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商品定价 API v0 用例指南

如何使用产品定价 API。

API 版本:v0

什么是商品定价 API?

用于商品定价的销售伙伴 API(商品定价 API)以编程方式检索亚马逊商城商品的商品定价和报价信息。


  • SKU:用于标识亚马逊目录中某件商品的库存单位。
  • ASIN:商品的亚马逊商品编码。
  • URL 编码:URL 编码将字符转换为可通过互联网传输的格式。


本教程向您展示如何根据卖家 SKU 或 ASIN 检索卖家商品的定价信息。



步骤 1. 调用 getPricing

You can call the getPricing operation to get pricing information based on either a list of SKUs or ASINs. This operation accepts a list of up to 20 SKUs or ASINs as a query parameter.


名称 描述 Schema
MarketplaceId 商城标识符。指定返回哪个商城的价格。 类型:字符串
Asins 一个包含最多 20 个亚马逊商品编码 (ASIN) 值的列表,用于识别给定商城中的商品。
Skus 一个包含最多 20 个卖家 SKU 值的列表,用于识别给定商城中的商品。
ItemType 指示是使用 ASIN 值还是卖家 SKU 值来标识商品。如果您指定 Asin,则响应中的信息将取决于您在 Asins 参数中提供的 ASIN 列表。如果您指定 Sku,则响应中的信息将取决于您在 Skus 参数中提供的 SKU 列表。
Type: enum (ItemType)
CustomerType 指示是从消费者还是企业买家的角度请求定价信息。默认为 Consumer Type: enum (CustomerType)
OfferType 指示是请求卖家的 B2C(企业对消费者)还是 B2B(企业对企业)报价的定价信息。默认为 B2C Type: enum (OfferType)



名称 描述 Schema
getPricinggetCompetitivePricing 操作的有效负载。 PriceList
操作期间发生了一个或多个意外错误。 ErrorList

使用 ASIN 的请求示例:

GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/products/pricing/v0/price ?MarketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER &Asins=B00V5DG6IQ,B00551Q3CS &ItemType=Asin


{ "payload": [ { "status": "Success", "ASIN": "B00V5DG6IQ", "Product": { "Identifiers": { "MarketplaceASIN": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "ASIN": "B00V5DG6IQ" }, "SKUIdentifier": { "MarketplaceId": "", "SellerId": "", "SellerSKU": "" } }, "Offers": [ { "BuyingPrice": { "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "LandedPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 0.00 } }, "RegularPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "FulfillmentChannel": "MERCHANT", "ItemCondition": "New", "ItemSubCondition": "New", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00V5DG6IQ" } ] } }, { "status": "Success", "ASIN": "B00551Q3CS", "Product": { "Identifiers": { "MarketplaceASIN": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "ASIN": "B00551Q3CS" }, "SKUIdentifier": { "MarketplaceId": "", "SellerId": "", "SellerSKU": "" } }, "Offers": [ { "BuyingPrice": { "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "LandedPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 0.00 } }, "RegularPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "FulfillmentChannel": "MERCHANT", "ItemCondition": "New", "ItemSubCondition": "New", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00551Q3CS" } ] } } ] }

使用 SKU 的请求示例:

GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/products/pricing/v0/price ?MarketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER &Skus=NABetaASINB00V5DG6IQ,NABetaASINB00551Q3CS &ItemType=Sku


{ "payload": [ { "status": "Success", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00V5DG6IQ", "Product": { "Identifiers": { "MarketplaceASIN": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "ASIN": "B00V5DG6IQ" }, "SKUIdentifier": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "SellerId": "AXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00V5DG6IQ" } }, "Offers": [ { "BuyingPrice": { "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "LandedPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 0.00 } }, "RegularPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "FulfillmentChannel": "MERCHANT", "ItemCondition": "New", "ItemSubCondition": "New", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00V5DG6IQ" } ] } }, { "status": "Success", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00551Q3CS", "Product": { "Identifiers": { "MarketplaceASIN": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "ASIN": "B00551Q3CS" }, "SKUIdentifier": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "SellerId": "AXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00551Q3CS" } }, "Offers": [ { "BuyingPrice": { "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "LandedPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 0.00 } }, "RegularPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "FulfillmentChannel": "MERCHANT", "ItemCondition": "New", "ItemSubCondition": "New", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00551Q3CS" } ] } } ] }


本教程向您展示如何根据卖家 SKU 或 ASIN 检索卖家商品的竞争性定价信息。



步骤 1. 调用 getCompetitivePricing

You can call the getCompetitivePricing operation to get competitive pricing information based on either a list of SKUs or ASINs. This operation accepts a list of up to 20 SKUs or ASINs as a query parameter.


