Replenishment API v2022-11-07 Reference
Get replenishment program metrics and offers data.
The Selling Partner API for Replenishment (Replenishment API) provides programmatic access to replenishment program metrics and offers. These programs provide recurring delivery of any replenishable item at a frequency chosen by the customer.
The Replenishment API is available worldwide wherever Amazon Subscribe & Save is available or is supported. The API is available to vendors and FBA selling partners.
Version information
Version : 2022-11-07
Contact information
Contact : Selling Partner API Developer Support
Contact URL :
License information
License : Apache License 2.0
License URL :
URI scheme
Host :
Schemes : HTTPS
POST /replenishment/2022-11-07/sellingPartners/metrics/search
Operation: getSellingPartnerMetrics
Returns aggregated replenishment program metrics for a selling partner.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
1 | 1 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, see Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body | body optional | The request body for the getSellingPartnerMetrics operation. | GetSellingPartnerMetricsRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetSellingPartnerMetricsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
POST /replenishment/2022-11-07/offers/metrics/search
Operation: listOfferMetrics
Returns aggregated replenishment program metrics for a selling partner's offers.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
1 | 1 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, see Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body | body optional | The request body for the listOfferMetrics operation. | ListOfferMetricsRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | ListOfferMetricsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
POST /replenishment/2022-11-07/offers/search
Operation: listOffers
Returns the details of a selling partner's replenishment program offers.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
1 | 1 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, see Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body | body optional | The request body for the listOffers operation. | ListOffersRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | ListOffersResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Error Responses and Schemas
This table contains HTTP status codes and associated information for error responses.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers: x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
401 | The request's Authorization header is not formatted correctly or does not contain a valid token. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
403 | Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
404 | The specified resource does not exist. Headers: x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
413 | The request size exceeded the maximum accepted size. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
415 | The request payload is in an unsupported format. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
The request body for the getSellingPartnerMetrics
Name | Description | Schema |
aggregationFrequency optional | The time period used to group data in the response. Note that this is only valid for the PERFORMANCE time period type. | AggregationFrequency |
timeInterval required | A time interval used to compute metrics. | TimeInterval |
metrics optional | The list of metrics requested. If no metric value is provided, data for all of the metrics will be returned. | < Metric > array |
timePeriodType required | The time period type that determines whether the metrics requested are backward-looking (performance) or forward-looking (forecast). | TimePeriodType |
marketplaceId required | The marketplace identifier. The supported marketplaces for both sellers and vendors are US, CA, ES, UK, FR, IT, IN, DE and JP. The supported marketplaces for vendors only are BR, AU, MX, AE and NL. Refer to Marketplace IDs to find the identifier for the marketplace. | MarketplaceId |
programTypes required | The list of replenishment program types for which to return metrics. | ProgramTypes |
The request body for the listOfferMetrics
Name | Description | Schema |
pagination required | Use these parameters to paginate through the response. | ListOfferMetricsRequestPagination |
sort optional | Use these parameters to sort the response. | ListOfferMetricsRequestSort |
filters required | Use these parameters to filter results. Any result must match all provided parameters. For any parameter that is an array, the result must match at least one element in the provided array. | ListOfferMetricsRequestFilters |
The request body for the listOffers
Name | Description | Schema |
pagination required | Use these parameters to paginate through the response. | ListOffersRequestPagination |
filters required | Use these parameters to filter results. Any result must match all provided parameters. For any parameter that is an array, the result must match at least one element in the provided array. | ListOffersRequestFilters |
sort optional | Use these parameters to sort the response. | ListOffersRequestSort |
The current eligibility status of an offer.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
ELIGIBLE | The offer is able to fulfill current subscriptions and add new subscriptions. |
INELIGIBLE | The offer will not be able to add new subscriptions and existing subscriptions will be cancelled. |
SUSPENDED | The offer will not be able to add new subscriptions but existing subscriptions will be fulfilled. |
REPLENISHMENT_ONLY_ORDERING | The offer will not be able to add new subscriptions but existing subscriptions will be fulfilled. This eligibility status also blocks one-time purchases to preserve inventory for existing subscriptions. |
Offer preferences that you can include in the result filter criteria.
Name | Description | Schema |
autoEnrollment optional | Filters the results to only include offers with the auto-enrollment preference specified. | < AutoEnrollmentPreference > array |
Offer promotions to include in the result filter criteria.
