配送出库 API v2020-07-01 用例指南
如何使用配送入库 API
API 版本:v2020-07-01
什么是配送出库 API?
用于配送出库的销售伙伴 API(配送出库 API)允许您创建应用程序,帮助卖家使用其在亚马逊物流网络中的库存配送多渠道配送订单。您还可以获取有关潜在和现有配送订单的信息。
Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
Call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation by passing the following parameters:
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。最大长度:40 类型: 字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-145045"
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
fulfillmentOrder | General information about a fulfillment order, including its status. Type: FulfillmentOrder | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentOrderItems | An array of fulfillment order item information. Type: FulfillmentOrderItemList | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentShipments | An array of fulfillment shipment information. Type: FulfillmentShipmentList | 没有帮助 |
returnItems | An array of items that Amazon accepted for return. Returns empty if no items were accepted for return. Type: ReturnItemList | 有帮助 |
returnAuthorizations | An array of return authorization information. Type: ReturnAuthorizationList | 有帮助 |
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2024-05-21T14:48:15Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "Thank you for your order",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Jane Smith",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Any Town",
"stateOrRegion": "NC"
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "28277"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillAllAvailable",
"receivedDate": "2024-05-21T14:50:45Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "CompletePartialled",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2024-05-22T03:44:35Z",
"notificationEmails": [
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": "1",
"fulfillmentNetworkSku": "X002ZKH36D",
"orderItemDisposition": "Sellable",
"cancelledQuantity": "0",
"unfulfillableQuantity": "0",
"estimatedShipDate": "2024-05-22T06:59:59Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2024-05-26T06:59:59Z",
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "35.00"
"fulfillmentShipments": [
"amazonShipmentId": "T7mfkbDX5",
"fulfillmentCenterId": "TUL2",
"fulfillmentShipmentStatus": "SHIPPED",
"shippingDate": "2024-05-22T03:39:19Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2024-05-26T06:59:59Z",
"fulfillmentShipmentItem": [
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": "1",
"packageNumber": "1681854637"
"fulfillmentShipmentPackage": [
"packageNumber": "1681854637",
"carrierCode": "AMZL",
"trackingNumber": "TBA123456789012",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2024-05-26T06:59:59Z",
"deliveryInformation": {
"deliveryDocumentList": [
"documentType" : "DELIVERY_IMAGE",
"url" : "https://some-image-url.com"
"dropOffLocation": {
"type" : "FRONT_DOOR"
"returnItems": [],
"returnAuthorizations": []
Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 获取所有配送订单的列表
Call the listAllFulfillmentOrders
operation by passing the following parameters:
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
queryStartDate | 用于选择在指定时间(或之后)最后一次更新的配送订单的日期。更新定义为配送订单状态的任何更改,包括创建新的配送订单。 类型:字符串(日期时间) | 没有帮助 |
nextToken | 在响应上一个请求时返回的字符串令牌。这是获取下一组结果所必需的 [分页] 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders?queryStartDate=2020-01-01T19:46:45Z"
成功的响应有 200 个代码。
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrders": [
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "902-6018020-0202003",
"displayableOrderId": "mws-test-query-20100713023203751",
"displayableOrderDate": "2020-01-09T19:46:45Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "AnyCompany",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"addressLine2": "Suite 123",
"city": "Any Town",
"stateOrRegion": "MI",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "48084"
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillOrKill",
"receivedDate": "2020-01-21T21:07:13Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "RECEIVED",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2020-01-21T21:07:30Z",
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "601-2020200-12345678",
"displayableOrderId": "TestOrder-FBAOutbound",
"displayableOrderDate": "2020-01-09T19:46:45Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "AnyCompany",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"addressLine2": "Suite 123",
"addressLine3": "Lane1",
"city": "Any Town",
"stateOrRegion": "MI",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "48084"
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillOrKill",
"receivedDate": "2020-01-23T19:56:41Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "COMPLETE",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2020-01-24T15:28:27Z",
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required"
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | The fulfillment order identifier submitted with the 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城的编码。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderId | A fulfillment order identifier submitted with the 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderDate | A date and time submitted with the Type: | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderComment | A text block submitted with the 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategory | 用于配送订单的配送方式。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryWindow | 已安排的配送订单的配送时间范围。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
destinationAddress | The destination address submitted with the Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentAction | 指定配送订单是立即发货还是暂停订单。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentPolicy | The Type: | 没有帮助 |
codSettings | 您与货到付款配送订单关联的货到付款 (COD) 费用。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
receivedDate | 亚马逊运营中心收到配送订单的日期和时间。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentOrderStatus | 配送订单的当前状态。 Type: | 有帮助 |
statusUpdatedDate | The date and time that the status of the fulfillment order last changed, in ISO 8601 date-time format. Type: | 有帮助 |
notificationEmails | 卖家提供的电子邮件地址列表,亚马逊使用这些地址代表卖家向收件人发送配送完成通知。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | 操作期间发生了一个或多个意外错误。 Type: |
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 获取包裹追踪详情
Call the getPackageTrackingDetails
operation by passing the following parameters:
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
packageNumber | The package identifier returned by the 类型:整数 (int32) | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/tracking?packageNumber=1987644423"
"payload": {
"packageNumber": 1987644423,
"trackingNumber": "TBA123456789012",
"carrierCode": "AMZN_US",
"carrierPhoneNumber": "1111111111",
"carrierURL": "https://www.swiship.com/track?id=TBA123456789012",
"shipDate": "2022-11-13T03:18:38Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-11-15T03:18:38Z",
"shipToAddress": {
"city": "Troy",
"state": "MI",
"country": "US"
"currentStatus": "DELIVERED",
"signedForBy": "Richard Roe",
"additionalLocationInfo": "FRONT_DOOR",
"trackingEvents": [
"eventDate": "2022-11-13T03:18:37Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Buffalo",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_101",
"eventDescription": "Carrier notified to pick up package."
"eventDate": "2022-11-13T03:18:38Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Buffalo",
"state": "NY",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_102",
"eventDescription": "Shipment picked up from seller's facility."
"eventDate": "2022-11-13T17:27:49Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Boise",
"state": "ID",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_302",
"eventDescription": "Out for delivery."
"eventDate": "2022-11-15T03:18:38Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Troy",
"state": "MI",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_301",
"eventDescription": "Delivered."
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。如果 PackageNumber
不存在,404 响应提供了不合格错误。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
本教程向您展示如何向亚马逊发送请求,以停止尝试配送给定商城的指定订单编号所示的配送订单。只有当订单处于“已接收”或“计划中”状态时,才能调用 cancelFulfillmentOrder
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 取消配送订单
Call the cancelFulfillmentOrder
operation by passing the following parameters:
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
PUT "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com /fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/TestOrder-7/cancel"
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。如果 sellerFulfillmentOrderId
不存在,404 响应提供了不合格错误。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 获取功能列表
Call the getFeatures
operation by passing the following parameters:
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 要返回功能列表的商城。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/features?MarketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER"
成功的响应有 200 个代码。
"features": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureDescription": "Enables Shipment in non-Amazon branded boxes",
"sellerEligible": true
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMAZON ",
"featureDescription": "Blocks using Amazon Logistics as carrier",
"sellerEligible": true
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
featureName | 功能名称 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
featureDescription | 功能描述。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
sellerEligible | 如果为 true,则表示卖家有资格使用该功能。 类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
教程:检索符合 Blank Box 条件的库存
本教程向您展示如何获取符合 Blank Box 条件的库存商品列表。
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 获取功能库存商品列表
Call the getFeatureInventory
operation by passing the following parameters:
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 要为其返回符合指定功能条件的库存列表的商城。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
featureName | 要为其返回符合条件的库存列表的功能名称。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
nextToken | 在响应上一个请求时返回的字符串令牌,用于返回下一个响应页面。值为 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
queryStartDate | 用于选择在 90 天之前(或之前)上次更新的库存的日期。更新定义为启用了功能的库存可用性发生的任何变化。这必须采用 yyyy-MM-ddthh: mm: ss.ssz 格式,例如:2020-04-04T 16:20:23.000 Z。 类型:字符串(日期时间) | 没有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/features/inventory/BLANK_BOX?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER"
成功的响应有 200 个代码。
"payload": {
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureSkus": [
"sellerSku": "TEST_SKU_BLKAM",
"fnSku": "X00TEST9UZ",
"asin": "B08DTESTNM",
"skuCount": "4",
"overlappingSkus": []
"sellerSku": "TEST_SKU_BLKAM2",
"fnSku": "X00TESTTS5",
"asin": "B0TESTXXQM",
"skuCount": "2",
"overlappingSkus": []
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 请求的商城。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
featureName | 功能的名称。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
nextToken | 如果存在且不为空,则在下一个请求中传递此字符串令牌以返回下一个响应页面。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
featureSkus | 一组有资格使用此功能的 SKU 以及可用数量。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
教程:检索特定 SKU 的 Blank Box 库存
本教程将向您展示如何使用指定的 sellerSKU
获取功能卖家 SKU 的总数。
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 获取功能卖家 SKU 的计数
Call the getFeatureSKU
operation by passing the following parameters:
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 要返回计数的商城。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
featureName | 功能的名称。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
sellerSku | 用于标识给定商城中的商品。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/features/inventory/BLANK_BOX/TEST_SKU_BLKAM?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER"
"payload": {
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"isEligible": true,
"ineligibleReasons": [],
"sellerSku": "TEST_SKU_BLKAM",
"fnSku": "X0TEST9UZ",
"asin": "B0TESTQ6NM",
"skuCount": "4"
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 请求的商城。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
| 功能的名称。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
isEligible | 如果为 true,则卖家 类型:布尔值 | 有帮助 |
ineligibleReasons | 卖家 SKU 不符合该功能使用资格的一个或多个原因的列表。 可能的值:
类型:< 字符串 > 数组 | 没有帮助 |
skuInfo | 有关 Type: | 没有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 获取计划配送日期的配送预览
Call the getFulfillmentPreview
operation with values ShippingSpeedCategories
= ScheduledDelivery
and IncludeDeliveryWindows
= true
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
address | 配送订单预览的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
items | 配送订单预览中商品的识别信息和数量信息。 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategories | 用于创建配送订单预览的配送方式列表。 可能的值:
Note: Shipping method service-level agreements vary by marketplace. Sellers should refer to the Seller Central website in their marketplace for shipping method service-level agreements and fulfillment fees. | 没有帮助 |
includeCODFulfillmentPreview | 指定是否退回货到付款 (COD) 的配送订单预览。 可能的值:
类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
includeDeliveryWindows | Specifies whether to return the ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object, which contains the available delivery windows for a Scheduled Delivery. The ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object can only be returned for fulfillment order previews with 类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-fe.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/preview"
"marketplaceId": "A1VC38T7YXB528",
"address": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "1-8-1 Shimomeguro",
"addressLine2": "Meguro-ku",
"city": "Tokyo",
"countryCode": "JP",
"postalCode": "153-0064"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "SellerSKU12",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": 2
"shippingSpeedCategories": [
"IncludeDeliveryWindows": "true"
A successful response has a 200 code and the response schema for the getFulfillmentPreview
"payload": {
"fulfillmentPreviews": [
"shippingSpeedCategory": "ScheduledDelivery",
"isFulfillable": true,
"isCODCapable": false,
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "0.441"
"estimatedFees": [
"name": "FBAPerOrderFulfillmentFee",
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "YEN",
"value": "0.0"
"name": "FBATransportationFee",
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "YEN",
"value": "0.0"
"name": "FBAPerUnitFulfillmentFee",
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "YEN",
"value": "9.82"
"fulfillmentPreviewShipments": [
"earliestShipDate": "2022-12-11T08:00:00Z",
"latestShipDate": "2022-12-12T07:59:59Z",
"earliestArrivalDate": "2022-12-13T08:00:00Z",
"latestArrivalDate": "2022-12-14T07:59:59Z",
"fulfillmentPreviewItems": [
"sellerSku": "SellerSKU12",
"quantity": 2,
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "0.441"
"shippingWeightCalculationMethod": "Dimensional"
"scheduledDeliveryinfo": {
"deliveryTimeZone": "UTC",
"deliveryWindows": [
"endDate": "2022-12-15T10:48:11Z",
"startDate": "2022-12-15T06:48:11Z"
"endDate": "2022-12-16T14:48:11Z",
"startDate": "2022-12-16T10:48:11Z"
"unfulfillablePreviewItems": [],
"marketplaceId": "A1VC38T7YXB528"
名称 | 描述 |
FulfillmentPreviews | 一组配送预览信息。 Type: |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | 操作期间发生了一个或多个意外错误。 Type: |
步骤 2. 创建配送订单
Call the createFulfillmentOrder
operation with the Delivery Window obtained from the getFulfillmentPreview
response and with ShippingSpeedCategory
= ScheduledDelivery
. If you use any other window with the createFulfillmentOrder
operation, the service returns an error and you must rerun the getFulfillmentPreview
Shipping method service-level agreements vary by marketplace. Sellers can refer to Seller Central for shipping method service-level agreements and multi-channel fulfillment fees.
