Fulfillment Outbound API v2020-07-01 Use Case Guide
How to use the Fulfillment Outbound API.
API Version: v2020-07-01
What is the Fulfillment Outbound API?
The Selling Partner API for Fulfillment Outbound (Fulfillment Outbound API) lets you create applications that help a seller fulfill Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders using their inventory in Amazon's fulfillment network. You can also get information on both potential and existing fulfillment orders.
To complete the tutorials, you need:
Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
Tutorial: Retrieve proof of delivery for a delivered package
Learn how to get the photo or signature for a delivered Multi-Channel Fulfillment Outbound shipment.
To complete this tutorial, you need:
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
Get proof of delivery
Call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation by passing the following parameters:
Path parameters
Name | Description | Required |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | The identifier assigned to the item by the seller when the fulfillment order was created. maxLength: 40 Type: string | Yes |
Request example
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-145045"
Name | Description | Required |
fulfillmentOrder | General information about a fulfillment order, including its status. Type: FulfillmentOrder | Yes |
fulfillmentOrderItems | An array of fulfillment order item information. Type: FulfillmentOrderItemList | Yes |
fulfillmentShipments | An array of fulfillment shipment information. Type: FulfillmentShipmentList | No |
returnItems | An array of items that Amazon accepted for return. Returns empty if no items were accepted for return. Type: ReturnItemList | Yes |
returnAuthorizations | An array of return authorization information. Type: ReturnAuthorizationList | Yes |
Response example
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2024-05-21T14:48:15Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "Thank you for your order",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Jane Smith",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Any Town",
"stateOrRegion": "NC"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "28277"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillAllAvailable",
"receivedDate": "2024-05-21T14:50:45Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "CompletePartialled",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2024-05-22T03:44:35Z",
"notificationEmails": [
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": "1",
"fulfillmentNetworkSku": "X002ZKH36D",
"orderItemDisposition": "Sellable",
"cancelledQuantity": "0",
"unfulfillableQuantity": "0",
"estimatedShipDate": "2024-05-22T06:59:59Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2024-05-26T06:59:59Z",
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "35.00"
"fulfillmentShipments": [
"amazonShipmentId": "T7mfkbDX5",
"fulfillmentCenterId": "TUL2",
"fulfillmentShipmentStatus": "SHIPPED",
"shippingDate": "2024-05-22T03:39:19Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2024-05-26T06:59:59Z",
"fulfillmentShipmentItem": [
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": "1",
"packageNumber": "1681854637"
"fulfillmentShipmentPackage": [
"packageNumber": "1681854637",
"carrierCode": "AMZL",
"trackingNumber": "TBA123456789012",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2024-05-26T06:59:59Z",
"deliveryInformation": {
"deliveryDocumentList": [
"documentType" : "DELIVERY_IMAGE",
"url" : "https://some-image-url.com"
"dropOffLocation": {
"type" : "FRONT_DOOR"
"returnItems": [],
"returnAuthorizations": []
Tutorial: Retrieve a list of fulfillment orders
This tutorial shows you how to get a list of fulfillment orders after (or at) a specific date-time, or indicated by the next token parameter.
To complete this tutorial, you need:
Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
Step 1. Get a list of all fulfillment orders
Call the listAllFulfillmentOrders
operation by passing the following parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required |
queryStartDate | A date that you can use to select fulfillment orders that were last updated after (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in fulfillment order status, including the creation of a new fulfillment order. Type: string (date-time) | No |
nextToken | A string token returned in the response to your previous request. It is required for retrieving the next set of results [pagination]. Type: string | No |
Request example
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders?queryStartDate=2020-01-01T19:46:45Z"
A successful response has a 200 code.
