Revoke Self-Authorizations from your Application
Describes how to revoke self-authorizations from seller and vendor applications.
If your application has a large number of authorizations, including both OAuths and self-authorizations, you cannot revoke self-authorizations on your own. Contact the SP-API Developer Support team for assistance with revoking self-authorizations.
Remove authorizations from public and private seller applications
Sign in to the Solution Provider Portal using your developer credentials.
On the top navigation, select Develop Apps.
On the Developer Central page, find the application you want to update. Choose Edit app.
To locate Edit app in Seller Central or Vendor Central, use these steps:
Seller Central: Sign in to Seller Central for your marketplace and navigate to Apps and Services, then Develop Apps.
Vendor Central: Sign in to Vendor Central for your marketplace and navigate to Integration, then API Integration.
For any application, expand the drop down next to Edit and choose Authorize to navigate to the Manage Authorizations page.
In the Revoke Authorization section, expand Self-Authorizations to view all active self-authorizations.
Choose Revoke for any authorization that you want to remove.
Updated about 1 month ago