Receba faturas de clientes

Returns a list of customer invoices created during a time frame that you specify. You define the time frame using the createdAfter and createdBefore parameters. You must use both of these parameters. The date range to search must be no more than 7 days.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second)Burst

The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The preceding table indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.

Query Params

The vendor warehouseId for order fulfillment. If not specified, the result will contain orders for all warehouses.

número inteiro
1 to 100

The limit to the number of records returned


Orders that became available after this date and time will be included in the result. Values are in ISO 8601 date-time format.


Orders that became available before this date and time will be included in the result. Values are in ISO 8601 date-time format.


Classifique ASC ou DESC pela data de criação do pedido.


Usado para paginação quando há mais pedidos do que o limite de tamanho de resultado especificado. O valor do token é retornado na chamada anterior da API.


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