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Returns aggregated replenishment program metrics for a selling partner.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second)Burst

The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, see Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.

Body Params

The request body for the getSellingPartnerMetrics operation.


The time period used to group data in the response. Note that this is only valid for the PERFORMANCE time period type.

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WEEKISO Calendar Week.
MONTHISO Calendar Month.
QUARTERISO Calendar Quarter.
YEARISO Calendar Year.

A date-time interval in ISO 8601 format which is used to compute metrics. Only the date is required, but you must pass the complete date and time value. For example, November 11, 2022 should be passed as "2022-11-07T00:00:00Z". Note that only data for the trailing 2 years is supported.

Note: The listOfferMetrics operation only supports a time interval which covers a single unit of the aggregation frequency. For example, for a MONTH aggregation frequency, the duration of the interval between the startDate and endDate can not be more than 1 month.

array of strings
length ≥ 1

The list of metrics requested. If no metric value is provided, data for all of the metrics will be returned.

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SHIPPED_SUBSCRIPTION_UNITSThe number of units shipped to the subscribers over a period of time.
TOTAL_SUBSCRIPTIONS_REVENUEThe revenue generated from subscriptions over a period of time.
ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTIONSThe number of active subscriptions present at the end of the period.
NOT_DELIVERED_DUE_TO_OOSThe percentage of items that were not shipped out of the total shipped units over a period of time due to being out of stock.
SUBSCRIBER_NON_SUBSCRIBER_AVERAGE_REVENUEThe average revenue per subscriber and non-subscriber over the past 12 months for sellers and 6 months for vendors.
LOST_REVENUE_DUE_TO_OOSThe revenue that would have been generated had there not been out of stock.
SUBSCRIBER_NON_SUBSCRIBER_AVERAGE_REORDERSThe average reorders per subscriber and non-subscriber over the last 12 months.
COUPONS_REVENUE_PENETRATIONThe percentage of revenue from ASINs with coupons out of total revenue from all ASINs.
REVENUE_BY_DELIVERIESThe subscription revenue generated from subscriptions with over two deliveries, active subscriptions with one delivery and cancelled subscriptions after one delivery over the past 12 months.
SUBSCRIBER_RETENTIONThe percentage of subscriptions retained after 30 and 90 days of subscription creation.
REVENUE_PENETRATION_BY_SELLER_FUNDINGThe percentage of subscription revenue generated by different tiers of seller-funded discount over the last 12 months.
SHARE_OF_COUPON_SUBSCRIPTIONSThe percentage of new subscriptions acquired through coupons.

The time period type that determines whether the metrics requested are backward-looking (performance) or forward-looking (forecast).

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PERFORMANCEIndicates past performance metrics.
FORECASTIndicates forecasted metrics. Only `TOTAL_SUBSCRIPTIONS_REVENUE` and `SHIPPED_SUBSCRIPTION_UNITS` are supported. Forecast data is supported for sellers but not for vendors.

The marketplace identifier. The supported marketplaces for both sellers and vendors are US, CA, ES, UK, FR, IT, IN, DE and JP. The supported marketplaces for vendors only are BR, AU, MX, AE and NL. Refer to Marketplace IDs to find the identifier for the marketplace.

array of strings
length ≥ 1

A list of replenishment program types.

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SUBSCRIBE_AND_SAVESubscribe And Save Program.

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