Orders API v0 Reference
Programmatically retrieve order information.
The Selling Partner API for Orders helps you programmatically retrieve order information. These APIs let you develop fast, flexible, custom applications in areas like order synchronization, order research, and demand-based decision support tools. The Orders API supports orders that are two years old or less. Orders more than two years old will not show in the API response.
Note: The Orders API supports orders from 2016 and after for the JP, AU, and SG marketplaces.
Version information
Version : v0
Contact information
Contact : Selling Partner API Developer Support
Contact URL : https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/mws/contactus.html
License information
License : Apache License 2.0
License URL : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
URI scheme
Host : sellingpartnerapi-na.amazon.com
Schemes : HTTPS
GET /orders/v0/orders
Operation: getOrders
Returns orders created or updated during the time frame indicated by the specified parameters. You can also apply a range of filtering criteria to narrow the list of orders returned. If NextToken is present, that will be used to retrieve the orders instead of other criteria.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
0.0167 | 20 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query | CreatedAfter optional | A date used for selecting orders created after (or at) a specified time. Only orders placed after the specified time are returned. The date must be in ISO 8601 format. Note: Either the CreatedAfter parameter or the LastUpdatedAfter parameter is required. You could specify CreatedBefore but not provide LastUpdatedAfter or LastUpdatedBefore when CreatedAfter is specified. | string |
Query | CreatedBefore optional | A date used for selecting orders created before (or at) a specified time. Only orders placed before the specified time are returned. The date must be in ISO 8601 format. Note: CreatedBefore is optional when CreatedAfter is specified. But if specified, CreatedBefore should be equal to or after the CreatedAfter date and at least 2 minutes before the current time. | string |
Query | LastUpdatedAfter optional | A date used for selecting orders that were last updated before (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in order status, including the creation of a new order. Includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller. The date must be in ISO 8601 format. Note: LastUpdatedBefore is optional when LastUpdatedAfter is specified. But if specified, LastUpdatedBefore should be equal to or after the LastUpdatedAfter date and at least 2 minutes before current time. | string |
Query | LastUpdatedBefore optional | A date used for selecting orders that were last updated before (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in order status, including the creation of a new order. Includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller. The date must be in ISO 8601 format. Note: LastUpdatedBefore is optional when LastUpdatedAfter is set. But if specified, LastUpdatedBefore should be equal to or after the LastUpdatedAfter date and at least 2 minutes before current time. | string |
Query | OrderStatuses optional | A list of OrderStatus values used to filter the results.Possible values: - PendingAvailability (This status is available for pre-orders only. The order has been placed, payment has not been authorized, and the release date of the item is in the future.)- Pending (The order has been placed but payment has not been authorized.)- Unshipped (Payment has been authorized and the order is ready for shipment, but no items in the order have been shipped.)- PartiallyShipped (One or more, but not all, items in the order have been shipped.)- Shipped (All items in the order have been shipped.)- InvoiceUnconfirmed (All items in the order have been shipped. The seller has not yet given confirmation to Amazon that the invoice has been shipped to the buyer.)- Canceled (The order has been canceled.)- Unfulfillable (The order cannot be fulfilled. This state applies only to Multi-Channel Fulfillment orders.) | < string > array |
Query | MarketplaceIds required | A list of MarketplaceId values. Used to select orders that were placed in the specified marketplaces.Refer to Marketplace IDs for a complete list of MarketplaceId values.Max count : 50 | < string > array |
Query | FulfillmentChannels optional | A list that indicates how an order was fulfilled. Filters the results by fulfillment channel. Possible values: AFN (Fulfillment by Amazon); MFN (Fulfilled by the seller). | < string > array |
Query | PaymentMethods optional | A list of payment method values. Used to select orders paid using the specified payment methods. Possible values: COD (Cash on delivery); CVS (Convenience store payment); Other (Any payment method other than COD or CVS ). | < string > array |
Query | BuyerEmail optional | The email address of a buyer. Used to select orders that contain the specified email address. | string |
Query | SellerOrderId optional | An order identifier that is specified by the seller. Used to select only the orders that match the order identifier. If SellerOrderId is specified, then FulfillmentChannels, OrderStatuses, PaymentMethod, LastUpdatedAfter, LastUpdatedBefore, and BuyerEmail cannot be specified. | string |
Query | MaxResultsPerPage optional | A number that indicates the maximum number of orders that can be returned per page. Value must be 1 - 100. Default 100. | integer |