名称 描述 Schema
MarketplaceId 商城标识符。指定返回哪个商城的价格。 类型:字符串
Asins 一个包含最多 20 个亚马逊商品编码 (ASIN) 值的列表,用于识别给定商城中的商品。
Skus 一个包含最多 20 个卖家 SKU 值的列表,用于识别给定商城中的商品。
ItemType 指示是使用 ASIN 值还是卖家 SKU 值来标识商品。如果您指定 Asin,则响应中的信息将取决于您在 Asins 参数中提供的 ASIN 列表。如果您指定 Sku,则响应中的信息将取决于您在 Skus 参数中提供的 SKU 列表。
Type: enum (ItemType)
CustomerType 指示是从消费者还是企业买家的角度请求定价信息。默认为 Consumer Type: enum (CustomerType)



名称 描述 Schema
getPricinggetCompetitivePricing 操作的有效负载。 PriceList
操作期间发生了一个或多个意外错误。 ErrorList

使用 ASIN 的请求示例:

GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/products/pricing/v0/competitivePrice ?MarketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER &Asins=B00V5DG6IQ,B00551Q3CS &ItemType=Asin


{ "payload": [ { "status": "Success", "ASIN": "B00V5DG6IQ", "Product": { "Identifiers": { "MarketplaceASIN": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "ASIN": "B00V5DG6IQ" }, "SKUIdentifier": { "MarketplaceId": "", "SellerId": "", "SellerSKU": "" } }, "CompetitivePricing": { "CompetitivePrices": [ { "CompetitivePriceId": "4545645646", "Price": { "LandedPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10 }, "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 130 }, "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 120 }, "Points": { "PointsNumber": 130, "PointsMonetaryValue": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10 } } }, "condition": "new", "belongsToRequester": true } ], "NumberOfOfferListings": [ { "Count": 20, "condition": "new" } ], "TradeInValue": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10 } }, "SalesRankings": [ { "ProductCategoryId": "325345", "Rank": 1 } ] } }, { "status": "Success", "ASIN": "B00551Q3CS", "Product": { "Identifiers": { "MarketplaceASIN": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "ASIN": "B00551Q3CS" }, "SKUIdentifier": { "MarketplaceId": "", "SellerId": "", "SellerSKU": "" } }, "CompetitivePricing": { "CompetitivePrices": [ { "CompetitivePriceId": "45456452646", "Price": { "LandedPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10 }, "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 130 }, "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 120 }, "Points": { "PointsNumber": 130, "PointsMonetaryValue": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10 } } }, "condition": "new", "belongsToRequester": true } ], "NumberOfOfferListings": [ { "Count": 1, "condition": "new" } ], "TradeInValue": { "CurrencyCode": "string", "Amount": 0 } }, "SalesRankings": [ { "ProductCategoryId": "54564", "Rank": 1 } ] } } ] }

使用 SKU 的请求示例:

GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/products/pricing/v0/competitivePrice ?MarketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER &Skus=NABetaASINB00V5DG6IQ,NABetaASINB00551Q3CS &ItemType=Sku


