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Welcome to SP-API Documentation

Information about how to use the SP-API documentation site, and quick links for SP-API content.

Welcome to the Selling Partner API (SP-API) documentation site, where you can find multiple resources for migrating to and integrating with SP-API.

This site is for developers who want to create applications for selling partners (applications for sellers, vendors, or both).

Sections in this site that apply only to applications for sellers are marked for seller applications only. Sections that apply only to applications for vendors are marked for vendor applications only. All other sections apply to all selling partner applications.


To check the current status of all SP-APIs, refer to the API Health Dashboard. You can access the API Health Dashboard any time by selecting the API Status button in the upper right corner of the SP-API documentation site.

Quick links

API referencesInteractive API references for all of the SP-APIs
Code samplesWalkthroughs that highlight API capabilities, best practices, and optimal use cases
ModelsIndex of all SP-API models with links to API references and GitHub Swagger models
Deprecation scheduleA list of all SP-API deprecation and removal dates, organized by API
AnnouncementsNews for API releases, deprecations and changes, new blog posts, and general updates
Release notesRecord of changes to APIs, reports, feeds, and notifications
FAQFrequently asked questions about SP-API, including errors, general topics, and topics specifically for vendors
GitHub repositoryContains SP-API code artifacts, including Swagger models, client libraries, and JSON schemas
VideosEducational content designed to help developers successfully integrate and build with Amazon's Selling Partner APIs.


Looking for vendor content?

Start with SP-API models to identify the APIs that apply to vendors, then visit the corresponding documentation and FAQ.


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