- 应用程序未处于生产状态
- 应用程序处于草稿状态,尚未发布
- 应用程序仅在 SP-API 上使用
- 应用程序没有 Amazon Business 职权
- 应用程序没有任何活跃的 OAuth 或自我授权
You can delete self-authorizations from your developer account by following the steps in the next section. Refer to the OAuth documentation to revoke an OAuth token or contact Developer Support for assistance.
❗ 警告
App deletion and self-authorization revokes cannot be undone or rolled back. Refer to the self-authorization workflow to create a new self-authorization.
If your application doesn’t meet these conditions, contact the SP-API Developer Support team with the Application ID and the authorization. For sellers, the authorization is the Merchant Customer ID. For vendors, the authorization is the Vendor Group ID.
Sign in to the Solution Provider Portal using your developer credentials.
在顶部导航栏上,选择 开发应用程序。
要找到 编辑应用程序 在卖家平台或供应商平台中,使用以下步骤:
Seller Central: Sign in to Seller Central for your marketplace and navigate to Apps and Services, then Develop Apps.
Vendor Central: Sign in to Vendor Central for your marketplace and navigate to Integration, then API Integration.
对于任何应用程序,请展开旁边的下拉列表 Edit 然后选择 Authorize 导航到 Manage Authorizations 页面。
在 Revoke Authorization 部分,展开 Self-Authorizations 查看所有有效的自授权。
选择 Revoke 用于您想要删除的任何授权。
You cannot revoke OAuth from your application using this self-service workflow.
Navigate back to the Solution Provider Portal homepage (or to Develop Apps for Seller Central users and API Integration for Vendor Central users).
选择 Edit 适用于您在上一步中删除自授权的应用程序。
滚动到页面底部并选择 Delete app。
要确认要继续,请粘贴 app ID 从确认消息到文本框。
选择 Delete app。
Updated 23 days ago