{ "payload": [ { "status": "Success", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00V5DG6IQ", "Product": { "Identifiers": { "MarketplaceASIN": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "ASIN": "B00V5DG6IQ" }, "SKUIdentifier": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "SellerId": "AXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00V5DG6IQ" } }, "CompetitivePricing": { "CompetitivePrices": [ { "CompetitivePriceId": "3454535", "Price": { "LandedPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10 }, "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 130 }, "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 120 }, "Points": { "PointsNumber": 130, "PointsMonetaryValue": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10 } } }, "condition": "new", "belongsToRequester": true } ], "NumberOfOfferListings": [ { "Count": 402, "condition": "new" } ], "TradeInValue": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 20 } }, "SalesRankings": [ { "ProductCategoryId": "676554", "Rank": 1 } ] } }, { "status": "Success", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00551Q3CS", "Product": { "Identifiers": { "MarketplaceASIN": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "ASIN": "B00551Q3CS" }, "SKUIdentifier": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "SellerId": "AXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00551Q3CS" } }, "CompetitivePricing": { "CompetitivePrices": [ { "CompetitivePriceId": "4545645646", "Price": { "LandedPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10 }, "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 130 }, "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 120 }, "Points": { "PointsNumber": 130, "PointsMonetaryValue": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10 } } }, "condition": "new", "belongsToRequester": true } ], "NumberOfOfferListings": [ { "Count": 402, "condition": "new" } ], "TradeInValue": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 20 } }, "SalesRankings": [ { "ProductCategoryId": "35345", "Rank": 1 } ] } } ] }

教程:检索单个 SKU 商品的最低价格报价

本教程向您展示如何检索单个 SKU 商品的最低价格报价。



步骤 1. 调用 getListingOffers

You can call the getListingOffers operation to get lowest pricing information based on a SKU. This operation accepts a SKU as a path parameter.


名称 描述 Schema
SellerSKU 标识给定商城中的商品。SellerSKU 由卖家的 SellerId 限定,它包含在您提交的每个操作中。 类型:字符串


名称 描述 Schema
MarketplaceId 商城标识符。指定返回哪个商城的价格。 类型:字符串
ItemCondition 根据商品状况筛选商品。
Type: enum (ItemCondition)
CustomerType 指示是从消费者还是企业买家的角度请求定价信息。默认为 Consumer Type: enum (CustomerType)



名称 描述 Schema
getListingOffersgetItemOffers 操作的有效负载。 GetOffersResult
操作期间发生了一个或多个意外错误。 ErrorList


GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/products/pricing/v0/listings/NABetaASINB00V5DG6IQ/offers ?MarketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER &ItemCondition=New


{ "payload": { "SKU": "NABetaASINB00V5DG6IQ", "status": "Success", "ItemCondition": "New", "Identifier": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "ItemCondition": "New", "SellerSKU": "NABetaASINB00V5DG6IQ" }, "Summary": { "LowestPrices": [ { "condition": "new", "fulfillmentChannel": "Merchant", "LandedPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 0.00 } } ], "NumberOfOffers": [ { "condition": "new", "fulfillmentChannel": "Merchant" } ], "BuyBoxEligibleOffers": [ { "condition": "new", "fulfillmentChannel": "Merchant" } ], "TotalOfferCount": 1 }, "Offers": [ { "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 0.00 }, "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 10.00 }, "ShippingTime": { "maximumHours": 48, "minimumHours": 24, "availabilityType": "NOW" }, "SellerFeedbackRating": { "FeedbackCount": 0, "SellerPositiveFeedbackRating": 0.0 }, "ShipsFrom": { "State": "WA", "Country": "US" }, "SubCondition": "new", "IsFeaturedMerchant": false, "SellerId": "AXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "MyOffer": true, "IsFulfilledByAmazon": false } ], "MarketplaceID": "ATVPDKIKX0DER" } }

教程:使用检索 ASIN 的最低价格报价 getItemOffers 手术

本教程向您展示如何根据 ASIN 检索单件商品的最低价格报价。这是通过创建一个名为的新属性来完成的 listingPricegetItemOffers 回应。




  • 第 1 步。获取包含必要参数的商品报价。
  • 第 2 步。确认回复符合以下标准:
    • 这个 listingPrice 字段随即出现 price 并包含相同的子属性。
    • 数量折扣价格不包含 LandedPriceShipping 作为子属性。

第 1 步。获取包含必要参数的商品报价。

You can call the getItemOffers operation to get the lowest pricing information based on a ASIN. This operation accepts an ASIN as a path parameter.