Query | EasyShipShipmentStatuses optional | A list of EasyShipShipmentStatus values. Used to select Easy Ship orders with statuses that match the specified values. If EasyShipShipmentStatus is specified, only Amazon Easy Ship orders are returned.Possible values: - PendingSchedule (The package is awaiting the schedule for pick-up.)- PendingPickUp (Amazon has not yet picked up the package from the seller.)- PendingDropOff (The seller will deliver the package to the carrier.)- LabelCanceled (The seller canceled the pickup.)- PickedUp (Amazon has picked up the package from the seller.)- DroppedOff (The package is delivered to the carrier by the seller.)- AtOriginFC (The packaged is at the origin fulfillment center.)- AtDestinationFC (The package is at the destination fulfillment center.)- Delivered (The package has been delivered.)- RejectedByBuyer (The package has been rejected by the buyer.)- Undeliverable (The package cannot be delivered.)- ReturningToSeller (The package was not delivered and is being returned to the seller.)- ReturnedToSeller (The package was not delivered and was returned to the seller.)- Lost (The package is lost.)- OutForDelivery (The package is out for delivery.)- Damaged (The package was damaged by the carrier.) | < string > array |
Query | ElectronicInvoiceStatuses optional | A list of ElectronicInvoiceStatus values. Used to select orders with electronic invoice statuses that match the specified values.Possible values: - NotRequired (Electronic invoice submission is not required for this order.)- NotFound (The electronic invoice was not submitted for this order.)- Processing (The electronic invoice is being processed for this order.)- Errored (The last submitted electronic invoice was rejected for this order.)- Accepted (The last submitted electronic invoice was submitted and accepted.) | < string > array |
Query | NextToken optional | A string token returned in the response of your previous request. | string |
Query | AmazonOrderIds optional | A list of AmazonOrderId values. An AmazonOrderId is an Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. Max count : 50 | < string > array |
Query | ActualFulfillmentSupplySourceId optional | Denotes the recommended sourceId where the order should be fulfilled from. | string |
Query | IsISPU optional | When true, this order is marked to be picked up from a store rather than delivered. | boolean |
Query | StoreChainStoreId optional | The store chain store identifier. Linked to a specific store in a store chain. | string |
Query | EarliestDeliveryDateBefore optional | A date used for selecting orders with a earliest delivery date before (or at) a specified time. The date must be in ISO 8601 format. | string |
Query | EarliestDeliveryDateAfter optional | A date used for selecting orders with a earliest delivery date after (or at) a specified time. The date must be in ISO 8601 format. | string |
Query | LatestDeliveryDateBefore optional | A date used for selecting orders with a latest delivery date before (or at) a specified time. The date must be in ISO 8601 format. | string |
Query | LatestDeliveryDateAfter optional | A date used for selecting orders with a latest delivery date after (or at) a specified time. The date must be in ISO 8601 format. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrdersResponse |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrdersResponse |
403 | Indicates access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrdersResponse |
404 | The resource specified does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrdersResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrdersResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrdersResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrdersResponse |
For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
GET /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}
Operation: getOrder
Returns the order that you specify.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
0.5 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | orderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderResponse |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderResponse |
403 | Indicates access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderResponse |
404 | The resource specified does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderResponse |
For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
GET /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/buyerInfo
Operation: getOrderBuyerInfo
Returns buyer information for the order that you specify.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
0.5 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | orderId required | An orderId is an Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderBuyerInfoResponse |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderBuyerInfoResponse |
403 | Indicates access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderBuyerInfoResponse |
404 | The resource specified does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderBuyerInfoResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderBuyerInfoResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderBuyerInfoResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderBuyerInfoResponse |
For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
GET /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/address
Operation: getOrderAddress
Returns the shipping address for the order that you specify.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
0.5 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | orderId required | An orderId is an Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderAddressResponse |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderAddressResponse |
403 | Indicates access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderAddressResponse |
404 | The resource specified does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderAddressResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderAddressResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderAddressResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderAddressResponse |
For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
GET /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/orderItems
Operation: getOrderItems
Returns detailed order item information for the order that you specify. If NextToken
is provided, it's used to retrieve the next page of order items.
