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开发者中心API 状态支持


使用销售合作伙伴 API 检索采购订单号并将其传递给 UPS、FedEx 或 USPS。

企业对企业 (B2B) 订单通常在发货标签上包含采购订单号。您通过卖家平台或使用销售合作伙伴 API 检索的货件标签会自动包含采购订单号。

If you get shipping labels from a source outside of Amazon, the shipping labels might not include the purchase order number. For these cases, you can get the purchase order number by using the Orders API or the Reports API of the Selling Partner API. You then pass the purchase order number to the carrier when you use the carrier's API.

这些教程介绍如何获取采购订单号,然后将采购订单号传递给 UPS、FedEx 和 USPS。

教程:使用订单 API 检索采购订单号

The following tutorial shows how to retrieve a purchase order number by using the Orders API. For this method to work, the isBusinessOrder field of the order must be true.

步骤 1. 调用 getOrder 操作

Call the getOrder operation. Include the orderId in the path.

第 2 步。请查看 IsBusinessOrder 领域

在响应中,检查是否 IsBusinessOrder 字段是 true。如果 IsBusinessOrder 字段是 false 或者不存在,则回复中不包含采购订单号。

以下示例显示了包含以下内容的响应负载 IsBusinessOrder 字段设置为 true

"payload": { "AmazonOrderId": "902-3159896-1390916", "PurchaseDate": "2017-01-20T19:49:35Z", "LastUpdateDate": "2017-01-20T19:49:35Z", "OrderStatus": "Pending", "FulfillmentChannel": "SellerFulfilled", "NumberOfItemsShipped": 0, "NumberOfItemsUnshipped": 0, "PaymentMethod": "Other", "PaymentMethodDetails": [ "CreditCard" ], "MarketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER", "ShipmentServiceLevelCategory": "Standard", "OrderType": "StandardOrder", "EarliestShipDate": "2017-01-20T19:51:16Z", "LatestShipDate": "2017-01-25T19:49:35Z", "IsBusinessOrder": true, "IsPrime": false, "IsGlobalExpressEnabled": false, "IsPremiumOrder": false, "IsSoldByAB": false, "IsIBA": false, "DefaultShipFromLocationAddress": { "Name": "TestMerchant", "AddressLine1": "2201 WESTLAKE AVE", "City": "SEATTLE", "StateOrRegion": "WA", "PostalCode": "98121-2778", "CountryCode": "US", "Phone": "+1 234-567-8910", "AddressType": "Commercial" }, "FulfillmentInstruction": { "FulfillmentSupplySourceId": "sampleSupplySourceId" }, "IsISPU": false, "IsAccessPointOrder": false, "ShippingAddress": { "Name": "Michigan address", "AddressLine1": "1 Main Street", "City": "Canton", "StateOrRegion": "MI", "PostalCode": "48817", "CountryCode": "US" }, "BuyerInfo": { "BuyerEmail": "user@example.com", "BuyerName": "John Doe", "BuyerTaxInfo": { "CompanyLegalName": "A Company Name" }, "PurchaseOrderNumber": "1234567890123" }, "AutomatedShippingSettings": { "HasAutomatedShippingSettings": false } }

第 3 步。获取采购订单号

采购订单号在 PurchaseOrderNumber 中的字段 BuyerInfo 响应中的对象。有关响应负载示例,请参阅前面的步骤。

教程:使用报告 API 检索采购订单号

The following tutorial shows how to retrieve a purchase order number by using the Reports API.

步骤 1. 调用 createReport 操作

Call the createReport operation. Specify one of the following report types:


第 2 步。检查报告是否已完成

定期轮询 Amazon SQS 队列以获取 REPORT_PROCESSING_FINISHED 事件,它在报表处理时提供信息 CANCELLEDDONE,或 FATAL。如果报告数据可用,则该事件将包含一个值 reportDocumentId 领域。

For details, refer to Verify that Report Processing is Complete.