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 卖家为追踪其配送订单而创建的配送订单编号。对于卖家创建的每个配送订单, 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderId | 卖家创建的配送订单编号。此值作为订单编号显示在面向收件人的材料中,如出库货件装箱单。 该值必须是字母数字或符合 ISO 8859-1 标准的字符串,长度为 1 至 40 个字符。不能连续包含两个空格。前部和尾部的空格会被移除。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderDate | 配送订单的日期和时间。在面向收件人的材料(如出货装箱单)中显示为订单日期。 Type: | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderComment | 特定于订单的文本,出现在面向收件人的材料中,如出货装箱单。 最大长度:250 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategory | 配送订单的配送方式。 ShippingSpeedCategory | 有帮助 |
deliveryWindow | 已安排的配送订单的配送时间范围。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
destinationAddress | 配送订单的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryPreferences | 配送首选项适用于目的地地址。这些首选项将在可能的情况下适用,并且是尽力而为。对于符合条件的订单,默认的配送偏好是将包裹放在前门无人看管。此功能目前仅在日本商城支持,不适用于其他商城。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentAction | 指定配送订单是立即发货还是暂停订单。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentPolicy | 提交 Type: | 没有帮助 |
codSettings | 您与货到付款配送订单关联的货到付款费用。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
shipFromCountryCode | 配送订单发货的国家/地区的双字符国家代码。必须采用 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式。如果是跨境运输,则是必填项。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
notificationEmails | 卖家提供的电子邮件地址列表,亚马逊使用这些地址代表卖家向收件人发送配送完成通知。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
Items | 要包括在配送订单预览中的商品列表,包括数量。 | 有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-fe.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders"
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-01-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "ScheduledDelivery",
"deliveryWindow": {
"endDate": "2022-12-15T10:48:11Z",
"startDate": "2022-12-15T06:48:11Z"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "1-8-1 Shimomeguro",
"addressLine2": "Meguro-ku",
"city": "Tokyo",
"countryCode": "JP",
"postalCode": "153-0064"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "SellerSKU12",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": 1
成功的响应具有 200 个代码,并包含以下对象。
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
步骤 3. 获取配送订单以验证订单详情
After successfully calling the createFulfillmentOrder
operation, call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation to validate fulfillmentAction= Ship
and fulfillmentOrderStatus= Received
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-fe.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-145045"
成功的响应具有带有效载荷的 200 代码。
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"marketplaceId": "A1VC38T7YXB528",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-01-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "ScheduledDelivery",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "1-8-1 Shimomeguro",
"addressLine2": "Meguro-ku",
"city": "Tokyo",
"countryCode": "JP",
"postalCode": "153-0064"
"deliveryWindow": {
"endDate": "2022-12-15T10:48:11Z",
"startDate": "2022-12-15T06:48:11Z"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillAllAvailable",
"receivedDate": "2022-09-21T14:50:45Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "Received",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2022-09-22T03:44:35Z"
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"sellerSku": "SellerSKU12",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": "1"
"fulfillmentShipments": [],
"returnItems": [],
"returnAuthorizations": []
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
fulfillmentOrder | 有关配送订单的一般信息,包括其状态。 Type: | 有帮助 |
| 一组配送订单商品信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentShipments | 一组配送货件信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
returnItems | 亚马逊接受退货的一组商品。如果没有接受任何退货商品,则返回空值。 Type: | 有帮助 |
returnAuthorizations | 一组退货授权信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | 操作期间发生了一个或多个意外错误。 Type: |
教程:为印度创建 MCF 订单
本教程概述了印度的 MCF 订单创建流程。
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 获取配送预览
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
address | 配送订单预览的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
items | 配送订单预览中商品的识别信息和数量信息。 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategories | 用于创建配送订单预览的配送方式列表。 可能的值:
Note: Shipping method service-level agreements vary by marketplace. Standard shipping method is the only shipping method supported for India. Sellers should refer to the Seller Central website in their marketplace for shipping method service-level agreements and fulfillment fees. | 没有帮助 |
includeCODFulfillmentPreview | 指定是否退回货到付款 (COD) 的配送订单预览。 可能的值:
类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
includeDeliveryWindows | Specifies whether to return the ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object, which contains the available delivery windows for a Scheduled Delivery. The ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object can only be returned for fulfillment order previews with 类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/preview"
"marketplaceId": "A21TJRUUN4KGV",
"name": "Saanvi Sarkar",
"addressLine1": "FLAT#20012, Tower#20, Prestige Ferns Residency, Haralur Road",
"city": "Bengaluru",
"stateOrRegion": "KA",
"countryCode": "IN",
"postalCode": "560021",
"phone": "9986365404"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "mohamf devogst8 B06XSK3XL6",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "OrderItemID1",
"quantity": 1
"shippingSpeedCategories": [
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NOTREQUIRED"
A successful response has a 200 code and the response schema for the getFulfillmentPreview
"payload": {
"fulfillmentPreviews": [
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"isFulfillable": false,
"isCODCapable": false,
"fulfillmentPreviewShipments": [
"earliestShipDate": "2023-12-09T10:42:10Z",
"latestShipDate": "2023-12-09T10:42:10Z",
"earliestArrivalDate": "2023-12-11T10:42:10Z",
"latestArrivalDate": "2023-12-13T10:42:10Z",
"fulfillmentPreviewItems": [
"sellerSku": "mohamf devogst8 B06XSK3XL6",
"quantity": 1,
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "OrderItemID1",
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "KILOGRAMS",
"value": "0.350"
"shippingWeightCalculationMethod": "Package"
"marketplaceId": "A21TJRUUN4KGV",
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
名称 | 描述 |
FulfillmentPreviews | 一组配送预览信息。 Type: |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | 操作期间发生了一个或多个意外错误。 Type: |
步骤 2. 创建配送订单
Call the createFulfillmentOrder
operation to create an MCF order specifying the feature constraints required for the order.
