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开发者中心API 状态支持

供应商直接配送付款 API v1 用例指南

How to help vendors in the direct fulfillment (DF) program use the Payments API to manage their direct fulfillment operations.

API 版本:v1

什么是直接配送付款 API?

供应商可以使用直接配送付款 API 与亚马逊交换与付款相关的文件。submitInvoice 操作允许供应商向亚马逊发送已确认和已发货订单的供应商发票。

付款 API 中包含以下操作:

操作HTTP 方法Path描述


The submitInvoice operation allows vendors to submit vendor invoices to request payment from Amazon for items shipped. Using this API, vendors can submit multiple invoices in a single API call.

Items should be invoiced only after they are confirmed and shipped to Amazon. Otherwise, the invoice will be rejected. An invoice with correct information will be processed by Amazon without any human interaction, which means that the vendor receives payment more quickly. Invoices with incorrect information will be rejected in Amazon's payee system, so sending correct information is very important. Refer to the business requirements section to learn how to create invoices with correct information.


After you complete the API invoice integration, our Accounts Payable (AP) department requires you to send one successful API invoice in production before considering you as live. If there are any issues with your initial production invoice, our AP team will contact you. After the API invoice is integrated into production, you must send invoices via API only. If you want to return to using just the Vendor Central option, contact us to update your account. Before finalizing your API invoice integration, submit all invoices with a "Non-submitted" status in your account under the Payments tab in the Direct Fulfillment invoices section. Existing invoices with the "Non-submitted" status might be rejected and not paid if sent via API.


The Transaction Status API doesn't show the actual status of invoice processing, it only shows the status of the semantic validations of the submitted invoices. Vendors can verify the actual status of the original/updated version of the invoices via Vendor Central > Payments > Direct Fulfillment Invoices. For more information on how to use the Transaction Status API, refer to the business use case documentation for Transaction Status. Allow the system to take up to 15 minutes to show the original/updated version after submission. If Vendor Central is not showing the correct values for the updated invoice, open a Contact Us case in Vendor Central.


The Direct Fulfillment integration workflow for submitting invoices for direct fulfillment confirmed and shipped orders.


Invoice numbers must be unique, and they should never be reused (even after one year).

如果使用 API 发送的发票由于数据不正确而发送失败,但纸质发票的数据正确,则供应商应使用相同的 Invoice ID 通过 API 使用正确的数据更新发票。

If an invoice has incorrect data (both paper and API) then the invoice is canceled and a new invoice should be sent with a new Invoice ID.

带有 total amount 的发票 = 不应发送 0,因为这会导致发票失败。

Amazon requires the full address details in the address segments for tax compliance reasons. This is especially important for the bill to party. For this segment the Amazon Payee system requires an exact match. For a complete list of Amazon bill to party addresses and JSON code examples, refer to SP-API bill to party addresses. If you do not know the Amazon Tax ID for a bill to location, go to Vendor Central and from the Support page, select the Contact Us button to create a case.

Payment terms 发送的发票应符合与亚马逊买家商定的付款条件。

Item product identifier 应与在匹配的采购订单中发送给供应商的订单商品标识符相匹配。

The invoice total amount should be equal to the total sum of the items, charges, and allowances.

每个行级别的 tax amount 总数必须等于标题级别的税额总额。

发票 total quantity 应与所有商品数量的总和相匹配。

Every different charge and allowance must be itemized on the header level (for example, freight charge, package charge, small ordering charge).


印度不支持通过 API 开具直接配送发票。

功能 印度 欧洲 北美
Invoice Type 不支持 发票类型应始终为“发票”。 发票类型应始终为“发票”。
Date 不支持 必须是“现在”或之前。 必须是“现在”或之前。
HSN Number 不支持 未使用 未使用
Tax Type at line and header level 不支持 要发送的税种类型。 未使用
Tax Registration Number 不支持 增值税号 增值税号
Tax Details at line and header level 不支持






