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开发者中心API 状态支持
开发者中心API 状态支持

更新 Guard

亚马逊销售伙伴 API Guard 堆栈更新说明

使用此程序更新卖家合作伙伴 API Guard CloudFormation 堆栈。

  1. Sign in to the AWS Cloudformation console, choose your existing Selling Partner API Guard CloudFormation stack, and choose Update.
  2. 选择 Replace current template
  3. In the Specify template, choose Amazon S3 URL.
  4. Enter or paste the URL for the updated template in the Amazon S3 URL box, and choose Next.
  5. On the Specify stack details page, review the parameters for the template and modify them as necessary. Then, choose Next.
  6. Configure stack options 页面,选择 Next
  7. On the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Select I acknowledge that this template may create IAM resources to specify that you want to use IAM resources in the template.
  8. Choose View change set and verify the changes.
  9. Choose Update stack to deploy the stack.

You can view the status of the stack in the AWS CloudFormation console in the Status column.