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 卖家为追踪其配送订单而创建的配送订单编号。对于卖家创建的每个配送订单, 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderId | 卖家创建的配送订单编号。此值作为订单编号显示在面向收件人的材料中,如出库货件装箱单。 该值必须是字母数字或符合 ISO 8859-1 标准的字符串,长度为 1 至 40 个字符。不能连续包含两个空格。前部和尾部的空格会被移除。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderDate | 配送订单的日期和时间。在面向收件人的材料(如出货装箱单)中显示为订单日期。 Type: | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderComment | 特定于订单的文本,出现在面向收件人的材料中,如出货装箱单。 最大长度:250
类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategory | 配送订单的配送方式。 ShippingSpeedCategory | 有帮助 |
deliveryWindow | 已安排的配送订单的配送时间范围。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
destinationAddress | 配送订单的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryPreferences | 配送首选项适用于目的地地址。这些首选项将在可能的情况下适用,并且是尽力而为。对于符合条件的订单,默认的配送偏好是将包裹放在前门无人看管。此功能目前仅在日本商城支持,不适用于其他商城。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentAction | 指定配送订单是立即发货还是暂停订单。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentPolicy | 提交 Type: | 没有帮助 |
codSettings | 您与货到付款配送订单关联的货到付款费用。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
shipFromCountryCode | 配送订单发货的国家/地区的双字符国家代码。必须采用 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式。如果是跨境运输,则是必填项。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
notificationEmails | 卖家提供的电子邮件地址列表,亚马逊使用这些地址代表卖家向收件人发送配送完成通知。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
items | 要包含在配送订单预览中的商品清单,包括数量。最多 100 个单列商品,每个订单最多 250 个商品。 | 有帮助 |
paymentInformation | 配送订单的付款信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders"
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "createOrder1703154732",
"displayableOrderId": "TestOrder-FBAOutbound20",
"displayableOrderDate": "2023-11-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Anshul R",
"addressLine1": "FLAT#1234, Tower#201, Prestige Residency, Haralur Road",
"city": "Bengaluru",
"stateOrRegion": "KA",
"countryCode": "IN",
"postalCode": "560102",
"phone": "9168071234"
"notificationEmails": [
"items": [
"sellerSku": "mohamf devogst8 B06XSK3XL6",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "OrderItemID1",
"quantity": 1,
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "INR",
"value": "2.00"
"paymentInformation": [
"paymentTransactionId": "TestPaymenttransaction",
"paymentMode": "Other",
"paymentDate": "2023-11-14T16:25:56Z"
成功的响应具有 200 个代码,并包含以下对象。
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
步骤 2b。使用货到付款选项创建配送订单
Call the createFullfillmentOrder
operation to create an MCF order with a cash on delivery (COD) option. For COD orders in the IN marketplace, none of the monetary values in codSettings
, codChargeTax
, shippingCharge
, shippingChargeTax
) should be set. All the charges in the order must be represented with perUnitDeclaredValue
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 下达配送订单的商城。 类型: 串 | 没有帮助 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 卖家为追踪配送订单而创建的配送订单编码。这个 sellerFulfillmentOrderId 对于卖家创建的每个配送订单,必须是唯一的。如果卖家的系统已经创建了唯一的订单编码,那么这些编号对于他们来说可能是不错的选择。最大长度: 40 类型: 串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderId | 卖家创建的配送订单编号。此值作为订单编号显示在面向收件人的材料中,如出库货件装箱单。displayableOrderId 的值应与卖家向收件人提供的订单编号相匹配。卖家可以使用 sellerFulfillmentOrderId 作为此值,如果他们希望收件人引用其他订单编号,也可以指定一个替代值。该值必须是字母数字或符合 ISO 8859-1 标准的字符串,长度为 1 至 40 个字符。不能连续包含两个空格。前部和尾部的空格会被移除。 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderDate | The date and time of the fulfillment order. Displays as the order date in recipient-facing materials such as the outbound shipment packing slip. Type: Timestamp | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderComment | 出现在面向收件人的材料(例如出库货件装箱单)中的订单特定文本。 最大长度: 250 类型: 串 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategory | The shipping method for the fulfillment order. Type: ShippingSpeedCategory | 有帮助 |
deliveryWindow | The time range within which a scheduled delivery fulfillment order should be delivered. Type: DeliveryWindow | 没有帮助 |
destinationAddress | The destination address for the fulfillment order. Type: Address | 有帮助 |
deliveryPreferences | The delivery preferences applied to the destination address. These preferences are applied when possible and are best effort. For eligible orders, the default delivery preference is to leave the package unattended at the front door. This feature is currently supported only in the JP marketplace and not applicable for other marketplaces. Type: DeliveryPreferences | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentAction | Specifies whether the fulfillment order should ship now or have an order hold put on it. Type: FulfillmentAction | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentPolicy | The fulfillment policy. Type: FulfillmentPolicy | 没有帮助 |
codSettings | The COD charges that you associate with a COD fulfillment order. Note: Only isCodRequired needs to be set. codCharge , codChargeTax , shippingCharge , and shippingChargeTax should not be set for the IN marketplace.Type: CODSettings | 有帮助 |
shipFromCountryCode | 配送订单发货国家/地区的双字符国家/地区代码。必须采用 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式。这是跨境运输所必需的。 类型: 串 | 没有帮助 |
notificationEmails | A list of email addresses that the seller provides that are used by Amazon to send ship-complete notifications to recipients on behalf of the seller. Type: NotificationEmailList | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | A list of features and their fulfillment policies to apply to the order. Type: < FeatureSettings > array | 没有帮助 |
items | A list of items to include in the fulfillment order preview, including quantity. Maximum of 100 line items with a maximum of 250 units per order. Type: CreateFulfillmentOrderItemList | 有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders"
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "createOrder1703154732",
"displayableOrderId": "TestOrder-FBAOutbound20",
"displayableOrderDate": "2023-11-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Anshul R",
"addressLine1": "FLAT#1234, Tower#201, Prestige Residency, Haralur Road",
"city": "Bengaluru",
"stateOrRegion": "KA",
"countryCode": "IN",
"postalCode": "560102",
"phone": "9168071234"
`"codSettings": {
"isCodRequired": true
"notificationEmails": [
"items": [
"sellerSku": "mohamf devogst8 B06XSK3XL6",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "OrderItemID1",
"quantity": 1,
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "INR",
"value": "2.00"
成功的响应有 200 个代码,并且为空。
不成功的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象:
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the createFulfillmentOrder operation.Type: ErrorList |
步骤 3. 获取配送订单以验证订单详情
After successfully calling the createFulfillmentOrder
operation, call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation to validate fulfillmentAction= Ship
and fulfillmentOrderStatus= Received
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-145045"
成功的响应具有带有效载荷的 200 代码。
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "createOrder1703154732",
"marketplaceId": "A2XZLSVIQ0F4JT",
"displayableOrderId": "TestOrder-FBAOutbound20",
"displayableOrderDate": "2023-11-09T19:46:45Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Anshul R",
"addressLine1": "FLAT#1234, Tower#201, Prestige Residency, Haralur Road",
"city": "Bengaluru",
"stateOrRegion": "KA",
"countryCode": "IN",
"postalCode": "560102",
"phone": "9168071234"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillOrKill",
"receivedDate": "2023-12-21T10:32:12Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "Planning",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2023-12-21T10:32:20Z",
"notificationEmails": [
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"sellerSku": "mohamf devogst8 B06XSK3XL6",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "OrderItemID1",
"quantity": "1",
"fulfillmentNetworkSku": "X0014EAZ4D",
"orderItemDisposition": "Sellable",
"cancelledQuantity": "0",
"unfulfillableQuantity": "0",
"estimatedShipDate": "2023-12-22T18:29:59Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2023-12-26T18:29:59Z",
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "INR",
"value": "2.00"
"fulfillmentShipments": [],
"returnItems": [],
"returnAuthorizations": [],
"paymentInformation": [
"paymentTransactionId": "TestPaymenttransaction",
"paymentMode": "Other",
"paymentDate": "2023-11-15T00:25:56Z"
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
fulfillmentOrder | 有关配送订单的一般信息,包括其状态。 Type: | 有帮助 |
| 一组配送订单商品信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentShipments | 一组配送货件信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
returnItems | 亚马逊接受退货的一组商品。如果没有接受任何退货商品,则返回空值。 Type: | 有帮助 |
returnAuthorizations | 一组退货授权信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | 操作期间发生了一个或多个意外错误。 Type: |
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 获取配送预览
Call the getFulfillmentPreview
operation with two line items and make sure they are available for a given shipping option (Standard, Expedited, or Priority).
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
address | 配送订单预览的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
items | 配送订单预览中商品的识别信息和数量信息。最多 100 个单列商品,每个订单最多 250 个商品。 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategories | 用于创建配送订单预览的配送方式列表。 可能的值:
Note: Shipping method service-level agreements vary by marketplace. Sellers should refer to the Seller Central website in their marketplace for shipping method service-level agreements and fulfillment fees. | 没有帮助 |
includeCODFulfillmentPreview | 指定是否退回(货到付款 (COD))的配送订单预览。 可能的值:
仅适用于印度的订单。 类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
includeDeliveryWindows | Specifies whether to return the ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object, which contains the available delivery windows for a Scheduled Delivery. The 类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/preview"
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"address": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "Stockton Street",
"city": "Alexandria",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": 1
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": 1
"shippingSpeedCategories": [
A successful response has a 200 code and the response schema for the getFulfillmentPreview
"payload": {
"fulfillmentPreviews": [
"estimatedFees": [
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "2"
"name": "FBAPerOrderFulfillmentFee"
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "2"
"name": "FBATransportationFee"
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "8"
"name": "FBAPerUnitFulfillmentFee"
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "12.377249768019787"
"featureConstraints": [
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired",
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX"
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired",
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL"
"fulfillmentPreviewShipments": [
"earliestArrivalDate": "2023-04-15T00:16:14Z",
"earliestShipDate": "2023-04-13T00:16:14Z",
"fulfillmentPreviewItems": [
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "6.394347942660858"
"quantity": 1,
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"shippingWeightCalculationMethod": "PACKAGE"
"latestArrivalDate": "2023-04-16T00:16:14Z",
"latestShipDate": "2023-04-14T00:16:14Z",
"shippingNotes": []
"earliestArrivalDate": "2023-04-15T00:16:14Z",
"earliestShipDate": "2023-04-13T00:16:14Z",
"fulfillmentPreviewItems": [
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "7.521162362321674"
"quantity": 1,
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"shippingWeightCalculationMethod": "PACKAGE"
"latestArrivalDate": "2023-04-16T00:16:14Z",
"latestShipDate": "2023-04-14T00:16:14Z",
"shippingNotes": []
"isCodCapable": false,
"isFulfillable": true,
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"scheduledDeliveryinfo": {},
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"unfulfillablePreviewItems": []
名称 | 描述 |
fulfillmentPreviews | 一组配送预览信息。 Type: |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。如果 PackageNumber
不存在,404 响应提供了不合格错误。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
步骤 2. 创建多渠道配送出库订单
Call the createFulfillmentOrder
operation with a unique Order ID and at least two line items, or one line item with a quantity greater than 1
for the same shipping option.
