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Java Example of Meta-Schema v1

Validate payloads with Amazon Product Type Definitions meta-schema instances.

Example Validator Implementation for Java

For Java applications, the networknt/json-schema-validator library supports JSON Schema Draft 2019-09 and custom vocabularies. The following example demonstrates how to utilize the networknt/json-schema-validator library to validate payloads with instances of the Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema. There is no requirement to use this specific library or the example implementation. Amazon does not provide technical support for third-party JSON Schema libraries and this is provided as an example only.

Schema Configuration

When using the networknt/json-schema-validator to validate instances of the Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema with custom vocabulary, the meta-schema is configured as part of the JsonSchemaFactory.


// $id of the Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema. String schemaId = "https://schemas.amazon.com/selling-partners/definitions/product-types/meta-schema/v1"; // Local copy of the Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema. String metaSchemaPath = "./amazon-product-type-definition-meta-schema-v1.json"; // Local copy of an instance of the Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema. String luggageSchemaPath = "./luggage.json"; // Keywords that are informational only and do not require validation. List<String> nonValidatingKeywords = ImmutableList.of("editable", "enumNames");

Configure Meta-Schema:

// Standard JSON Schema 2019-09 that Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema extends from. JsonMetaSchema standardMetaSchema = JsonMetaSchema.getV201909(); // Build Amazon Product Type Definition Meta Schema with the standard JSON Schema 2019-09 as the blueprint. // Register custom keyword validation classes (see below). JsonMetaSchema metaSchema = JsonMetaSchema.builder(SCHEMA_ID, standardMetaSchema) .addKeywords(NON_VALIDATING_KEYWORDS.stream().map(NonValidationKeyword::new) .collect(Collectors.toSet())) .addKeyword(new MaxUniqueItemsKeyword()) .addKeyword(new MaxUtf8ByteLengthKeyword()) .addKeyword(new MinUtf8ByteLengthKeyword()) .build();

Build JsonSchemaFactory:

// URIFetcher to route meta-schema references to local copy. URIFetcher uriFetcher = uri -> { // Use the local copy of the meta-schema instead of retrieving from the web. if (schemaId.equalsIgnoreCase(uri.toString())) { return Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(metaSchemaPath)); } // Default to the existing fetcher for other schemas. return new URLFetcher().fetch(uri); }; // Build the JsonSchemaFactory. JsonSchemaFactory schemaFactory = new JsonSchemaFactory.Builder() .defaultMetaSchemaURI(schemaId) .addMetaSchema(standardMetaSchema) .addMetaSchema(metaSchema) .uriFetcher(uriFetcher, "https") .build(); // Create the JsonSchema instance. JsonSchema luggageSchema = schemaFactory.getSchema(new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(luggageSchemaPath))));

Payload Validation

With an instance of the Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema loaded as a JsonSchema instance, payloads can be validated using the instance.

// Create a JsonNode for the payload (this can be constructed in code or read from a file). JsonNode payload = new ObjectMapper().readValue(new File("./payload.json"), JsonNode.class); // Validate the payload and get any resulting validation messages. Set<ValidationMessage> messages = luggageSchema.validate(payload);

If no validation messages are returned, validation passed. Otherwise, inspect the validation messages to identify errors with the payload.

Keyword Validation

The networknt/json-schema-validator supports validating custom vocabulary by using classes that extend the AbstractKeyword class and provide the validation logic.

Refer to https://github.com/networknt/json-schema-validator/blob/master/doc/validators.md.

The following examples illustrate extensions of the AbstractKeyword class that validate the custom vocabulary in instances of the Amazon Product Type Definition Meta-Schema.