第 3 步。获取报告

Call the getReportDocument operation. Pass in the reportDocumentId value from the previous step.

A successful response includes a url that you can use to download the report. For details, refer to Retrieve a Report.

步骤 2. 下载报告


第 5 步。查看 IsBusinessOrder 领域

在报告中,检查是否 IsBusinessOrder 字段是 true。如果 IsBusinessOrder 字段是 false 或者不存在,报告不包括采购订单号。

以下示例显示了一个包含以下内容的报告 IsBusinessOrder 字段设置为 true

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <AmazonEnvelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="amzn-envelope.xsd"> <Header> <DocumentVersion>1.01</DocumentVersion> <MerchantIdentifier>A3912FIWOIVW91</MerchantIdentifier> </Header> <MessageType>OrderReport</MessageType> <Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OrderReport> <AmazonOrderID>123-4567-8910</AmazonOrderID> <AmazonSessionID>12-13141516-171819</AmazonSessionID> <OrderDate>2024-03-18T16:59:49-07:00</OrderDate> <OrderPostedDate>2024-03-18T16:59:49-07:00</OrderPostedDate> <BillingData> <BuyerEmailAddress>7f032r5qjxxxxxx@marketplace.amazon.com</BuyerEmailAddress> <BuyerName>John Doe</BuyerName> <BuyerPhoneNumber>123-456-7891</BuyerPhoneNumber> </BillingData> <FulfillmentData> <FulfillmentMethod>Ship</FulfillmentMethod> <FulfillmentServiceLevel>Standard</FulfillmentServiceLevel> <Address> <Name>Denise Park</Name> <AddressFieldOne>1 Main Street</AddressFieldOne> <City>Bellevue</City> <StateOrRegion>WI</StateOrRegion> <PostalCode>53189-6553</PostalCode> <CountryCode>US</CountryCode> <PhoneNumber>+1 123-456-7891</PhoneNumber> </Address> </FulfillmentData> <IsBusinessOrder>true</IsBusinessOrder> <PurchaseOrderNumber>PO12345</PurchaseOrderNumber> <Item> <AmazonOrderItemCode>123456789</AmazonOrderItemCode> <SKU>12-3456-789</SKU> <Title>Marshmallows</Title> <Quantity>2</Quantity> <ProductTaxCode>A1_FB_CANDY17</ProductTaxCode> <ItemPrice> <Component> <Type>Principal</Type> <Amount currency="USD">20.90</Amount> </Component> <Component> <Type>Shipping</Type> <Amount currency="USD">0.00</Amount> </Component> <Component> <Type>Tax</Type> <Amount currency="USD">1.04</Amount> </Component> <Component> <Type>ShippingTax</Type> <Amount currency="USD">0.00</Amount> </Component> </ItemPrice> <ItemFees> <Fee> <Type>Commission</Type> <Amount currency="USD">-1.68</Amount> </Fee> </ItemFees> <SignatureConfirmationRecommended>false</SignatureConfirmationRecommended> </Item> </OrderReport> </Message>

第 6 步。获取采购订单号

在报告中,采购订单号位于 PurchaseOrderNumber 领域。有关响应负载示例,请参阅前面的步骤。


以下教程介绍如何将采购订单号传递给 UPS、FedEx 和 USPS。

  • UPS: Call the UPS Shipment operation. In the ReferenceNumber array, include an element with Code equal to "PO" and Value equal to the purchase order number.


  • FedEx: Call the FedEx CreateShipment operation. In the requestedShipment object, in the requestedPackageLineItems.customerReferences array, include an element with customerReferenceType equal to "P_O_NUMBER" and value equal to the purchase order number. For a list of customer reference types, refer to Customer Reference Types.

  • USPS: Call the USPS eVS Label API. Use the CustomerRefNo field or the CustomerRefNo2 field to pass the purchase order number. Set the PrintCustomerRefNo field to true.