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 卖家为追踪配送订单而创建的配送订单编码。这个
最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderId | 卖家创建的配送订单编号。此值作为订单编号显示在面向收件人的材料中,如出库货件装箱单。DisplayableOrderId 的值应与卖家向收件人提供的订单编号相匹配。卖家可以使用 SellerFulfillmentOrderId 作为此值,如果他们希望收件人引用其他订单编号,也可以指定一个替代值。该值必须是字母数字或符合 ISO 8859-1 标准的字符串,长度为 1 至 40 个字符。不能连续包含两个空格。前部和尾部的空格会被移除。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
displayableOrderDate | 配送订单的日期和时间。在面向收件人的材料(如出货装箱单)中显示为订单日期。 Type: | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderComment | 特定于订单的文本,出现在面向收件人的材料中,如出货装箱单。 最大长度:250 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategory | 配送订单的配送方式。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryWindow | 已安排的配送订单的配送时间范围。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
destinationAddress | 配送订单的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryPreferences | 配送首选项适用于目的地地址。这些首选项将在可能的情况下适用,并且是尽力而为。对于符合条件的订单,默认的配送偏好是将包裹放在前门无人看管。此功能目前仅在日本商城支持,不适用于其他商城。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentAction | 指定配送订单是立即发货还是暂停订单。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentPolicy | The Type: | 没有帮助 |
codSettings | 您与货到付款配送订单关联的货到付款费用。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
shipFromCountryCode | 配送订单发货的国家/地区的双字符国家代码。必须采用 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式。如果是跨境运输,则是必填项。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
notificationEmails | 卖家提供的电子邮件地址列表,亚马逊使用这些地址代表卖家向收件人发送配送完成通知。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
Items | 要包含在配送订单预览中的商品清单,包括数量。最多 100 个单列商品,每个订单最多 250 个商品。 | 有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders"
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-01-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "Stockton Street",
"city": "Alexandria",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": 1
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": 1
成功的响应具有 200 个代码,并包含以下对象。
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
步骤 3. 验证订单详情
Call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation to validate fulfillmentAction = Ship
and fulfillmentOrderStatus = Received
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-145045 "
成功的响应具有带有效载荷的 200 代码。
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-09-21T14:48:15Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Any Town",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillAllAvailable",
"receivedDate": "2022-09-21T14:50:45Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "Received",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2022-09-22T03:44:35Z",
"notificationEmails": [
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": "1",
"fulfillmentNetworkSku": "X002ZKH36D",
"orderItemDisposition": "Sellable",
"cancelledQuantity": "0",
"unfulfillableQuantity": "1",
"estimatedShipDate": "2022-09-22T06:59:59Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-09-26T06:59:59Z",
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "0.00"
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": "1",
"giftMessage": "",
"fulfillmentNetworkSku": "X002ZKYQ4Z",
"orderItemDisposition": "Sellable",
"cancelledQuantity": "0",
"unfulfillableQuantity": "0",
"estimatedShipDate": "",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "",
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "1995.00"
"fulfillmentShipments": [],
"returnItems": [],
"returnAuthorizations": []
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
fulfillmentOrder | 有关配送订单的一般信息,包括其状态。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentOrderItems | 一组配送订单商品信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentShipments | 一组配送货件信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
returnItems | 亚马逊接受退货的一组商品。如果没有接受任何退货商品,则返回空值。 Type: | 有帮助 |
returnAuthorizations | 一组退货授权信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: | 有帮助 |
步骤 4. 订单状态变更
The order goes through status changes from Planning
to Processing
to Complete
, in case one or more items do not have enough inventory as requested in the createFulfillmentOrder
operation. To get status change updates, subscribe and listen to FULFILLMENT_ORDER_STATUS
第 5 步。获取配送订单以查看最新的订单详情
After the order is Shipped
, the order status notification for Complete
is triggered. Now call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation to view the latest order details. Call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation by passing the following parameters:
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-145045"
成功的响应具有带有效载荷的 200 代码。
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-09-21T14:48:15Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "Thank you for your order",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "Stockton Street",
"city": "Alexandria",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillAllAvailable",
"receivedDate": "2022-09-21T14:50:45Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "CompletePartialled",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2022-09-22T03:44:35Z",
"notificationEmails": [
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": "1",
"fulfillmentNetworkSku": "X002ZKH36D",
"orderItemDisposition": "Sellable",
"cancelledQuantity": "0",
"unfulfillableQuantity": "1",
"estimatedShipDate": "2022-09-22T06:59:59Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-09-26T06:59:59Z",
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "0.00"
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": "1",
"giftMessage": "",
"fulfillmentNetworkSku": "X002ZKYQ4Z",
"orderItemDisposition": "Sellable",
"cancelledQuantity": "0",
"unfulfillableQuantity": "0",
"estimatedShipDate": "",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "",
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "1995.00"
"fulfillmentShipments": [
"amazonShipmentId": "T7mfkbDX5",
"fulfillmentCenterId": "TUL2",
"fulfillmentShipmentStatus": "SHIPPED",
"shippingDate": "2022-09-22T03:39:19Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-09-26T06:59:59Z",
"fulfillmentShipmentItem": [
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": "1",
"packageNumber": "1681854637"
"fulfillmentShipmentPackage": [
"packageNumber": "1681854637",
"carrierCode": "Amazon Logistics",
"trackingNumber": "TBA303037991486",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-09-26T03:00:00Z"
"returnItems": [],
"returnAuthorizations": []
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
fulfillmentOrder | 有关配送订单的一般信息,包括其状态。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentOrderItems | 一组配送订单商品信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentShipments | 一组配送货件信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
returnItems | 亚马逊接受退货的一组商品。如果没有接受任何退货商品,则返回空值。 Type: | 有帮助 |
returnAuthorizations | 一组退货授权信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: | 有帮助 |
步骤 6. 验证订单状态和行项目数量
验证 fulfillmentShipmentStatus = Shipped
和 fulfillmentOrderStatus = CompletePartialled
。如果有商品具有 unfulfillableQuantity !=0
步骤 7. 获取包裹编号
Copy the package number of the order from the getFulfillmentOrder
response from Step 5. There could be multiple package numbers based on the number of Amazon shipments for that order.
步骤 8. 获取追踪详情
Call the getPackageTrackingDetails
operation using the package number from Step 7 and get the complete tracking details of the package.
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
packageNumber | The unencrypted package identifier returned by the 类型:整数 (int32) | 有帮助 |
GET “https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/tracking?packageNumber=1681854637”
成功的响应有 200 个代码。
"payload": {
"packageNumber": 1681854637,
"trackingNumber": "TBA303037991486",
"carrierCode": "Amazon",
"carrierURL": "https://www.swiship.com/track?id=TBA303037991486",
"shipDate": "2022-09-22T03:57:50Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-09-26T03:00:00Z",
"shipToAddress": {
"city": "Alexandria",
"state": "VA",
"country": "US"
"currentStatus": "DELIVERED",
"additionalLocationInfo": "FRONT_DOOR/PORCH",
"trackingEvents": [
"eventDate": "2022-09-25T16:55:51Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Alexandria",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_301",
"eventDescription": "Package delivered near the front door or porch."
"eventDate": "2022-09-25T14:29:43Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Waldorf",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_302",
"eventDescription": "Package is out for delivery."
"eventDate": "2022-09-25T01:00:54Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Sparrows Point",
"state": "Maryland",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_201",
"eventDescription": "Package arrived at an Amazon facility."
"eventDate": "2022-09-24T20:50:45Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Trenton",
"state": "NJ",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_202",
"eventDescription": "Package left an Amazon facility."
"eventDate": "2022-09-24T08:35:48Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Trenton",
"state": "NJ",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_201",
"eventDescription": "Package arrived at an Amazon facility."
"eventDate": "2022-09-23T06:54:31Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Liberty",
"state": "Missouri",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_202",
"eventDescription": "Package left an Amazon facility."
"eventDate": "2022-09-22T23:15:03Z",
"eventAddress": {
"city": "Liberty",
"state": "Missouri",
"country": "US"
"eventCode": "EVENT_201",
"eventDescription": "Package arrived at an Amazon facility."
"eventDate": "2022-09-22T03:57:50Z",
"eventCode": "EVENT_101",
"eventDescription": "Carrier picked up the package."
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
packageNumber | 包裹编码。 类型:整数 (int32) | 有帮助 |
trackingNumber | 包裹的追踪号码。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
customerTrackingLink | swiship.com 上的链接,允许客户追踪包裹。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
carrierCode | 承运人名称。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
carrierPhoneNumber | 承运人电话号码。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
carrierURL | 承运人网站的 URL。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
shipDate | 包裹发货日期。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
estimatedArrivalDate | 预计到达日期。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
shipToAddress | 包裹的目标城市。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
currentStatus | 包裹的当前配送状态。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
currentStatusDescription | 与 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
signedForBy | 包裹签收者的姓名。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
additionalLocationInfo | 其他位置信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
trackingEvents | 一组追踪事件信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。如果 PackageNumber
不存在,404 响应提供了不合格错误。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
本教程说明了订单如何从配送状态 HOLD
。在状态更新为 SHIP
之前,处于 HOLD
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 获取配送预览
Call the getFulfillmentPreview
operation on the order to ensure the SKUs are eligible and fulfillable for the requested ship options (Standard, Expedited, Priority).
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
address | 配送订单预览的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
items | 配送订单预览中商品的识别信息和数量信息。 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategories | 用于创建配送订单预览的配送方式列表。 可能的值:
Note: Shipping method service-level agreements vary by marketplace. Sellers should refer to the Seller Central website in their marketplace for shipping method service-level agreements and fulfillment fees. | 没有帮助 |
includeCODFulfillmentPreview | 指定是否退回货到付款 (COD) 的配送订单预览。 可能的值: true - 返回所有配送订单预览(包括货到付款和非货到付款)。false - 仅返回非货到付款的配送订单预览。仅适用于日本订单。类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
includeDeliveryWindows | Specifies whether to return the ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object, which contains the available delivery windows for a Scheduled Delivery. The 类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/preview"
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"address": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Anytown",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "LT205BTBLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": 2
"shippingSpeedCategories": [
名称 | 描述 |
fulfillmentPreviews | 一组配送预览信息。 Type: |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。404 响应提供了不合格错误(如果有)。
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: | 有帮助 |
步骤 2. 创建处于暂停状态的配送订单
Call the createFulfillmentOrder
operation with one or more line items with fulfillmentAction=Hold
in the request. Doing so keeps the order in Hold
status and further fulfillment actions don't run on that order.