Remit To Party 不支持 将收到已发货商品付款的一方(供应商)的税项和地址详情。此为必填项。 将收到已发货商品付款的一方(供应商)的税项和地址详情。此为必填项。
Ship From Party 不支持 供应商代码或库房代码以及商品配送方的地址。 供应商代码或库房代码以及商品配送方的地址。
Ship To Party 不支持 亚马逊编号或库房代码以及商品配送方的地址。 亚马逊编号或库房代码以及商品配送方的地址。
Bill To Party 不支持





Amazon Product Identifier and External Product Identifier 不支持 这些值中至少有一个是必填项。该标识符必须与订单中收到的相同。 这些值中至少有一个是必填项。该标识符必须与订单中收到的相同。
Net Cost 不支持 这个字段是必填项。 这个字段是必填项。
Purchase Order Number 不支持

一张发票可以包含多个订单的信息。对于不同的行项目,应相应地发送 PO 编号。


一张发票可以包含多个订单的信息。对于不同的行项目,应相应地发送 PO 编号。


Additional Details 不支持 当销售方出于特殊目的需要提交附加详细信息时,就需要使用该字段。例如,对于波兰语分批付款发票,销售方必须发送“mechanizm podzielonej płatności”类型为“SUR”和 languageCode“PL”的详细信息。 未使用
referenceNumber 不支持 未使用 未使用

submitInvoice 请求

To submit one or more invoices, call the submitInvoice operation and pass the following parameter:


名称 描述 必填项
invoices submitInvoice 操作的请求架构。

Type: < InvoiceDetail > array



POST https://sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com/vendor/directFulfillment/payments/v1/invoices { "invoiceNumber": "0092590411", "invoiceDate": "2020-03-13T11:16:24Z", "remitToParty": { "partyId": "YourVendorCode", "address": { "name": "Jane Doe", "addressLine1": "123 Any Street", "addressLine2": "123 Any Street", "addressLine3": "123 Any Street", "city": "Any Town", "county": "Schwabing", "district": "München", "stateOrRegion": "Bayern", "postalCode": "DEPostCode", "countryCode": "DE" }, "taxRegistrationDetails": [ { "taxRegistrationType": "VAT", "taxRegistrationNumber": "DE123456789" } ] }, "shipFromParty": { "partyId": "ABCD" }, "billToParty": { "partyId": "5450534005838", "address": { "name": "John Doe", "addressLine1": "100 Main Street", "city": "Anytown", "county": "Schwabing", "district": "München", "stateOrRegion": "Bayern", "postalCode": "80807", "countryCode": "DE" }, "taxRegistrationDetails": [ { "taxRegistrationType": "VAT", "taxRegistrationNumber": "DE814584193", "taxRegistrationAddress": { "name": "John Doe", "addressLine1": "100 Main Street", "city": "Anytown", "postalCode": "80807", "countryCode": "DE" }, "taxRegistrationMessage": "txmessage" } ] }, "shipToCountryCode": "DE", "paymentTermsCode": "Basic", "invoiceTotal": { "currencyCode": "EUR", "amount": "1428.00" }, "taxTotals": [ { "taxType": "CGST", "taxRate": "0.19", "taxAmount": { "currencyCode": "EUR", "amount": "228.00" }, "taxableAmount": { "currencyCode": "EUR", "amount": "1200.00" } } ], "items": [ { "itemSequenceNumber": "1", "buyerProductIdentifier": "B00IVLAABC", "invoicedQuantity": { "amount": 1, "unitOfMeasure": "Each" }, "netCost": { "currencyCode": "EUR", "amount": "1200.00" }, "purchaseOrderNumber": "D3rC3KTxG", "vendorOrderNumber": "0092590411", "hsnCode": "", "taxDetails": [ { "taxType": "CGST", "taxRate": "0.19", "taxAmount": { "currencyCode": "EUR", "amount": "228.00" }, "taxableAmount": { "currencyCode": "EUR", "amount": "1200.00" } } ] } ] }

submitInvoice 响应


名称 描述 必填项
transactionId GUID 以识别此交易。此值可以与交易状态 API 一起使用,以返回此交易的状态。




{ "transactionId": "20190905010908-8a3b6901-ef20-412f-9270-21c021796605" }