Name | Description | Schema |
sellingPartnerFundedBaseDiscount optional | A base discount set by the selling partner on the offer. | DiscountFunding |
sellingPartnerFundedTieredDiscount optional | A tiered discount set by the selling partner on the offer. | DiscountFunding |
amazonFundedBaseDiscount optional | A base discount set by Amazon on the offer. | DiscountFunding |
amazonFundedTieredDiscount optional | A tiered discount set by Amazon on the offer. | DiscountFunding |
The discount funding on the offer.
Name | Description | Schema |
percentage optional | Filters the results to only include offers with the percentage specified. | < number (int64) > array |
The offer program configuration contains a set of program properties for an offer.
Name | Description | Schema |
preferences optional | An object which contains the preferences applied to the offer. | OfferProgramConfigurationPreferences |
promotions optional | An object which contains the promotions applied to the offer. | OfferProgramConfigurationPromotions |
enrollmentMethod optional | Determines whether the offer was automatically or manually enrolled in the program. This property is only supported for sellers and not vendors. | EnrollmentMethod |
An object which contains the preferences applied to the offer.
Name | Description | Schema |
autoEnrollment optional | The auto-enrollment preference indicates whether the offer is opted-in to or opted-out of Amazon's auto-enrollment feature. | AutoEnrollmentPreference |
An object which represents all promotions applied to an offer.
Name | Description | Schema |
sellingPartnerFundedBaseDiscount optional | A base discount set by the selling partner on the offer. | OfferProgramConfigurationPromotionsDiscountFunding |
sellingPartnerFundedTieredDiscount optional | A tiered discount set by the selling partner on the offer. | OfferProgramConfigurationPromotionsDiscountFunding |
amazonFundedBaseDiscount optional | A base discount set by Amazon on the offer. | OfferProgramConfigurationPromotionsDiscountFunding |
amazonFundedTieredDiscount optional | A tiered discount set by Amazon on the offer. | OfferProgramConfigurationPromotionsDiscountFunding |
A promotional percentage discount applied to the offer.
Name | Description | Schema |
percentage optional | The percentage discount on the offer. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (int64) |
Use these parameters to paginate through the response.
Name | Description | Schema |
limit required | The maximum number of results to return in the response. Minimum value : 1 Maximum value : 500 | integer (int64) |
offset required | The offset from which to retrieve the number of results specified by the limit value. The first result is at offset 0. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 9000 | integer (int64) |
The auto-enrollment preference indicates whether the offer is opted-in to or opted-out of Amazon's auto-enrollment feature.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
OPTED_IN | The offer is opted-in to the auto-enrollment program. |
OPTED_OUT | The offer is opted-out to the auto-enrollment program. |
A list of replenishment program types.
Type : < ProgramType > array
Min items : 1
Unique items : true
The replenishment program type.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
SUBSCRIBE_AND_SAVE | Subscribe And Save Program. |
The enrollment method used to enroll the offer into the program.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
MANUAL | Offer was manually enrolled in the program. |
AUTOMATIC | Offer was automatically enrolled in the program. |
Use these parameters to filter results. Any result must match all provided parameters. For any parameter that is an array, the result must match at least one element in the provided array.
Name | Description | Schema |
aggregationFrequency optional | The time period used to group data in the response. Note that this is only valid for the PERFORMANCE time period type. | AggregationFrequency |
timeInterval required | A time interval used to compute metrics. | TimeInterval |
timePeriodType required | The time period type that determines whether the metrics requested are backward-looking (performance) or forward-looking (forecast). | TimePeriodType |
marketplaceId required | The marketplace identifier. The supported marketplaces for both sellers and vendors are US, CA, ES, UK, FR, IT, IN, DE and JP. The supported marketplaces for vendors only are BR, AU, MX, AE and NL. Refer to Marketplace IDs to find the identifier for the marketplace. | MarketplaceId |
programTypes required | A list of replenishment program types. | ProgramTypes |
asins optional | A list of Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs). | < string > array |
Use these parameters to sort the response.