名称 描述 Schema 必填项
Asin 商品的亚马逊商品编码 (ASIN)。 类型:字符串 有帮助


名称 描述 Schema 必填项
MarketplaceId 商城标识符。指定返回哪个商城的价格。 类型:字符串 有帮助
ItemCondition 根据商品状况筛选商品。可能的值:NewUsedCollectibleRefurbishedClub Type: enum (ItemCondition) 有帮助
CustomerType 指明是申请消费者优惠还是企业优惠。默认为 Consumer Type: enum (CustomerType) 有帮助

第 2 步。确认回复符合以下标准:

  • 这个 listingPrice 字段随即出现 price 并包含相同的子属性。
  • 数量折扣价格不包含 LandedPriceShipping 作为子属性。



名称 描述 Schema
getListingOffersgetItemOffers 操作的有效负载。 GetOffersResult
操作期间发生了一个或多个意外错误。 ErrorList


GET https://authoring.marketplaceapi-beta.amazonservices.com/products/pricing/v0/items/BT6SNNHWWQ/offers ?MarketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER &ItemType=Asin &Asins=B099284SRR &ItemCondition=New &CustomerType=Business


{ "payload": { "ASIN": "BT6SNNHWWQ", "status": "Success", "ItemCondition": "New", "Identifier": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "ItemCondition": "New", "ASIN": "BT6SNNHWWQ" }, "Summary": { "LowestPrices": [ { "condition": "new", "fulfillmentChannel": "Merchant", "LandedPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.50 }, "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.50 }, "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 0.00 } }, { "condition": "new", "fulfillmentChannel": "Merchant", "offerType": "B2B", "quantityTier": 10, "discountType": "QUANTITY_DISCOUNT", "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.33 } }, { "condition": "new", "fulfillmentChannel": "Merchant", "offerType": "B2B", "quantityTier": 20, "discountType": "QUANTITY_DISCOUNT", "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.29 } }, { "condition": "new", "fulfillmentChannel": "Merchant", "offerType": "B2B", "quantityTier": 30, "discountType": "QUANTITY_DISCOUNT", "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.25 } }, { "condition": "new", "fulfillmentChannel": "Merchant", "offerType": "B2B", "quantityTier": 50, "discountType": "QUANTITY_DISCOUNT", "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.16 } } ], "BuyBoxPrices": [ { "condition": "new", "offerType": "B2B", "quantityTier": 1, "LandedPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.50 }, "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.50 }, "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 0.00 }, "sellerId": "A31M2ZO4G2R747" }, { "condition": "new", "offerType": "B2B", "quantityTier": 10, "discountType": "QUANTITY_DISCOUNT", "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.33 }, "sellerId": "A31M2ZO4G2R747" }, { "condition": "new", "offerType": "B2B", "quantityTier": 20, "discountType": "QUANTITY_DISCOUNT", "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.29 }, "sellerId": "A31M2ZO4G2R747" }, { "condition": "new", "offerType": "B2B", "quantityTier": 30, "discountType": "QUANTITY_DISCOUNT", "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.24 }, "sellerId": "A31M2ZO4G2R747" }, { "condition": "new", "offerType": "B2B", "quantityTier": 40, "discountType": "QUANTITY_DISCOUNT", "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.16 }, "sellerId": "A31M2ZO4G2R747" } ], "NumberOfOffers": [ { "condition": "new", "fulfillmentChannel": "Merchant", "OfferCount": 2 } ], "BuyBoxEligibleOffers": [ { "condition": "new", "fulfillmentChannel": "Merchant", "OfferCount": 2 } ], "ListPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 11.00 }, "TotalOfferCount": 2 }, "Offers": [ { "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 0.00 }, "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.50 }, "quantityDiscountPrices": [ { "quantityTier": 10, "quantityDiscountType": "QUANTITY_DISCOUNT", "price": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.33 }, "listingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.33 } }, { "quantityTier": 20, "quantityDiscountType": "QUANTITY_DISCOUNT", "price": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.29 }, "listingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.29 } }, { "quantityTier": 30, "quantityDiscountType": "QUANTITY_DISCOUNT", "price": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.25 }, "listingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.25 } }, { "quantityTier": 40, "quantityDiscountType": "QUANTITY_DISCOUNT", "price": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.16 }, "listingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 8.16 } } ], "ShippingTime": { "maximumHours": 24, "minimumHours": 24, "availabilityType": "NOW" }, "SellerFeedbackRating": { "FeedbackCount": 0, "SellerPositiveFeedbackRating": 0.0 }, "ShipsFrom": { "Country": "US" }, "PrimeInformation": { "IsPrime": false, "IsNationalPrime": false }, "SubCondition": "new", "SellerId": "A31M2ZO4G2R747", "IsFeaturedMerchant": true, "IsBuyBoxWinner": true, "IsFulfilledByAmazon": false }, { "Shipping": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 0.00 }, "ListingPrice": { "CurrencyCode": "USD", "Amount": 9.99 }, "ShippingTime": { "maximumHours": 24, "minimumHours": 24, "availabilityType": "NOW" }, "SellerFeedbackRating": { "FeedbackCount": 0, "SellerPositiveFeedbackRating": 0.0 }, "ShipsFrom": { "Country": "US" }, "PrimeInformation": { "IsPrime": false, "IsNationalPrime": false }, "SubCondition": "new", "SellerId": "A31M2ZO4G2R747", "IsFeaturedMerchant": true, "IsBuyBoxWinner": true, "IsFulfilledByAmazon": false } ], "marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER" } }

