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Returns a list of inventory summaries. The summaries returned depend on the presence or absence of the startDateTime, sellerSkus and sellerSku parameters:

  • All inventory summaries with available details are returned when the startDateTime, sellerSkus and sellerSku parameters are omitted.
  • When startDateTime is provided, the operation returns inventory summaries that have had changes after the date and time specified. The sellerSkus and sellerSku parameters are ignored. Important: To avoid errors, use both startDateTime and nextToken to get the next page of inventory summaries that have changed after the date and time specified.
  • When the sellerSkus parameter is provided, the operation returns inventory summaries for only the specified sellerSkus. The sellerSku parameter is ignored.
  • When the sellerSku parameter is provided, the operation returns inventory summaries for only the specified sellerSku.

Note: The parameters associated with this operation may contain special characters that must be encoded to successfully call the API. To avoid errors with SKUs when encoding URLs, refer to URL Encoding.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second)Burst

The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, see Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.

Query Params
Defaults to false

true to return inventory summaries with additional summarized inventory details and quantities. Otherwise, returns inventory summaries only (default value).


The granularity type for the inventory aggregation level.


The granularity ID for the inventory aggregation level.


A start date and time in ISO8601 format. If specified, all inventory summaries that have changed since then are returned. You must specify a date and time that is no earlier than 18 months prior to the date and time when you call the API. Note: Changes in inboundWorkingQuantity, inboundShippedQuantity and inboundReceivingQuantity are not detected.

array of strings
length ≤ 50

A list of seller SKUs for which to return inventory summaries. You may specify up to 50 SKUs.


A single seller SKU used for querying the specified seller SKU inventory summaries.


String token returned in the response of your previous request. The string token will expire 30 seconds after being created.

array of strings
length ≤ 1

The marketplace ID for the marketplace for which to return inventory summaries.


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