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Listings migration FAQ

Questions about migrating listings management workflows to Listings Items API and JSON-based feeds.

Do I need to migrate from the feed types listed in this guide?

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Yes. We have deprecated the XML and flat file listings data (including pricing, inventory, relationships, and images) that you submit with the Feeds API and no longer provide new features or categories in the legacy category XML format.

If you have an application that uses XML or flat file listings data, you must migrate to the JSON-based Listings Items APIs or the JSON_LISTINGS_FEED submitted with the Feeds API by June 30, 2025. This deprecation does not impact any listings feeds submitted by sellers directly through Seller Central.

The JSON-based Listings API and JSON_LISTINGS_FEED feed type enable you to access new listings capabilities and are available for all product types in hardlines, softlines, and consumables categories worldwide. With these offerings, you can build comprehensive, efficient, and event-driven listings workflows.

However, not all shipping overrides (POST_PRODUCT_OVERRIDES_DATA) are deprecated. Sellers using shipping overrides must migrate to account-level or shipping template settings to avoid disruption. The MerchantShippingGroupName attribute can be used with the existing POST_PRODUCT_DATA feed type for shipping templates until migration to the Listings Items API or JSON_LISTINGS_FEED is complete.

Can I use existing feed types until my migration is complete?

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Yes. You can continue to use your existing listings workflows while migrating. When migrated (in whole or in part), submissions for the same content should not be duplicated using both workflows. For example, if you have migrated a workflow for price-only updates, submitting the same price-only updates in both old and new workflows is redundant and delays processing for the duplicate submissions.

Why should I migrate now?

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Migrating to the Listings API gives you access to up-to-date templates, including clear data requirements for product schemas, and the ability to receive synchronous and asynchronous feedback for your submissions regardless of whether you are a seller or vendor.

Can I submit in bulk with feeds?

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Yes. The JSON_LISTINGS_FEED feed type is compatible and interoperable with the Listings Items API and Product Type Definitions API. Choose between the JSON_LISTINGS_FEED, the Listings Items API, or both based on your specific use case. Refer to Creating and Updating Listings Items in Bulk for more details and guidance.

What can I migrate if product types for my use case are unavailable?

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The Listings APIs is currently available for the Hardlines and Softlines categories across all marketplaces (except India) worldwide, excluding Consumables, Books, and Media categories. You can migrate inventory/price or offer updates for any listings item regardless of its product type. Refer to the following table for additional details on your specific use case:

API Feature Set for un-launched PTs (except IN MP) Feature Set for launched PTs
Product Type Definitions API
  1. Search for list of all launched PTs
  2. Keyword search for specific PTs
  3. Retrieve offer-only requirements
  1. Search for list of all launched PTs
  2. Keyword search for specific PTs
  3. Retrieve full-product creation requirements
  4. Retrieve offer-only requirements
  5. Retrieve product-facts only requirements
Listings Items API
  1. Create offer on existing ASINs (3P)
  2. Submit inventory and price updates
  3. Retrieve listing (SKU) information including only summary attributes (non-PT specific attributes)
  4. Retrieve list of post submission (pipeline) issues on listings
  1. Submit full product and offer information to create a new ASIN
  2. Create offer on existing ASINs (3P)
  3. Submit partial product updates
  4. Submit inventory and price updates
  5. Retrieve listing (SKU) information including product attributes
  6. Retrieve list of post submission (pipeline) issues on listings
  7. Create and Edit Variations (3P)
  8. Create SPH relationships (1P)
  9. Upload Images
Catalog Items API
  1. Search items (ASINs) in the Amazon catalog by keywords, external product Ids
  2. Retrieve information about ASINs (including product attributes, rankings, and summaries)
  1. Search items (ASINs) in the Amazon catalog by keywords, external product Ids
  2. Retrieve information about ASINs (including product attributes, rankings, and summaries)
Notifications API Receive event-based triggers for
  1. Pipeline issues on listings
  2. Buyability status change
  3. PT schema updates
  4. Item information content change (for brand owners)
  5. PT change on ASIN
Receive event-based triggers for
  1. Pipeline issues on listings
  2. Buyability status change
  3. PT schema updates
  4. Item information content change (for brand owners)
  5. PT change on ASIN
Restrictions API (for 3P only)
  1. Check whether restrictions exist that prevent the creation of a listing for an item in the Amazon catalog.
  2. If item is restricted, provide path forward to request approvals through Seller Central
  1. Check whether restrictions exist that prevent the creation of a listing for an item in the Amazon catalog.
  2. If item is restricted, provide path forward to request approvals through Seller Central