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 卖家为追踪其配送订单而创建的配送订单编号。对于卖家创建的每个配送订单, 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderId | 卖家创建的配送订单编号。此值作为订单编号显示在面向收件人的材料中,如出库货件装箱单。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderDate | 配送订单的日期和时间。在面向收件人的材料(如出货装箱单)中显示为订单日期。 Type: | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderComment | 特定于订单的文本,出现在面向收件人的材料中,如出货装箱单。 最大长度:250 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategory | 配送订单的配送方式。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryWindow | 已安排的配送订单的配送时间范围。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
destinationAddress | 配送订单的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryPreferences | 配送首选项适用于目的地地址。这些首选项将在可能的情况下适用,并且是尽力而为。对于符合条件的订单,默认的配送偏好是将包裹放在前门无人看管。此功能目前仅在日本商城支持,不适用于其他商城。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentAction | 指定配送订单是立即发货还是暂停订单。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentPolicy | 您提交 Type: | 没有帮助 |
codSettings | 您与货到付款配送订单关联的货到付款费用。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
shipFromCountryCode | 配送订单发货的国家/地区的双字符国家代码。必须采用 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式。如果是跨境运输,则是必填项。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
notificationEmails | 卖家提供的电子邮件地址列表,亚马逊使用这些地址代表卖家向收件人发送配送完成通知。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
Items | 要包括在配送订单预览中的商品列表,包括数量。 | 有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders"
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-01-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"fulfillmentAction": "Hold",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Alexandria",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": 1
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": 1
成功的响应具有 200 个代码,并包含以下对象。
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
步骤 3. 将订单配送操作更新为发货
Call the updateFulfillmentOrder
operation to update the order with fulfillmentAction = Ship
in the request body to move the order from Hold
to Ship
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
PUT "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-145045"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship"
成功的响应有 200 个代码。
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
步骤 4. 获取配送订单以验证更改
On the successful update of the order, call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation to validate the fulfillmentAction
is updated to Ship
. After the order moves to the Ship
action, the next fulfillment steps start running on the order.
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-145045"
成功的响应具有带有效载荷的 200 代码。
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-09-21T14:48:15Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Alexandria",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillAllAvailable",
"receivedDate": "2022-09-21T14:50:45Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "Received",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2022-09-22T03:44:35Z",
"notificationEmails": [
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": "1"
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": "1"
"fulfillmentShipments": [],
"returnItems": [],
"returnAuthorizations": []
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
fulfillmentOrder | 有关配送订单的一般信息,包括其状态。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentOrderItems | 一组配送订单商品信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentShipments | 一组配送货件信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
returnItems | 亚马逊接受退货的一组商品。如果没有接受任何退货商品,则返回空值。 Type: | 有帮助 |
returnAuthorizations | 一组退货授权信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: | 有帮助 |
After an item is shipped out, the getFulfillmentOrder
operation has the serial number in the response for the seller to keep a record of it.
- 卖家需要与亚马逊共享生成的序列号的正则表达式。
- 当向亚马逊入库时,卖家需要在每件商品上粘贴生成的唯一序列号。
- 如果客户使用亚马逊贴标服务,除了注册 ASIN 外,还必须使用相同的流程注册与商品相关的 FNSKU。
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 使用标有序列号的商品创建配送订单
Call the createFulfillmentOrder
operation to create an MCF order with line items that have serial numbers enabled while inbounding to Amazon.
The createFulfillmentOrder
request doesn't need any exclusive attributes in the request for this type of order.
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 卖家为追踪其配送订单而创建的配送订单编号。对于卖家创建的每个配送订单, 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderId | 卖家创建的配送订单编号。此值作为订单编号显示在面向收件人的材料中,如出库货件装箱单。 该值必须是字母数字或符合 ISO 8859-1 标准的字符串,长度为 1 至 40 个字符。不能连续包含两个空格。前部和尾部的空格会被移除。 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderDate | 配送订单的日期和时间。在面向收件人的材料(如出货装箱单)中显示为订单日期。 Type: | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderComment | 特定于订单的文本,出现在面向收件人的材料中,如出货装箱单。 最大长度:250 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategory | 配送订单的配送方式。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryWindow | 已安排的配送订单的配送时间范围。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
destinationAddress | 配送订单的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryPreferences | 配送首选项适用于目的地地址。这些首选项将在可能的情况下适用,并且是尽力而为。对于符合条件的订单,默认的配送偏好是将包裹放在前门无人看管。此功能目前仅在日本商城支持,不适用于其他商城。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentAction | 指定配送订单是立即发货还是暂停订单。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentPolicy | 提交 Type: | 没有帮助 |
codSettings | 您与货到付款配送订单关联的货到付款 (COD) 费用。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
shipFromCountryCode | 配送订单发货的国家/地区的双字符国家代码。必须采用 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式。如果是跨境运输,则是必填项。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
notificationEmails | 卖家提供的电子邮件地址列表,亚马逊使用这些地址代表卖家向收件人发送配送完成通知。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type:< | 没有帮助 |
商品 | 要包括在配送订单预览中的商品列表,包括数量。 | 有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders"
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-01-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Alexandria",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": 1
成功的响应具有 200 个代码,并包含以下对象。
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
步骤 2. 获取配送订单以验证订单详情
After successfully creating the order, call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation to validate fulfillmentAction = Ship
and fulfillmentOrderStatus = Received
on the order.
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-145045"
成功的响应具有带有效载荷的 200 代码。
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-01-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Alexandria",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillAllAvailable",
"receivedDate": "2022-09-21T14:50:45Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "Received",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2022-09-22T03:44:35Z",
"notificationEmails": [
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": "1"
"fulfillmentShipments": [],
"returnItems": [],
"returnAuthorizations": []
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
fulfillmentOrder | 有关配送订单的一般信息,包括其状态。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentOrderItems | 一组配送订单商品信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentShipments | 一组配送货件信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
returnItems | 亚马逊接受退货的一组商品。如果没有接受任何退货商品,则返回空值。 Type: | 有帮助 |
returnAuthorizations | 一组退货授权信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: | 有帮助 |
步骤 3. 获取配送订单以追踪状态变化
The order goes through status changes, from Planning
to Processing
to Complete
. Subscribe and listen to FULFILLMENT_ORDER_STATUS
notifications to be aware of these status changes.
When the order is shipped, the serial number of the item is scanned and validated to match the shared regex.
Call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation with the sellerFulfillmentOrderId
to view the latest order details and check if the serial number of the item was shipped.
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-145045 "
成功的响应具有带有效载荷的 200 代码。
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-09-21T14:48:15Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder1",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Any Town",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillAllAvailable",
"receivedDate": "2022-09-21T14:50:45Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "Complete",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2022-09-22T03:44:35Z",
"notificationEmails": [
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": "1",
"fulfillmentNetworkSku": "X002ZKH36D",
"orderItemDisposition": "Sellable",
"cancelledQuantity": "0",
"unfulfillableQuantity": "0",
"estimatedShipDate": "2022-09-22T06:59:59Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-09-26T06:59:59Z",
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "100.00"
"fulfillmentShipments": [
"amazonShipmentId": "T7mfkbDX5",
"fulfillmentCenterId": "TUL2",
"fulfillmentShipmentStatus": "SHIPPED",
"shippingDate": "2022-09-22T03:39:19Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-09-26T06:59:59Z",
"fulfillmentShipmentItem": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": "1",
"packageNumber": "1681854637",
"serialNumber": "355313088062664"
"fulfillmentShipmentPackage": [
"packageNumber": "1681854637",
"carrierCode": "Amazon Logistics",
"trackingNumber": "TBA303037991486",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-09-26T03:00:00Z"
"returnItems": [],
"returnAuthorizations": []
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
fulfillmentOrder | 有关配送订单的一般信息,包括其状态。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentOrderItems | 一组配送订单商品信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentShipments | 一组配送货件信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
returnItems | 亚马逊接受退货的一组商品。如果没有接受任何退货商品,则返回空值。 Type: | 有帮助 |
returnAuthorizations | 一组退货授权信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: | 有帮助 |
步骤 4. 验证订单状态和行项目数量
验证 fulfillmentShipmentStatus=Shipped
和 fulfillmentShipmentItem
中的 serialNumber
在本示例中,卖家正在尝试将来自加拿大 (CA) 仓库的订单配送到美国地址。
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 为跨境货件创建配送订单
Create an order with a US destination address and shipFromCountryCode=CA
. In this case, we can skip specifying the marketplaceId
in the request and the item is picked from the CA marketplace. Also, include perUnitDeclaredValue
in the items of value greater than 0. Call the createFulfillmentOrder
operation by passing the following required Body parameters:
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 | 没有帮助 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 卖家为追踪其配送订单而创建的配送订单编号。对于卖家创建的每个配送订单, 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderId | 卖家创建的配送订单编号。此值作为订单编号显示在面向收件人的材料中,如出库货件装箱单。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderDate | 配送订单的日期和时间。在面向收件人的材料(如出货装箱单)中显示为订单日期。 Type: | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderComment | 特定于订单的文本,出现在面向收件人的材料中,如出货装箱单。 最大长度:250 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategory | 配送订单的配送方式。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryWindow | 已安排的配送订单的配送时间范围。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
destinationAddress | 配送订单的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryPreferences | 配送首选项适用于目的地地址。这些首选项将在可能的情况下适用,并且是尽力而为。对于符合条件的订单,默认的配送偏好是将包裹放在前门无人看管。此功能目前仅在日本商城支持,不适用于其他商城。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentAction | 指定配送订单是立即发货还是暂停订单。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentPolicy | 提交 Type: | 没有帮助 |
codSettings | 您与货到付款配送订单关联的货到付款 (COD) 费用。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
shipFromCountryCode | 配送订单发货的国家/地区的双字符国家代码。必须采用 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式。如果是跨境运输,则是必填项。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
notificationEmails | 卖家提供的电子邮件地址列表,亚马逊使用这些地址代表卖家向收件人发送配送完成通知。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
Items | 要包括在配送订单预览中的商品列表,包括数量。 | 有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders"
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-01-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"shipFromCountryCode": "CA",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "Stockton Street",
"city": "Alexandria",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": 1,
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "0.10"
成功的响应具有 200 个代码,并包含以下对象。
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
教程:使用请求的 Blank Box 和 Block AMZL 功能创建订单
屏蔽 AMZL:允许卖家拒绝亚马逊物流,而是使用其他承运人服务发货。
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 获取给定功能约束的配送预览
使用给定的配送选项和功能约束对订单的行项目调用 getFulfillmentPreview
Call the getFulfillmentPreview
operation by passing the following body parameters:
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
address | 配送订单预览的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
items | 配送订单预览中商品的识别信息和数量信息。 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategories | 用于创建配送订单预览的配送方式列表。 可能的值:
Note: Shipping method service-level agreements vary by marketplace. Sellers should refer to the Seller Central website in their marketplace for shipping method service-level agreements and fulfillment fees. | 没有帮助 |
includeCODFulfillmentPreview | 指定是否退回货到付款 (COD) 的配送订单预览。 可能的值:
类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
includeDeliveryWindows | Specifies whether to return the 类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/preview"
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"address": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Alexandria",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "LT205BTBLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": 2
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required"
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required"
"shippingSpeedCategories": [
A successful response has a 200 code and the response schema for the getFulfillmentPreview
"payload": {
"fulfillmentPreviews": [
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"isFulfillable": true,
"isCODCapable": false,
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "0.441"
"estimatedFees": [
"name": "FBAPerOrderFulfillmentFee",
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "0.0"
"name": "FBATransportationFee",
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "0.0"
"name": "FBAPerUnitFulfillmentFee",
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "10.31"
"fulfillmentPreviewShipments": [
"earliestShipDate": "2022-12-13T08:00:00Z",
"latestShipDate": "2022-12-14T07:59:59Z",
"earliestArrivalDate": "2022-12-15T08:00:00Z",
"latestArrivalDate": "2022-12-16T07:59:59Z",
"fulfillmentPreviewItems": [
"sellerSku": "LT205BTBLKAM",
"quantity": 2,
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "0.379"
"shippingWeightCalculationMethod": "Dimensional"
"unfulfillablePreviewItems": [],
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER"
名称 | 描述 |
FulfillmentPreviews | 一组配送预览信息。 Type: |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。404 响应提供了不合格错误(如果有)。
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the getFulfillmentPreview operation. Type: | 有帮助 |
步骤 2. 创建指定功能约束的配送订单
Call the createFulfillmentOrder
operation to create an MCF order specifying the feature constraints required for the order.
