+ content
This tutorial demonstrates how to manage existing content.
To complete this tutorial, you need:
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API applications for more information.
- The Product Listing role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Product Listing role selected in the app registration page for your application.
- One or more ASINs to which you would like to publish content.
- Content that you want to publish.
Step 1. Suspend a content document from all applied ASINs
- Call the
operation and pass in the following parameters:
When you publish a content document to an ASIN that already has content published to it, Amazon suspends the existing content from the ASIN. This suspension also occurs when you remove an ASIN from a content document. You don't need the
operation in either scenario.
Path parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
contentReferenceKey | A unique reference key for the A+ content document. A content reference key cannot form a permalink and can change in the future. A content reference key is not guaranteed to match any A+ content identifier. Get this value from Task 5. Create a content document. Type: string | Yes |
Query parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceId | The identifier for the marketplace where the A+ content is published. Type: string | Yes |
Request example
POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments/52c2534c-d37a-4854-b9b3-79e2f8a86bfa/suspendSubmissions?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER
Name | Description |
warnings | The set of messages to the user, such as warnings or comments. Type: MessageSet |
Response example
"warnings": []
Step 2. Get published content
To get content that is already published by the selling partner, call the getContentDocument
operation. Specify includedDataSet=METADATA
to get content metadata. Specify includedDataSet=CONTENTS
to get content documents.
Request example
GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments/52c2534c-d37a-4854-b9b3-79e2f8a86bfa?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&includedDataSet=CONTENTS&includedDataSet=METADATA
Response example
"warnings": [],
"contentRecord": {
"contentReferenceKey": "52c2534c-d37a-4854-b9b3-79e2f8a86bfa",
"contentMetadata": {
"name": "Example content document",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"status": "APPROVED",
"badgeSet": ["STANDARD"],
"updateTime": "2020-11-14T02:04:05.502Z"
"contentDocument": {
"name": "Example content document",
"contentType": "EMC",
"locale": "en-US",
"contentModuleList": [
"contentModuleType": "STANDARD_HEADER_IMAGE_TEXT",
"standardHeaderImageText": {
"headline": {
"value": "Lorem ipsum",
"decoratorSet": []
"block": {
"image": {
"uploadDestinationId": "sc/7ae2d3b1-fdd3-42c4-98c4-9cc509fb95d8.png",
"imageCropSpecification": {
"size": {
"width": {
"value": 970,
"units": "pixels"
"height": {
"value": 600,
"units": "pixels"
"offset": {
"x": {
"value": 7,
"units": "pixels"
"y": {
"value": 0,
"units": "pixels"
"altText": "Lorem ipsum"
"headline": {
"value": "Nunc faucibus neque auctor faucibus pretium.",
"decoratorSet": []
"body": {
"textList": [
"value": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc faucibus neque auctor faucibus pretium. Quisque sed blandit nunc. Pellentesque malesuada lorem vitae justo efficitur viverra.",
"decoratorSet": []
Step 3. Update a content document
Call the updateContentDocument
operation and pass in the following parameters:
Path parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
contentReferenceKey | A unique reference key for the A+ content document. A content reference key cannot form a permalink and can change in the future. A content reference key is not guaranteed to match any A+ content identifier. Get this value from Task 5. Create a content document. Type: string | Yes |
Query parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceId | The identifier for the marketplace where the A+ content is published. Type: string | Yes |
Body parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
postContentDocumentRequest | The content document request details. Type: postContentDocumentRequest | Yes |
Request example
POST https: //sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments/52c2534c-d37a-4854-b9b3-79e2f8a86bfa?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER
"contentDocument": {
"name": "Example content document",
"contentType": "EMC",
"locale": "en-US",
"contentModuleList": [
"contentModuleType": "STANDARD_HEADER_IMAGE_TEXT",
"standardHeaderImageText": {
"headline": {
"value": "Example headline",
"decoratorSet": []
"block": {
"image": {
"uploadDestinationId": "sc/7ae2d3b1-fdd3-42c4-98c4-9cc509fb95d8.png",
"imageCropSpecification": {
"size": {
"width": {
"value": 970,
"units": "pixels"
"height": {
"value": 600,
"units": "pixels"
"offset": {
"x": {
"value": 7,
"units": "pixels"
"y": {
"value": 0,
"units": "pixels"
"altText": "Example alt text"
"headline": {
"value": "Example heading",
"decoratorSet": []
"body": {
"textList": [
"value": "Example text.",
"decoratorSet": []
Name | Description |
warnings | A set of messages to the user, such as warnings or comments. Type: MessageSet |
contentReferenceKey | A unique reference key for the A+ content document. A content reference key cannot form a permalink and can change in the future. A content reference key is not guaranteed to match any A+ content identifier. Type: ContentReferenceKey |
Response example
"warnings": [],
"contentReferenceKey": "52c2534c-d37a-4854-b9b3-79e2f8a86bfa"
Step 4. Get the ASINs that are related to a content document
Call the listContentDocumentAsinRelations
operation and pass in the following parameters:
Path parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
contentReferenceKey | A unique reference key for the A+ content document. A content reference key cannot form a permalink and can change in the future. A content reference key is not guaranteed to match any A+ content identifier. Get this value from Task 5. Create a content document. Type: string | Yes |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceId | The identifier for the marketplace where the A+ content is published. Type: string | Yes |
includedDataSet | The set of A+ content data types to include in the response. Type: < enum IncludedDataSet > array(csv) | No Default: no metadata is returned. |
asinSet | The set of ASINs. Type: < string > array(csv) | No Default: all ASINs applied to the content document are returned. |
Request example
GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments/52c2534c-d37a-4854-b9b3-79e2f8a86bfa/asins?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&includedDataSet=METADATA&asinSet=0123456789&asinSet=ZZZZZZZZZZ
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceId | The identifier for the marketplace where the A+ content is published. Type: string | Yes |
includedDataSet | The set of A+ content data types to include in the response. Type: < enum IncludedDataSet > array(csv) | No Default: no metadata is returned. |
asinSet | The set of ASINs. Type: < string > array(csv) | No Default: all ASINs applied to the content document are returned. |
Response example
"warnings": [],
"nextPageToken": null,
"asinMetadataSet": [
"asin": "ZZZZZZZZZZ",
"badgeSet": null,
"parent": "ZZZZZZZZZZ",
"title": "Example title",
"imageUrl": null,
"contentReferenceKeySet": null
Step 5. Add or remove ASINs from a content document
Call the postContentDocumentAsinRelations
operation and pass in the following parameters:
The ASINs that you post replace all ASINs related to a content document, which can result in additional or removed ASINs. Removing the ASIN can suspend the content document from the ASIN. Post the entire set of ASINs related to a content document.
Path parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
contentReferenceKey | A unique reference key for the A+ content document. A content reference key cannot form a permalink and can change in the future. A content reference key is not guaranteed to match any A+ content identifier. Get this value from Task 5. Create a content document. Type: string | Yes |
Query parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceId | The identifier for the marketplace where the A+ content is published. Type: string | Yes |
Body parameter
Parameter | Description | Required |
postContentDocumentAsinRelationsRequest | The content document ASIN relations request details. Type: PostContentDocumentAsinRelationsRequest | Yes |
Request example
POST https: //sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/aplus/2020-11-01/contentDocuments/52c2534c-d37a-4854-b9b3-79e2f8a86bfa/asins?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER
"asinSet": ["0123456789", "ZZZZZZZZZZ"]
Name | Description |
warnings | A set of messages to the user, such as warnings or comments. Type: MessageSet |
Response example
"warnings": []
Updated 14 days ago