教程:使用批量操作按 SKU 检索最低价格报价信息

本教程向您展示如何使用批量操作按 SKU 检索有关最低价格报价的信息。



步骤 1. 对 SKU 进行 URL 编码

URL 编码过程可确保所有 URL 均可通过 HTTP 发送。数据可以通过 HTTP 标头传递,也可以包含在 URL 的查询部分中。无效字符将替换为 %,后跟一个十六进制值。如果未对 SKU 进行 URL 编码,则会在 API 响应中收到状态代码 400,并显示错误消息 Item is an invalid SKU for marketplace XXXXXXXXX

示例:SKU VT-DEIT/57T1 应进行 URL 编码并作为 VT-DEIT%2F57T1 传递。

示例 Java 代码:

import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException*;* // Method to encode a SKU using `UTF-8` encoding scheme private static String encodeSKU(String sSKU) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(sSKU, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { e*.*printStackTrace*();* } }

SKU 未进行 URL 编码时的错误示例

在此请求中,传递 SKU 时未使用 URL 编码。使用了 Item\1,而不是 Item%2F1

POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/batches/products/pricing/v0/listingOffers { "requests": [ { "uri": "/products/pricing/v0/listings/Item\1/offers", "method": "GET", "ItemCondition": "New", "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "CustomerType": "Consumer" } ] }

收到的 API 响应是 200,但是特定 SKU 的响应中的 statusCode 将是 400:

{ "responses": [ { "status": { "statusCode": 400, "reasonPhrase": "Bad Request" }, "body": { "errors": [ { "code": "InvalidInput", "message": "Item is an invalid SKU for marketplace ATVPDKIKX0DER", "details": "" } ] }, "headers": { "x-amzn-RequestId": "e3452685-0450-4a18-b706-431a59d36818", "Date": "Fri, 22 Jul 2022 20:46:46 GMT" }, "request": { "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "SellerSKU": "Item", "CustomerType": "Consumer", "ItemCondition": "New" } } ] }

步骤 2. 调用 getListingOffersBatch 操作

The getListingOffersBatch operation allows you to fetch the lowest priced offers for a batch of listings by SKU. This operation allows up to 20 SKU requests in a single batch. Call the getListingOffersBatch operation, passing the following parameters:


名称 描述 Schema
requests 要运行的 getListingOffers 批处理请求的列表 Type: <ListingOffersRequest> array



名称 描述 Schema
responses getListingOffers 批处理响应的列表。 Type: <ListingOffersResponse> array


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教程:使用批量操作按 ASIN 检索最低价格报价信息

本教程向您展示如何使用批量操作按 ASIN 检索有关最低价格报价的信息。



步骤 1. 调用 getItemsOffersBatch 操作

The getItemOffersBatch operation allows you to fetch the lowest priced offers for a batch of items by ASIN. This operation allows up to 20 ASIN requests in a single batch. Call the getItemOffersBatch operation, passing the following parameters:


名称 描述 Schema
requests 要运行的 ItemOffersRequest 批处理请求的列表 Type: <ItemOffersRequest> array



名称 描述 Schema
responses getItemOffers 批处理响应的列表。 Type: <ItemOffersResponse> array


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