Feature constraints can be enabled in the seller central portal which acts as a default value, but the value specified in the order request takes priority.
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 卖家为追踪其配送订单而创建的配送订单编号。对于卖家创建的每个配送订单, 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderId | 卖家创建的配送订单编号。此值作为订单编号显示在面向收件人的材料中,如出库货件装箱单。“DisplayableOrderId”的值应与卖家向收件人提供的订单编号相匹配。卖家可以使用 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderDate | 配送订单的日期和时间。在面向收件人的材料(如出货装箱单)中显示为订单日期。 Type: | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderComment | 特定于订单的文本,出现在面向收件人的材料中,如出货装箱单。 最大长度:250 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategory | The shipping method for the fulfillment order. Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryWindow | 已安排的配送订单的配送时间范围。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
destinationAddress | The destination address for the fulfillment order. Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryPreferences | 配送首选项适用于目的地地址。这些首选项将在可能的情况下适用,并且是尽力而为。对于符合条件的订单,默认的配送偏好是将包裹放在前门无人看管。此功能目前仅在日本商城支持,不适用于其他商城。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentAction | 指定配送订单是立即发货还是暂停订单。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentPolicy | 提交 Type: | 没有帮助 |
codSettings | 您与货到付款配送订单关联的货到付款费用。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
shipFromCountryCode | 配送订单发货的国家/地区的双字符国家代码。必须采用 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式。如果是跨境运输,则是必填项。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
notificationEmails | 卖家提供的电子邮件地址列表,亚马逊使用这些地址代表卖家向收件人发送配送完成通知。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type:< | 没有帮助 |
Items | 要包括在配送订单预览中的商品列表,包括数量。 | 有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders"
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-01-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Priority",
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Alexandria",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "LT205BTBLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": 1
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required"
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required"
成功的响应具有 200 个代码,并包含以下对象。
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
步骤 3. 获取配送订单以验证订单详情
After successfully creating an order, call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation to validate fulfillmentAction = Ship
, fulfillmentOrderStatus = Received
, and featureConstraints
are returned in the order details response.
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-145045"
成功的响应具有带有效载荷的 200 代码。
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-01-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Priority",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Alexandria",
"stateOrRegion": "VA",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "22308"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillAllAvailable",
"receivedDate": "2022-09-21T14:50:45Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "Received",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2022-09-22T03:44:35Z",
"notificationEmails": [
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required"
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required"
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": "1",
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "0.00"
"fulfillmentShipments": [],
"returnItems": [],
"returnAuthorizations": []
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
fulfillmentOrder | 有关配送订单的一般信息,包括其状态。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentOrderItems | 一组配送订单商品信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentShipments | 一组配送货件信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
returnItems | 亚马逊接受退货的一组商品。如果没有接受任何退货商品,则返回空值。 Type: | 有帮助 |
returnAuthorizations | 一组退货授权信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: | 有帮助 |
If the getFulfillmentPreview
operation is called without mentioning any ship speeds in the request, the response shows preview details of all ship speeds.
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 获取所有配送速度的配送预览
要检索订单中所有配送速度的预览详情,请跳过请求中的属性 shippingCategories
Call the getFulfillmentPreview
operation by passing the following body parameters:
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
address | 配送订单预览的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
items | 配送订单预览中商品的识别信息和数量信息。 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategories | 用于创建配送订单预览的配送方式列表。 可能的值:
Note: Shipping method service-level agreements vary by marketplace. Sellers should refer to the Seller Central website in their marketplace for shipping method service-level agreements and fulfillment fees. | 没有帮助 |
includeCODFulfillmentPreview | 指定是否退回货到付款 (COD) 的配送订单预览。 可能的值:
类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
includeDeliveryWindows | Specifies whether to return the ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object, which contains the available delivery windows for a Scheduled Delivery. The ScheduledDeliveryInfo response object can only be returned for fulfillment order previews with 类型:布尔值 | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/preview"
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"address": {
"name": "Amazon",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"addressLine2": "Building2010",
"addressLine3": "Lane1",
"stateOrRegion": "MI",
"countryCode": "US",
"country": "US",
"city": "Troy",
"postalCode": "48084",
"phone": "480-441-2465"
"items": [
"quantity": 5,
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "04740712772466",
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM"
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required"
A successful response has a 200 code and the response schema for the getFulfillmentPreview
"payload": {
"fulfillmentPreviews": [
"estimatedFees": [
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "10"
"name": "FBAPerUnitFulfillmentFee"
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "37.55115842140852"
"featureConstraints": [
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired",
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX"
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required",
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL"
"fulfillmentPreviewShipments": [
"earliestArrivalDate": "2022-12-11T20:35:15Z",
"earliestShipDate": "2022-12-09T20:35:15Z",
"fulfillmentPreviewItems": [
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "13.44454399298887"
"quantity": 5,
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "04740712772466",
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"shippingWeightCalculationMethod": "Package"
"latestArrivalDate": "2022-12-12T20:35:15Z",
"latestShipDate": "2022-12-10T20:35:15Z",
"shippingNotes": []
"isCodCapable": false,
"isFulfillable": true,
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"orderUnfulfillableReasons": [],
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"unfulfillablePreviewItems": []
"estimatedFees": [
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "25"
"name": "FBAPerUnitFulfillmentFee"
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "13.005463669980378"
"featureConstraints": [
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired",
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX"
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required",
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL"
"fulfillmentPreviewShipments": [
"earliestArrivalDate": "2022-12-09T20:35:15Z",
"earliestShipDate": "2022-12-08T20:35:15Z",
"fulfillmentPreviewItems": [
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "6.396357461045615"
"quantity": 5,
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "04740712772466",
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"shippingWeightCalculationMethod": "Package"
"latestArrivalDate": "2022-12-10T20:35:15Z",
"latestShipDate": "2022-12-09T20:35:15Z",
"shippingNotes": []
"isCodCapable": false,
"isFulfillable": true,
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"orderUnfulfillableReasons": [],
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Expedited",
"unfulfillablePreviewItems": []
"estimatedFees": [
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "10"
"name": "FBAPerUnitFulfillmentFee"
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "37.09772884213881"
"featureConstraints": [
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired",
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX"
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required",
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL"
"fulfillmentPreviewShipments": [
"earliestArrivalDate": "2022-12-08T20:35:15Z",
"earliestShipDate": "2022-12-07T20:35:15Z",
"fulfillmentPreviewItems": [
"estimatedShippingWeight": {
"unit": "POUNDS",
"value": "28.261562502894723"
"quantity": 5,
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "04740712772466",
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"shippingWeightCalculationMethod": "Package"
"latestArrivalDate": "2022-12-09T20:35:15Z",
"latestShipDate": "2022-12-08T20:35:15Z",
"shippingNotes": []
"isCodCapable": false,
"isFulfillable": true,
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"orderUnfulfillableReasons": [],
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Priority",
"unfulfillablePreviewItems": []
名称 | 描述 |
FulfillmentPreviews | 一组配送预览信息。 Type: |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。404 响应提供了不合格错误(如果有)。
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: | 有帮助 |
教程:使用通知 API 查看订单通知
A seller can subscribe to FULFILLMENT_ORDER_STATUS
notifications to be aware of all the changes happening on the order.
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 创建和订阅通知
Refer to the Notifications API to create and manage subscriptions.
步骤 2. 收听订单状态通知
notification keeps the seller posted on changes to the order status.
Review the FulfillmentShipmentPackages
array in the response to get the package details of an order when it’s made ready for shipping.
