Operações sem concessão

Operações sem subsídios na SP-API.

Somente para aplicativos de vendedores.

A grantless operation is an operation that you can call without explicit authorization from a selling partner. This means that when you request a Login with Amazon access token prior to calling a grantless operation, you don't need to provide a refresh token. Instead, you use the scope parameter to provide the scope of the LWA authorization grant.

If you use a generated Java SDK (refer to Connecting to the Selling Partner API using a generated Java SDK) to call grantless operations, use the withScopes parameter to set one or more scopes for the LWA authorization grant when you configure your LWA credentials.

Consulte a tabela a seguir para ver as operações sem concessão na API do parceiro de vendas.

Operações sem concessão

Nome da operaçãoMétodo e caminho HTTP
createDestinationPOSTAR /notifications/v1/destinations
deleteDestinationDELETAR /notifications/v1/destinations/{destinationId}
deleteSubscriptionByIdDELETAR /notifications/v2/subscriptions/{notificationType}/{subscriptionId}
getDestinationOBTER /notifications/v1/destinations/{destinationId}
getDestinationsOBTER /notifications/v1/destinations
getSubscriptionByIdOBTER /notifications/v1/subscriptions/{notificationType}/{subscriptionId}
getAuthorizationCodeOBTER /authorization/v1/authorizationCode
rotateApplicationClientSecretPOSTAR /applications/2023-11-30/clientSecret

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