Response example
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrders": [
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "902-6018020-0202003",
"displayableOrderId": "mws-test-query-20100713023203751",
"displayableOrderDate": "2020-01-09T19:46:45Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "AnyCompany",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"addressLine2": "Suite 123",
"city": "Any Town",
"stateOrRegion": "MI",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "48084"
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillOrKill",
"receivedDate": "2020-01-21T21:07:13Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "RECEIVED",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2020-01-21T21:07:30Z",
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "601-2020200-12345678",
"displayableOrderId": "TestOrder-FBAOutbound",
"displayableOrderDate": "2020-01-09T19:46:45Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "AnyCompany",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"addressLine2": "Suite 123",
"addressLine3": "Lane1",
"city": "Any Town",
"stateOrRegion": "MI",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "48084"
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillOrKill",
"receivedDate": "2020-01-23T19:56:41Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "COMPLETE",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2020-01-24T15:28:27Z",
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required"
Name | Description | Required |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | The fulfillment order identifier submitted with the Type: string | Yes |
marketplaceId | The identifier for the marketplace the fulfillment order is placed against. Type: string | Yes |
displayableOrderId | A fulfillment order identifier submitted with the Type: string | Yes |
displayableOrderDate | A date and time submitted with the Type: | Yes |
displayableOrderComment | A text block submitted with the Type: string | Yes |
shippingSpeedCategory | The shipping method used for the fulfillment order. Type: | Yes |
deliveryWindow | The time range within which a Scheduled Delivery fulfillment order should be delivered. Type: | No |
destinationAddress | The destination address submitted with the Type: | Yes |
fulfillmentAction | Specifies whether the fulfillment order should ship now or have an order hold put on it. Type: | No |
fulfillmentPolicy | The Type: | No |
codSettings | The cash on delivery (COD) charges that you associate with a COD fulfillment order. Type: | No |
receivedDate | The date and time that the fulfillment order was received by an Amazon fulfillment center. Type: | Yes |
fulfillmentOrderStatus | The current status of the fulfillment order. Type: | Yes |
statusUpdatedDate | The date and time that the status of the fulfillment order last changed, in ISO 8601 date-time format. Type: | Yes |
notificationEmails | A list of email addresses that the seller provides that are used by Amazon to send ship-complete notifications to recipients on behalf of the seller. Type: | No |
featureConstraints | A list of features and their fulfillment policies to apply to the order. Type: < | No |
An unsuccessful response has a non-2xx code and includes the following objects.
Name | Description |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the operation. Type: |
Tutorial: Retrieve delivery tracking information
This tutorial shows you how to get delivery tracking information for a package in an outbound shipment for a Multi-Channel Fulfillment order.
To complete this tutorial, you need:
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
Step 1. Get the package tracking details
Call the getPackageTrackingDetails
operation by passing the following parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required |
packageNumber | The package identifier returned by the Type: integer (int32) | Yes |
Request example
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/tracking?packageNumber=1987644423"
Response example
"payload": {
"packageNumber": 1987644423,
"trackingNumber": "TBA123456789012",
"carrierCode": "AMZN_US",
"carrierPhoneNumber": "1111111111",
"carrierURL": "https://www.swiship.com/track?id=TBA123456789012",
"shipDate": "2022-11-13T03:18:38Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-11-15T03:18:38Z",
"shipToAddress": {
"city": "Troy",
"state": "MI",
"country": "US"
"currentStatus": "DELIVERED",
"signedForBy": "Richard Roe",
"additionalLocationInfo": "FRONT_DOOR",
"trackingEvents": [
"eventDate": "2022-11-13T03:18:37Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Buffalo",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_101",
"eventDescription": "Carrier notified to pick up package."
"eventDate": "2022-11-13T03:18:38Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Buffalo",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_102",
"eventDescription": "Shipment picked up from seller's facility."
"eventDate": "2022-11-13T17:27:49Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Boise",
"state": "ID",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_302",
"eventDescription": "Out for delivery."
"eventDate": "2022-11-15T03:18:38Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Troy",
"state": "MI",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_301",
"eventDescription": "Delivered."
An unsuccessful response has a non-2xx code and includes the following objects. If the PackageNumber
does not exist, a 404 response provides the ineligibility errors.
Name | Description |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
Tutorial: Cancel a fulfillment order
This tutorial shows you how to send a request to Amazon to stop attempts to fulfill a fulfillment order indicated by the specified order identifier for a given marketplace. The cancelFulfillmentOrder
operation should only be called when the order is in 'Received' or 'Planning' status.
To complete this tutorial, you need:
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
Step 1. Cancel a fulfillment order
Call the cancelFulfillmentOrder
operation by passing the following parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | The identifier assigned to the item by the seller when the fulfillment order was created. maxLength: 40 Type: string | Yes |
Request example
PUT "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com /fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/TestOrder-7/cancel"
Response example
An unsuccessful response has a non-2xx code and includes the following objects. If the sellerFulfillmentOrderId
does not exist, a 404 response provides the ineligibility errors.
Name | Description |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
Tutorial: Retrieve a list of features
This tutorial shows you how to get a list of features available for Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders in the marketplace you specify, and whether the seller for which you made the call is enrolled for each feature.
To complete this tutorial, you need:
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
Step 1. Get a list of features
Call the getFeatures
operation by passing the following parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required |
marketplaceId | The marketplace for which to return the list of features. Type: string | Yes |
Request example
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/features?MarketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER"
A successful response has a 200 code.
Response example
"features": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureDescription": "Enables Shipment in non-Amazon branded boxes",
"sellerEligible": true
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMAZON ",
"featureDescription": "Blocks using Amazon Logistics as carrier",
"sellerEligible": true
Parameter | Description | Required |
featureName | The feature name Type: string | Yes |
featureDescription | The feature description. Type: string | Yes |