"NotificationVersion": "1.0",
"PayloadVersion": "1.0",
"EventTime": "2020-07-13T19:42:04.284Z",
"Payload": {
"FulfillmentOrderStatusNotification": {
"SellerId": "A3TH9S8BH6GOGM",
"EventType": "Order",
"StatusUpdatedDateTime": "2020-07-13T19:42:04.284Z",
"SellerFulfillmentOrderId": "amazonbooks.KLA1.202203072322.6911",
"FulfillmentOrderStatus": "Complete",
"FulfillmentShipment": {
"FulfillmentShipmentStatus": "Shipped",
"AmazonShipmentId": "ASID49535",
"EstimatedArrivalDateTime": "2020-07-13T19:42:04.284Z",
"FulfillmentShipmentPackages": [
"PackageNumber": 1,
"CarrierCode": "2-930434",
"TrackingNumber": "1Z84456456573405"
"PackageNumber": 2,
"CarrierCode": "1-930434",
"TrackingNumber": "1Z84456456573405"
"PackageNumber": 3,
"CarrierCode": "3-930434",
"TrackingNumber": "1Z885647654573405"
"FulfillmentReturnItem": {
"ReceivedDateTime": "2020-07-13T19:42:04.284Z",
"ReturnedQuantity": 12,
"SellerSKU": "SELLERSKU9345"
"NotificationMetadata": {
"ApplicationId": "app-id-d0e9e693-c3ad-4373-979f-ed4ec98dd746",
"SubscriptionId": "subscription-id-d0e9e693-c3ad-4373-979f-ed4ec98dd746",
"PublishTime": "2020-07-13T19:42:04.284Z",
"NotificationId": "d0e9e693-c3ad-4373-979f-ed4ec98dd746"
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
EventType | 指示通知中是否包含订单、配送或退货信息。 EventType 值:
类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
SellerId | 卖家编号。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
StatusUpdatedDateTime | The date and time when the status was last updated. In ISO 8601 format. 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
SellerFulfillmentOrderId | 您使用 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
FulfillmentOrderStatus | 配送订单的当前状态。
类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
FulfillmentShipment | 配送订单中货件的配送和商品信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
FulfillmentReturnItem | 有关退回至亚马逊运营中心的商品相关信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
步骤 1. 获取给定商品的退货原因代码列表。
Call the listReturnReasonCodes
operation by passing the following parameters:
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerSKU | 需要提供退货原因代码的卖家 SKU。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
marketplaceId | 卖家需要退货原因代码的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 卖家在创建配送订单时分配给商品的编码。该服务使用此值来确定卖家需要退货原因代码的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
language |
类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/returnReasonCodes?sellerSku=LT205BLKAM&marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&sellerFulfillmentOrderId=CONSUMER-2022921-1450456&language=EN
成功的响应有 200 个代码。
"payload": {
"ReasonCodeDetailsList": [
"ReturnReasonCode": "CR-SWITCHEROO",
"Description": "Different from what was ordered",
"TranslatedDescription": "Product does not meet customer expectations"
"ReturnReasonCode": "CR-DAMAGED_BY_CARRIER",
"Description": "Damaged during shipping"
"Description": "Unauthorized purchase"
"ReturnReasonCode": "CR-UNWANTED_ITEM",
"Description": "No longer needed/wanted",
"TranslatedDescription": "Unwanted item"
"Description": "Missed estimated delivery date"
"ReturnReasonCode": "CR-FOUND_BETTER_PRICE",
"Description": "Better price available",
"TranslatedDescription": "I found better prices elsewhere"
"ReturnReasonCode": "CR-MISSING_PARTS",
"Description": "Missing parts or accessories"
"ReturnReasonCode": "CR-EXTRA_ITEM",
"Description": "Arrived in addition to what was ordered",
"TranslatedDescription": "Extra item included in shipment"
"ReturnReasonCode": "CR-ORDERED_WRONG_ITEM",
"Description": "Accidental order"
"ReturnReasonCode": "AMZ-PG-BAD-DESC",
"Description": "Different from website description"
"ReturnReasonCode": "CR-DAMAGED_BY_FC",
"Description": "Damaged due to inappropriate packaging",
"TranslatedDescription": "Product damaged or defective prior to shipping"
"ReturnReasonCode": "CR-DEFECTIVE",
"Description": "Defective/Does not work properly",
"TranslatedDescription": "Item is defective"
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
returnReasonCode | 指示有效退货原因的代码。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
description | 对返回原因代码的可读描述。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
translatedDescription | 对于描述的翻译。翻译采用 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: ErrorList |
步骤 2. 为订单创建配送退货
Using one of the reasons retrieved in the previous step, make a call to the createFulfillmentReturn
operation to submit the return request and retrieve the return shipping label needed to ship the item to Amazon.
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 卖家在创建配送订单时为其分配的编码。卖家使用自己的记录来找到基于买家的退货请求的正确的 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerReturnItemId | 卖家为退货商品分配的编码。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
amazonShipmentId | 与退货商品关联的货件的编码。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
returnReasonCode | 卖家为退货商品分配的退货原因代码。 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
returnComment | 关于退货商品的可选评论。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
PUT "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/fc5d0aaf64e6d9d517fa7572c0/return"
"items": [
"sellerReturnItemId": "Itm1",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "fc5d0aaf64e6d9d517fa7572c0",
"amazonShipmentId": "Uvwxq86C7",
"returnReasonCode": "CR-ORDERED_WRONG_ITEM",
"returnComment": "Accidental order"
A successful response has a 200 code and the response schema for the createFulfillmentReturn
"payload": {
"returnItems": [
"sellerReturnItemId": "Itm1",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "fc5d0aaf64e6d9d517fa7572c0",
"amazonShipmentId": "Uvwxq86C7",
"returnComment": "Accidental order",
"amazonReturnReasonCode": "CR-ORDERED_WRONG_ITEM",
"status": "New",
"statusChangedDate": "2022-10-26T03:48:29Z",
"returnAuthorizationId": "RMA26PCEUDROQE18"
"invalidReturnItems": [],
"returnAuthorizations": [
"returnAuthorizationId": "RMA26PCEUDROQE18",
"fulfillmentCenterId": "LEX2",
"returnToAddress": {
"name": "Returns Department",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"districtOrCounty": "US",
"city": "Lexington",
"stateOrRegion": "KY",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "40511"
"amazonRmaId": "DBKKwqJ0RRMA",
"rmaPageURL": "https://www.amazon.com/spr/returns/label/rmaID/DBKKwqJ0RRMA"
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
ReturnItemList | 亚马逊接受退货的一组商品。如果没有接受任何退货商品,则返回空值。 Type: < | 有帮助 |
InvalidReturnItemList | 一组无效的退货商品信息。 Type: < | 有帮助 |
ReturnAuthorizationList | 一组退货授权信息。 Type: < | 有帮助 |
名称 | 描述 |
errors | 操作期间发生了一个或多个意外错误。 Type: |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。404 响应提供了不合格错误(如果有)。
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: | 有帮助 |
步骤 3. 配送要退回的商品
步骤 4. 获取配送订单以验证订单退货
After the package is received by the Amazon warehouse, the item is marked returned for that order. Call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation to validate that the return authorization is populated on the original order. returnItems
and returnAuthorizations
should populate the same details as the createFulfillmentReturn
response along with the status/condition of the item returned.
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-1450456"
成功的响应具有带有效载荷的 200 代码。
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-1450456",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"displayableOrderId": "Test Order1",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-10-31T15:15:20Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "We have received your Order.",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Nikki Wolf",
"addressLine1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Charlotte",
"stateOrRegion": "NC",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "28277"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillAllAvailable",
"receivedDate": "2022-10-31T13:24:13Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "Complete",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2022-11-07T15:14:04Z",
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required"
"featureName": "BLOCK_AMZL",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "Required"
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "fc5d0aaf64e6d9d517fa7572c0",
"quantity": "1",
"fulfillmentNetworkSku": "X002ZKYQ4Z",
"orderItemDisposition": "Sellable",
"cancelledQuantity": "0",
"unfulfillableQuantity": "0",
"estimatedShipDate": "2022-11-01T06:59:59Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-11-05T06:59:59Z",
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "USD",
"value": "1995.00"
"fulfillmentShipments": [
"amazonShipmentId": "Uvwxq86C7",
"fulfillmentCenterId": "GYR1",
"fulfillmentShipmentStatus": "SHIPPED",
"shippingDate": "2022-10-31T21:16:36Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-11-05T06:59:59Z",
"fulfillmentShipmentItem": [
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "16653",
"quantity": "1",
"packageNumber": "1725289037"
"fulfillmentShipmentPackage": [
"packageNumber": "UA-123456789",
"carrierCode": "UPS",
"trackingNumber": "1Z62Y7Y8425779999",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2022-11-05T03:00:00Z"
"returnItems": [
"amazonShipmentId": "Uvwxq86C7",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "fc5d0aaf64e6d9d517fa7572c0",
"sellerReturnItemId": "SRII1",
"returnComment": "recomment",
"amazonReturnReasonCode": "CR-ORDERED_WRONG_ITEM",
"status": "New",
"statusChangedDate": "2022-11-07T23:14:01Z",
"returnAuthorizationId": "RMA26PCEUDROQE18"
"returnAuthorizations": [
"returnAuthorizationId": "RMA26PCEUDROQE18",
"fulfillmentCenterId": "LAS2",
"returnToAddress": {
"name": "Returns Department",
"addressLine1": "100 Main Street",
"addressLine2": "Ste 111",
"districtOrCounty": "US",
"city": "Las Vegas",
"stateOrRegion": "NV",
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "89193"
"amazonRmaId": "D2dJ2rJ6RRMA",
"rmaPageURL": "https://www.amazon.com/spr/returns/label/rmaID/D2dJ2rJ6RRMA"
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
fulfillmentOrder | 有关配送订单的一般信息,包括其状态。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentOrderItems | 一组配送订单商品信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentShipments | 一组配送货件信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
returnItems | 亚马逊接受退货的一组商品。如果没有接受任何退货商品,则返回空值。 Type: | 有帮助 |
returnAuthorizations | 一组退货授权信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: | 有帮助 |
本教程概述了如何使用美国邮政编码或美国 IP 地址获取可购买产品的动态配送优惠。
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
第 1 步。获取动态配送优惠
Call the deliveryOffers
operation to get the dynamic delivery offer for standard click-to-delivery speed for the specified product and location information.