Name | Description | Schema |
order required | The sort order. | SortOrder |
key required | The attribute to use to sort the results. | ListOfferMetricsSortKey |
The attribute to use to sort the results.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
SHIPPED_SUBSCRIPTION_UNITS | The number of units shipped to the subscribers over a period of time. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. |
TOTAL_SUBSCRIPTIONS_REVENUE | The revenue generated from subscriptions over a period of time. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. |
ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS | The number of active subscriptions present at the end of the period. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. |
NEXT_90DAYS_SHIPPED_SUBSCRIPTION_UNITS | The forecasted shipped subscription units for the next 90 days. Applicable to FORECAST timePeriodType. |
NEXT_60DAYS_SHIPPED_SUBSCRIPTION_UNITS | The forecasted shipped subscription units for the next 60 days. Applicable to FORECAST timePeriodType. |
NEXT_30DAYS_SHIPPED_SUBSCRIPTION_UNITS | The forecasted shipped subscription units for the next 30 days. Applicable to FORECAST timePeriodType. |
NEXT_90DAYS_TOTAL_SUBSCRIPTIONS_REVENUE | The forecasted total subscription revenue for the next 90 days. Applicable to FORECAST timePeriodType. |
NEXT_60DAYS_TOTAL_SUBSCRIPTIONS_REVENUE | The forecasted total subscription revenue for the next 60 days. Applicable to FORECAST timePeriodType. |
NEXT_30DAYS_TOTAL_SUBSCRIPTIONS_REVENUE | The forecasted total subscription revenue for the next 30 days. Applicable to FORECAST timePeriodType. |
Use these parameters to paginate through the response.
Name | Description | Schema |
limit required | The maximum number of results to return in the response. Minimum value : 1 Maximum value : 100 | integer (int64) |
offset required | The offset from which to retrieve the number of results specified by the limit value. The first result is at offset 0. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 9000 | integer (int64) |
Use these parameters to filter results. Any result must match all of the provided parameters. For any parameter that is an array, the result must match at least one element in the provided array.
Name | Description | Schema |
marketplaceId required | The marketplace identifier. The supported marketplaces for both sellers and vendors are US, CA, ES, UK, FR, IT, IN, DE and JP. The supported marketplaces for vendors only are BR, AU, MX, AE and NL. Refer to Marketplace IDs to find the identifier for the marketplace. | MarketplaceId |
skus optional | A list of SKUs to filter. This filter is only supported for sellers and not for vendors. | < string > array |
asins optional | A list of Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs). | < string > array |
eligibilities optional | A list of eligibilities associated with an offer. | < EligibilityStatus > array |
preferences optional | Offer preferences to include in the result filter criteria. | Preference |
promotions optional | Offer promotions to include in the result filter criteria. | Promotion |
programTypes required | A list of replenishment program types. | ProgramTypes |
Use these parameters to sort the response.
Name | Description | Schema |
order required | The sort order. | SortOrder |
key required | The attribute to use to sort the results. | ListOffersSortKey |
The attribute to use to sort the results.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
ASIN | Sort the offers on the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN). |
SELLING_PARTNER_FUNDED_BASE_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE | Sort the offers on the base discount percentage set by the selling partner on the offer. |
SELLING_PARTNER_FUNDED_TIERED_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE | Sort the offers on the tiered discount percentage set by the selling partner on the offer. |
AMAZON_FUNDED_BASE_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE | Sort the offers on the base discount percentage set by Amazon on the offer. |
AMAZON_FUNDED_TIERED_DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE | Sort the offers on the tiered discount percentage set by Amazon on the offer. |
The marketplace identifier. The supported marketplaces for both sellers and vendors are US, CA, ES, UK, FR, IT, IN, DE and JP. The supported marketplaces for vendors only are BR, AU, MX, AE and NL. Refer to Marketplace IDs to find the identifier for the marketplace.
Type : string
The time period used to group data in the response. Note that this is only valid for the PERFORMANCE
time period type.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
WEEK | ISO Calendar Week. |
MONTH | ISO Calendar Month. |
QUARTER | ISO Calendar Quarter. |
YEAR | ISO Calendar Year. |
A date-time interval in ISO 8601 format which is used to compute metrics. Only the date is required, but you must pass the complete date and time value. For example, November 11, 2022 should be passed as "2022-11-07T00:00:00Z". Note that only data for the trailing 2 years is supported.
Note: The listOfferMetrics
operation only supports a time interval which covers a single unit of the aggregation frequency. For example, for a MONTH aggregation frequency, the duration of the interval between the startDate and endDate can not be more than 1 month.