MaxUniqueItemsKeyword Class

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeType; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.common.collect.Streams; import com.networknt.schema.AbstractJsonValidator; import com.networknt.schema.AbstractKeyword; import com.networknt.schema.CustomErrorMessageType; import com.networknt.schema.JsonSchema; import com.networknt.schema.JsonValidator; import com.networknt.schema.ValidationContext; import com.networknt.schema.ValidationMessage; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * Example validator for the "maxUniqueItems" keyword. */ public class MaxUniqueItemsKeyword extends AbstractKeyword { private static final MessageFormat ERROR_MESSAGE_FORMAT = new MessageFormat("Each combination of selector " + "values may only occur {1} times. The following selector value combination occurs too many times: {2}"); private static final String KEYWORD = "maxUniqueItems"; private static final String SELECTORS = "selectors"; public MaxUniqueItemsKeyword() { super(KEYWORD); } @Override public JsonValidator newValidator(String schemaPath, JsonNode schemaNode, JsonSchema parentSchema, ValidationContext validationContext) { // Only process if the provided schema value is a number. if (!JsonNodeType.NUMBER.equals(schemaNode.getNodeType())) { return null; } int maxUniqueItems = schemaNode.asInt(); // Get the selector properties configured on the scheme element, if they exist. Otherwise, this validator // defaults to using all properties. Set<String> selectors = getSelectorProperties(parentSchema); return new AbstractJsonValidator(this.getValue()) { @Override public Set<ValidationMessage> validate(JsonNode node, JsonNode rootNode, String at) { // Only process if the node is an array, as selectors and unique items do not apply to other data // types. if (node.isArray()) { // Create a property-value map of each items properties (selectors) and count the number of // occurrences for each combination. Map<Map<String, String>, Integer> uniqueItemCounts = Maps.newHashMap(); node.forEach(instance -> { // Only process instances that are objects. if (instance.isObject()) { Map<String, String> uniqueKeys = Maps.newHashMap(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> fieldIterator = instance.fields(); while (fieldIterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry = fieldIterator.next(); // If no selectors are configured, always add. Otherwise only add if the property is // a selector. if (selectors.isEmpty() || selectors.contains(entry.getKey())) { uniqueKeys.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().asText()); } } // Iterate count and put in counts map. int count = uniqueItemCounts.getOrDefault(uniqueKeys, 0) + 1; uniqueItemCounts.put(uniqueKeys, count); } }); // Find first selector combination with too many instances. Optional<Map<String, String>> uniqueKeysWithTooManyItems = uniqueItemCounts.entrySet() .stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue() > maxUniqueItems).map(Map.Entry::getKey) .findFirst(); // Return a failed validation if a selector combination has too many instances. if (uniqueKeysWithTooManyItems.isPresent()) { return fail(CustomErrorMessageType.of(KEYWORD, ERROR_MESSAGE_FORMAT), at, Integer.toString(maxUniqueItems), uniqueKeysWithTooManyItems.get().toString()); } } return pass(); } }; } private Set<String> getSelectorProperties(JsonSchema parentSchema) { if (parentSchema.getSchemaNode().has(SELECTORS) && parentSchema.getSchemaNode().get(SELECTORS).isArray()) { return Streams.stream(parentSchema.getSchemaNode().get(SELECTORS)).map(JsonNode::asText) .filter(StringUtils::isNotBlank).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } return Sets.newHashSet(); } }

MaxUtf8ByteLengthKeyword Class

package com.amazon.spucs.tests.keywords; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeType; import com.networknt.schema.AbstractJsonValidator; import com.networknt.schema.AbstractKeyword; import com.networknt.schema.CustomErrorMessageType; import com.networknt.schema.JsonSchema; import com.networknt.schema.JsonValidator; import com.networknt.schema.ValidationContext; import com.networknt.schema.ValidationMessage; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Set; /** * Example validator for the "maxUtf8ByteLength" keyword. */ public class MaxUtf8ByteLengthKeyword extends AbstractKeyword { private static final MessageFormat ERROR_MESSAGE_FORMAT = new MessageFormat("Value must be less than or equal {1} bytes in length."); private static final String KEYWORD = "maxUtf8ByteLength"; public MaxUtf8ByteLengthKeyword() { super(KEYWORD); } @Override public JsonValidator newValidator(String schemaPath, JsonNode schemaNode, JsonSchema parentSchema, ValidationContext validationContext) { // Only process if the provided schema value is a number. if (!JsonNodeType.NUMBER.equals(schemaNode.getNodeType())) { return null; } int maxUtf8ByteLength = schemaNode.asInt(); return new AbstractJsonValidator(this.getValue()) { @Override public Set<ValidationMessage> validate(JsonNode node, JsonNode rootNode, String at) { // Get the value as a string and evaluate its length in bytes. String value = node.asText(); if (value.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length > maxUtf8ByteLength) { return fail(CustomErrorMessageType.of(KEYWORD, ERROR_MESSAGE_FORMAT), at, Integer.toString(maxUtf8ByteLength)); } return pass(); } }; } }

MinUtf8ByteLengthKeyword Class

package com.amazon.spucs.tests.keywords; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeType; import com.networknt.schema.AbstractJsonValidator; import com.networknt.schema.AbstractKeyword; import com.networknt.schema.CustomErrorMessageType; import com.networknt.schema.JsonSchema; import com.networknt.schema.JsonValidator; import com.networknt.schema.ValidationContext; import com.networknt.schema.ValidationMessage; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Set; /** * Example validator for the "minUtf8ByteLength" keyword. */ public class MinUtf8ByteLengthKeyword extends AbstractKeyword { private static final MessageFormat ERROR_MESSAGE_FORMAT = new MessageFormat("Value must be greater than or equal {1} bytes in length."); private static final String KEYWORD = "minUtf8ByteLength"; public MinUtf8ByteLengthKeyword() { super(KEYWORD); } @Override public JsonValidator newValidator(String schemaPath, JsonNode schemaNode, JsonSchema parentSchema, ValidationContext validationContext) { // Only process if the provided schema value is a number. if (!JsonNodeType.NUMBER.equals(schemaNode.getNodeType())) { return null; } int minUtf8ByteLength = schemaNode.asInt(); return new AbstractJsonValidator(this.getValue()) { @Override public Set<ValidationMessage> validate(JsonNode node, JsonNode rootNode, String at) { // Get the value as a string and evaluate its length in bytes. String value = node.asText(); if (value.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length < minUtf8ByteLength) { return fail(CustomErrorMessageType.of(KEYWORD, ERROR_MESSAGE_FORMAT), at, Integer.toString(minUtf8ByteLength)); } return pass(); } }; } }

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