排除 VIDR 和上传错误。
您可能会遇到 VIDR 错误和上传错误。有关错误类型及其原因的信息,请参阅以下各节。
错误 | 原因 |
已提供 MarketplaceIdList 无效。 | 指定了不支持的商城。仅支持欧盟商城。 |
已提供 reportType 无效。 | 指定的 ReportOptions 价值不是 PendingInvoices 要么 All 。 |
的最大日期范围 ReportOptions All 是 30 天。请使用较短的日期范围再试一次。 | 日期范围超过 30 天。 |
endDate 减去 startDate 。 | 指定的结束日期早于开始日期。 |
要获取 Feed 上传的结果,请使用 invoice-status-description
VIDR 中的列。如果在上传过程中出现错误,则会在中列出 invoice-status-description
并且货件列在 PendingInvoices
不要使用 GetSubmissionFeedResult
获取上传源的结果。 GetSubmissionFeedResult
错误 | 原因 | 代码 |
FeatureNotAvailable Invoice Upload API is in a closed beta. Contact Seller Support or your account manager if you want to use this feature. | 默认情况下,并非所有卖家都可使用带有自助开票选项的 VCS。在 VCS 注册期间未选择自助开票选项的卖家无法上传发票。 | 79509 |
MarketplaceIDInputError Provide only one valid marketplace while uploading an invoice. | 指定了多个商城,未指定任何商城或指定了不支持的商城。支持的商城是西班牙、英国、法国、荷兰、德国、意大利、瑞士和波兰。 | 79523 |
MissingRequestPreferences Provide {missingParameters} | One or more required key-value pairs is missing in the metadata that is uploaded with the feed. You can input up to seven key-value pairs (some required, some optional), depending on the type of transaction. For more information, refer to Create and Upload Invoices. | 79513 |
InvalidDocumentType The document type {documentType} is not supported. | 这个 DocumentType 密钥的值不是 Invoice 要么 CreditNote 。 | 79531 |
InvoiceFileIsNotPDF Invoice uploaded is not PDF for shipmentId {shipmentId}, orderId {orderId}, and InvoiceNumber {invoiceNumber}. | 上传的文件不是 PDF。 | 79503 |
NoFileUpload Invoice missing in feed submission. Provide an invoice for shipmentId {shipmentId}, orderId {orderId}, and invoiceNumber {invoiceNumber}. | 您提交的上传数据时没有开具发票。 | 79508 |
InvalidOrderId OrderId {orderId} is invalid or shipment has not yet been dispatched. | 上传的订单编号不存在、不属于卖家或货件尚未发货。亚马逊拒绝发货前上传的发票。 | 79517 |
MultipleShipments OrderId {orderId} has multiple shipments. Provide the shipment ID. | 如果订单有多次配送,且根据订单编号上传了发票,则亚马逊会返回此错误,因为我们无法将发票映射到货件。当订单分多次发货时,必须为每批货件单独上传发票。如果订单只有一件货件,亚马逊会接受根据订单编号开具的发票,并自动将订单编号映射到货件编号。 | 79518 |
InvalidShipmentID Shipment ID is invalid for shipmentId !{shipmentId}. | 货件编号不存在,或不属于该卖家的订单,或者货件尚未发货。 | 79530 |
MarketplaceIDDoesNotMatchShipmentID The marketplaceId {marketplaceId} seller input is wrong because the invoice seller tried to upload is not in this marketplace for orderId {orderId}, or shipmentId {shipmentId}. | 指定的货件编号不适用于来自指定商城编号的订单。 | 79535 |
NotdoubleRequestPreferences {nonDoubleParameters} not number. | 元数据中的总金额或增值税总额不是数字。 | 79521 |
InvoiceAlreadyPresent Invoice is already there for shipmentId {shipmentId}, orderId {orderId}, and invoiceNumber {invoiceNumber}. | 发票是针对已上传发票的货件上传的。如果发货状态为,卖家无法上传发票 InvoiceUploaded 。每批货件只能有一张发票。 | 79510 |
InvoiceUploadInProgress Invoice is being processed for order shipmentId {shipmentId}. | 亚马逊已经在处理配送的发票。发票上传后,货件的发票状态变为 InvoiceProcessing 。如果卖家在此阶段尝试上传发票,则将返回此错误。 | 79521 |
InvalidDocumentUploaded The uploaded document is invalid. | 您提交的文档为空白或不是有效发票(例如,带有引号、图片、引文或缺少必填字段的文档)。您必须针对此订单或货件上传有效发票。 | 79555 |
Updated 28 days ago