Name | Description | Schema |
startDate required | When this object is used as a request parameter, the specified startDate is adjusted based on the aggregation frequency.WEEK the metric is computed from the first day of the week (Sunday, based on ISO 8601) that contains the startDate .MONTH the metric is computed from the first day of the month that contains the startDate .QUARTER the metric is computed from the first day of the quarter that contains the startDate .YEAR the metric is computed from the first day of the year that contains the startDate . | string (date-time) |
endDate required | When this object is used as a request parameter, the specified endDate is adjusted based on the aggregation frequency.WEEK the metric is computed up to the last day of the week (Sunday, based on ISO 8601) that contains the endDate .MONTH , the metric is computed up to the last day that contains the endDate .QUARTER the metric is computed up to the last day of the quarter that contains the endDate .YEAR the metric is computed up to the last day of the year that contains the endDate .Note: The end date may be adjusted to a lower value based on the data available in our system. | string (date-time) |
The metric name and description.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
SHIPPED_SUBSCRIPTION_UNITS | The number of units shipped to the subscribers over a period of time. |
TOTAL_SUBSCRIPTIONS_REVENUE | The revenue generated from subscriptions over a period of time. |
ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS | The number of active subscriptions present at the end of the period. |
NOT_DELIVERED_DUE_TO_OOS | The percentage of items that were not shipped out of the total shipped units over a period of time due to being out of stock. |
SUBSCRIBER_NON_SUBSCRIBER_AVERAGE_REVENUE | The average revenue per subscriber and non-subscriber over the past 12 months for sellers and 6 months for vendors. |
LOST_REVENUE_DUE_TO_OOS | The revenue that would have been generated had there not been out of stock. |
SUBSCRIBER_NON_SUBSCRIBER_AVERAGE_REORDERS | The average reorders per subscriber and non-subscriber over the last 12 months. |
COUPONS_REVENUE_PENETRATION | The percentage of revenue from ASINs with coupons out of total revenue from all ASINs. |
REVENUE_BY_DELIVERIES | The subscription revenue generated from subscriptions with over two deliveries, active subscriptions with one delivery and cancelled subscriptions after one delivery over the past 12 months. |
SUBSCRIBER_RETENTION | The percentage of subscriptions retained after 30 and 90 days of subscription creation. |
REVENUE_PENETRATION_BY_SELLER_FUNDING | The percentage of subscription revenue generated by different tiers of seller-funded discount over the last 12 months. |
SHARE_OF_COUPON_SUBSCRIPTIONS | The percentage of new subscriptions acquired through coupons. |
The sort order.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
ASC | Sort the results in ascending order. |
DESC | Sort the results in descending order. |
The time period type that determines whether the metrics requested are backward-looking (performance) or forward-looking (forecast).
Type : enum
Value | Description |
PERFORMANCE | Indicates past performance metrics. |
FORECAST | Indicates forecasted metrics. Only TOTAL_SUBSCRIPTIONS_REVENUE and SHIPPED_SUBSCRIPTION_UNITS are supported. Forecast data is supported for sellers but not for vendors. |
The response schema for the getSellingPartnerMetrics
Name | Description | Schema |
metrics optional | A list of metrics data for the selling partner. | < GetSellingPartnerMetricsResponseMetric > array |
An object which contains metric data for a selling partner.
Name | Description | Schema |
notDeliveredDueToOOS optional | The percentage of items that were not shipped out of the total shipped units over a period of time due to being out of stock. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
totalSubscriptionsRevenue optional | The revenue generated from subscriptions over a period of time. Applicable for both the PERFORMANCE and FORECAST timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
shippedSubscriptionUnits optional | The number of units shipped to the subscribers over a period of time. Applicable for both the PERFORMANCE and FORECAST timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (int64) |
activeSubscriptions optional | The number of active subscriptions present at the end of the period. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (int64) |
subscriberAverageRevenue optional | The average revenue per subscriber of the program over a period of past 12 months for sellers and 6 months for vendors. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
nonSubscriberAverageRevenue optional | The average revenue per non-subscriber of the program over a period of past 12 months for sellers and 6 months for vendors. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
lostRevenueDueToOOS optional | The revenue that would have been generated had there not been out of stock. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
subscriberAverageReorders optional | The average reorders per subscriber of the program over a period of 12 months. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
nonSubscriberAverageReorders optional | The average reorders per non-subscriber of the program over a period of past 12 months. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
couponsRevenuePenetration optional | The percentage of revenue from ASINs with coupons out of total revenue from all ASINs. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
revenueFromSubscriptionsWithMultipleDeliveries optional | The subscription revenue generated from subscriptions with over two deliveries over the past 12 months. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
revenueFromActiveSubscriptionsWithSingleDelivery optional | The subscription revenue generated from active subscriptions with one delivery over the past 12 months. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
revenueFromCancelledSubscriptionsAfterSingleDelivery optional | The subscription revenue generated from subscriptions which are cancelled after one delivery over the past 12 months. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
subscriberRetentionFor30Days optional | The percentage of subscriptions retained after 30 days of subscription creation. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
subscriberRetentionFor90Days optional | The percentage of subscriptions retained after 90 days of subscription creation. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
revenuePenetrationFor0PercentSellerFunding optional | The percentage of subscription revenue generated by offers with 0% seller-funded discount over the last 12 months. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
revenuePenetrationFor5PercentSellerFunding optional | [Applicable only for Sellers] The percentage of subscription revenue generated by offers with 5% seller-funded discount over the last 12 months. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
revenuePenetrationFor10PercentSellerFunding optional | [Applicable only for Sellers] The percentage of subscription revenue generated by offers with 10% seller-funded discount over the last 12 months. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
revenuePenetrationFor5PlusPercentSellerFunding optional | [Applicable only for vendors] The percentage of subscription revenue generated by offers with 5% or above seller-funded discount over the last 12 months. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
shareOfCouponSubscriptions optional | The percentage of new subscriptions acquired through coupons. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
timeInterval optional | A time interval used to compute metrics. | TimeInterval |
currencyCode optional | The currency code in ISO 4217 format. | string |
The response schema for the listOfferMetrics
Name | Description | Schema |
offers optional | A list of offers and associated metrics. | < ListOfferMetricsResponseOffer > array |
pagination optional | Use these parameters to paginate through the response. | PaginationResponse |
The response schema for the listOffers
Name | Description | Schema |
offers optional | A list of offers. | < ListOffersResponseOffer > array |
pagination optional | Use these parameters to paginate through the response. | PaginationResponse |
An object which contains details about an offer.