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
product | 配送优惠的产品详情。 Type: | 有帮助 |
terms | 送货优惠的条款。 Type: | 有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/deliveryOffers"
"product": {
"productIdentifier": {
"merchantSku": "TestSku"
"amount": {
"unitOfMeasure": "Eaches",
"value": "2"
"terms": {
"origin": {
"countryCode": "US"
"destination": {
"deliveryAddress": {
"countryCode": "US",
"postalCode": "94560",
"addressLine1": "",
"addressLine2": "",
"addressLine3": "",
"city": "",
"districtOrCounty": "",
"stateOrRegion": "CA"
"ipAddress": ""
成功的响应有 200 个代码。
"payload": {
"deliveryOffers": [
"dateRange": {
"earliest": "2024-06-07T02:59:00Z",
"latest": "2024-06-07T02:59:00Z"
"expiresAt": "2024-06-04T01:32:16Z",
"policy": {
"messaging": {
"locale": "en-US",
"text": "Fastest Delivery Thursday, Jun 6"
如果没有送货优惠, deliveryOffers
"payload": {
"deliveryOffers": []
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errored occurred during the Type: |
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
第 1 步。创建指定配送首选项的配送订单
Call the createFulfillmentOrder
operation to create an MCF order specifying the delivery preferences required for the order.
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 卖家为追踪其配送订单而创建的配送订单编号。对于卖家创建的每个配送订单, 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderId | 卖家创建的配送订单编号。此值作为订单编号显示在面向收件人的材料中,如出库货件装箱单。 该值必须是字母数字或符合 ISO 8859-1 标准的字符串,长度为 1 至 40 个字符。不能连续包含两个空格。前部和尾部的空格会被移除。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderDate | 配送订单的日期和时间。在面向收件人的材料(如出货装箱单)中显示为订单日期。 Type: | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderComment | 特定于订单的文本,出现在面向收件人的材料中,如出货装箱单。 最大长度:250 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategory | 配送订单的配送方式。 ShippingSpeedCategory | 有帮助 |
deliveryWindow | 已安排的配送订单的配送时间范围。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
destinationAddress | 配送订单的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryPreferences | 配送首选项适用于目的地地址。这些首选项将在可能的情况下适用,并且是尽力而为。对于符合条件的订单,默认的配送偏好是将包裹放在前门无人看管。此功能目前仅在日本商城支持,不适用于其他商城。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentAction | 指定配送订单是立即发货还是暂停订单。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentPolicy | 提交 Type: | 没有帮助 |
codSettings | 您与货到付款配送订单关联的货到付款 (COD) 费用。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
shipFromCountryCode | 配送订单发货的国家/地区的双字符国家代码。必须采用 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式。如果是跨境运输,则是必填项。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
notificationEmails | 卖家提供的电子邮件地址列表,亚马逊使用这些地址代表卖家向收件人发送配送完成通知。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
Items | 要包括在配送订单预览中的商品列表,包括数量。 | 有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-fe.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders"
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-01-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "1-8-1 Shimomeguro",
"addressLine2": "Meguro-ku",
"city": "Tokyo",
"countryCode": "JP",
"postalCode": "153-0064"
"deliveryPreferences": {
"deliveryInstructions": "Beware of dogs",
"dropOffLocation": {
"type": "FRONT_DOOR"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "SellerSKU12",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": 1
成功的响应具有 200 个代码,并包含以下对象。
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
第 1 步。创建指定配送首选项的配送订单
Call the createFulfillmentOrder
operation to create an MCF order specifying the delivery preferences required for the order.
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
marketplaceId | 配送订单所属的商城。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 卖家为追踪其配送订单而创建的配送订单编号。对于卖家创建的每个配送订单, 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderId | 卖家创建的配送订单编号。此值作为订单编号显示在面向收件人的材料中,如出库货件装箱单。 该值必须是字母数字或符合 ISO 8859-1 标准的字符串,长度为 1 至 40 个字符。不能连续包含两个空格。前部和尾部的空格会被移除。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderDate | 配送订单的日期和时间。在面向收件人的材料(如出货装箱单)中显示为订单日期。 Type: | 有帮助 |
displayableOrderComment | 特定于订单的文本,出现在面向收件人的材料中,如出货装箱单。 最大长度:250 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
shippingSpeedCategory | 配送订单的配送方式。 ShippingSpeedCategory | 有帮助 |
deliveryWindow | 已安排的配送订单的配送时间范围。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
destinationAddress | 配送订单的目标地址。 Type: | 有帮助 |
deliveryPreferences | 配送首选项适用于目的地地址。这些首选项将在可能的情况下适用,并且是尽力而为。对于符合条件的订单,默认的配送偏好是将包裹放在前门无人看管。此功能目前仅在日本商城支持,不适用于其他商城。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentAction | 指定配送订单是立即发货还是暂停订单。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
fulfillmentPolicy | 提交 Type: | 没有帮助 |
codSettings | 您与货到付款配送订单关联的货到付款 (COD) 费用。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
shipFromCountryCode | 配送订单发货的国家/地区的双字符国家代码。必须采用 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 格式。如果是跨境运输,则是必填项。 类型:字符串 | 没有帮助 |
notificationEmails | 卖家提供的电子邮件地址列表,亚马逊使用这些地址代表卖家向收件人发送配送完成通知。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
featureConstraints | 适用于订单的功能及其配送政策的列表。 Type: < | 没有帮助 |
Items | 要包括在配送订单预览中的商品列表,包括数量。 | 有帮助 |
POST "https://sellingpartnerapi-fe.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders"
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2022-01-09T19:46:45.809Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "TestOrder",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "1-8-1 Shimomeguro",
"addressLine2": "Meguro-ku",
"city": "Tokyo",
"countryCode": "JP",
"postalCode": "153-0064"
"deliveryPreferences": {
"deliveryInstructions": "Beware of dogs",
"dropOffLocation": {
"attributes": {
"neighborName": "Liam Lowe",
"houseNumber": "1-8-2 Shimomeguro"
"items": [
"sellerSku": "SellerSKU12",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": 1
成功的响应具有 200 个代码,并包含以下对象。
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: |
The getFulfillmentOrder
API might not always return lockerDetails
, depending on the delivery status and delivery location.
Use the getPackageTrackingDetails
API to check the delivery status and identify if the package was delivered to a locker (delivery box).
- Authorization from the selling partner for whom you are making calls. Refer to Authorizing Selling Partner API Applications for more information.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role assigned to your developer profile.
- The Amazon Fulfillment role selected in the App registration page for your application.
第 1 步。获取配送订单以查看最新的订单详情和储物柜详细信息(如果有)
Call the getFulfillmentOrder
operation by passing the following parameters:
参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
sellerFulfillmentOrderId | 创建配送订单时卖家为商品分配的编码。 最大长度:40 类型:字符串 | 有帮助 |
GET "https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/fba/outbound/2020-07-01/fulfillmentOrders/CONSUMER-2022921-145045"
成功的响应具有带有效载荷的 200 代码。
"payload": {
"fulfillmentOrder": {
"sellerFulfillmentOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"marketplaceId": "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
"displayableOrderId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045",
"displayableOrderDate": "2024-05-21T14:48:15Z",
"displayableOrderComment": "Thank you for your order",
"shippingSpeedCategory": "Standard",
"destinationAddress": {
"name": "Mary Major",
"addressLine1": "1-8-1 Shimomeguro",
"addressLine2": "Meguro-ku",
"city": "Tokyo",
"countryCode": "JP",
"postalCode": "153-0064"
"fulfillmentAction": "Ship",
"fulfillmentPolicy": "FillAllAvailable",
"receivedDate": "2024-05-21T14:50:45Z",
"fulfillmentOrderStatus": "CompletePartialled",
"statusUpdatedDate": "2024-05-22T03:44:35Z",
"notificationEmails": [
"featureConstraints": [
"featureName": "BLANK_BOX",
"featureFulfillmentPolicy": "NotRequired"
"fulfillmentOrderItems": [
"sellerSku": "LT110WHTAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-0",
"quantity": "1",
"fulfillmentNetworkSku": "X002ZKH36D",
"orderItemDisposition": "Sellable",
"cancelledQuantity": "0",
"unfulfillableQuantity": "1",
"estimatedShipDate": "2024-05-22T06:59:59Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2024-05-26T06:59:59Z",
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "YEN",
"value": "0.00"
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": "1",
"giftMessage": "",
"fulfillmentNetworkSku": "X002ZKYQ4Z",
"orderItemDisposition": "Sellable",
"cancelledQuantity": "0",
"unfulfillableQuantity": "0",
"estimatedShipDate": "",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "",
"perUnitDeclaredValue": {
"currencyCode": "YEN",
"value": "15.00"
"fulfillmentShipments": [
"amazonShipmentId": "T7mfkbDX5",
"fulfillmentCenterId": "TUL2",
"fulfillmentShipmentStatus": "SHIPPED",
"shippingDate": "2024-05-22T03:39:19Z",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2024-05-26T06:59:59Z",
"fulfillmentShipmentItem": [
"sellerSku": "LT205BLKAM",
"sellerFulfillmentOrderItemId": "CONSUMER-2022921-145045-1",
"quantity": "1",
"packageNumber": 1681854637
"fulfillmentShipmentPackage": [
"packageNumber": 1681854637,
"carrierCode": "AMZL",
"trackingNumber": "TBA123456789012",
"estimatedArrivalDate": "2024-05-26T06:59:59Z",
"lockerDetails": {
"lockerNumber": "A-42",
"lockerAccessCode" : "7380"
"returnItems": [],
"returnAuthorizations": []
主体参数 | 描述 | 必填项 |
fulfillmentOrder | 有关配送订单的一般信息,包括其状态。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentOrderItems | 一组配送订单商品信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
fulfillmentShipments | 一组配送货件信息。 Type: | 没有帮助 |
returnItems | 亚马逊接受退货的一组商品。如果没有接受任何退货商品,则返回空值。 Type: | 有帮助 |
returnAuthorizations | 一组退货授权信息。 Type: | 有帮助 |
不成功的响应的代码不是 2xx,并且包含以下对象。
名称 | 描述 | 必填项 |
errors | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the Type: | 有帮助 |
Updated 28 days ago