Name | Description | Schema |
sku optional | The SKU. This property is only supported for sellers and not for vendors. | string |
asin optional | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN). | string |
marketplaceId optional | The marketplace identifier. The supported marketplaces for both sellers and vendors are US, CA, ES, UK, FR, IT, IN, DE and JP. The supported marketplaces for vendors only are BR, AU, MX, AE and NL. Refer to Marketplace IDs to find the identifier for the marketplace. | MarketplaceId |
eligibility optional | The offer eligibility status. | EligibilityStatus |
offerProgramConfiguration optional | The offer program configuration contains a set of program properties for an offer. | OfferProgramConfiguration |
programType optional | The replenishment program for the offer. | ProgramType |
vendorCodes optional | A list of vendor codes associated with the offer. | < string > array |
Use these parameters to paginate through the response.
Name | Description | Schema |
totalResults optional | Total number of results matching the given filter criteria. Minimum value : 0 | integer (int64) |
An object which contains offer metrics.
Name | Description | Schema |
asin optional | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN). | string |
notDeliveredDueToOOS optional | The percentage of items that were not shipped out of the total shipped units over a period of time due to being out of stock. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
totalSubscriptionsRevenue optional | The revenue generated from subscriptions over a period of time. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
shippedSubscriptionUnits optional | The number of units shipped to the subscribers over a period of time. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (int64) |
activeSubscriptions optional | The number of active subscriptions present at the end of the period. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (int64) |
revenuePenetration optional | The percentage of total program revenue out of total product revenue. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
lostRevenueDueToOOS optional | The revenue that would have been generated had there not been out of stock. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
couponsRevenuePenetration optional | The percentage of revenue from ASINs with coupons out of total revenue from all ASINs. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
shareOfCouponSubscriptions optional | The percentage of new subscriptions acquired through coupons. Applicable to PERFORMANCE timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 Maximum value : 100 | number (double) |
next30DayTotalSubscriptionsRevenue optional | The forecasted total subscription revenue for the next 30 days. Applicable to FORECAST timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
next60DayTotalSubscriptionsRevenue optional | The forecasted total subscription revenue for the next 60 days. Applicable to FORECAST timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
next90DayTotalSubscriptionsRevenue optional | The forecasted total subscription revenue for the next 90 days. Applicable to FORECAST timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (double) |
next30DayShippedSubscriptionUnits optional | The forecasted shipped subscription units for the next 30 days. Applicable to FORECAST timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (int64) |
next60DayShippedSubscriptionUnits optional | The forecasted shipped subscription units for the next 60 days. Applicable to FORECAST timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (int64) |
next90DayShippedSubscriptionUnits optional | The forecasted shipped subscription units for the next 90 days. Applicable to FORECAST timePeriodType. Minimum value : 0 | number (int64) |
timeInterval optional | A time interval used to compute metrics. | TimeInterval |
currencyCode optional | The currency code in ISO 4217 format. | string |
A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful.
Name | Description | Schema |
errors required | A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful. | < Error > array |
Error response returned when the request is unsuccessful.
Name | Description | Schema |
code required | An error code that identifies the type of error that occurred. | string |
message required | A message that describes the error condition. | string |
details optional | Additional details that can help the caller understand or fix the issue. | string |
Updated 12 days ago