Note: When an order is in the Pending state (the order has been placed but payment has not been authorized), the getOrderItems
operation does not return information about pricing, taxes, shipping charges, gift status or promotions for the order items in the order. After an order leaves the Pending state (this occurs when payment has been authorized) and enters the Unshipped
, Partially Shipped
, or Shipped
state, the getOrderItems
operation returns information about pricing, taxes, shipping charges, gift status and promotions for the order items in the order.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
0.5 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | orderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
Query | NextToken optional | A string token returned in the response of your previous request. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsResponse |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsResponse |
403 | Indicates access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsResponse |
404 | The resource specified does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsResponse |
For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
GET /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/orderItems/buyerInfo
Operation: getOrderItemsBuyerInfo
Returns buyer information for the order items in the order that you specify.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
0.5 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | orderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
Query | NextToken optional | A string token returned in the response of your previous request. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsBuyerInfoResponse |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsBuyerInfoResponse |
403 | Indicates access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsBuyerInfoResponse |
404 | The resource specified does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsBuyerInfoResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsBuyerInfoResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsBuyerInfoResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderItemsBuyerInfoResponse |
For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
POST /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/shipment
Operation: updateShipmentStatus
Update the shipment status for an order that you specify.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
5 | 15 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | orderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
Body | payload required | The request body for the updateShipmentStatus operation. | UpdateShipmentStatusRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | No Content |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateShipmentStatusErrorResponse |
403 | Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateShipmentStatusErrorResponse |
404 | The resource specified does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateShipmentStatusErrorResponse |
413 | The request size exceeded the maximum accepted size. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateShipmentStatusErrorResponse |
415 | The request payload is in an unsupported format. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateShipmentStatusErrorResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateShipmentStatusErrorResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateShipmentStatusErrorResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateShipmentStatusErrorResponse |
For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
GET /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/regulatedInfo
Operation: getOrderRegulatedInfo
Returns regulated information for the order that you specify.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
0.5 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | orderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderRegulatedInfoResponse |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderRegulatedInfoResponse |
403 | Indicates access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderRegulatedInfoResponse |
404 | The resource specified does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderRegulatedInfoResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderRegulatedInfoResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderRegulatedInfoResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetOrderRegulatedInfoResponse |
For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
PATCH /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/regulatedInfo
Operation: updateVerificationStatus
Updates (approves or rejects) the verification status of an order containing regulated products.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
0.5 | 30 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | orderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
Body | payload required | The request body for the updateVerificationStatus operation. | UpdateVerificationStatusRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | No Content |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateVerificationStatusErrorResponse |
403 | Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateVerificationStatusErrorResponse |
404 | The resource specified does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateVerificationStatusErrorResponse |
413 | The request size exceeded the maximum accepted size. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateVerificationStatusErrorResponse |
415 | The request payload is in an unsupported format. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateVerificationStatusErrorResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateVerificationStatusErrorResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateVerificationStatusErrorResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | UpdateVerificationStatusErrorResponse |
For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
POST /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/shipmentConfirmation
Operation: confirmShipment
Updates the shipment confirmation status for a specified order.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
2 | 10 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values then those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | orderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
Body | payload required | The request body of the confirmShipment operation. | ConfirmShipmentRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | No Content |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | ConfirmShipmentErrorResponse |
403 | Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | ConfirmShipmentErrorResponse |
404 | The specified resource does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | ConfirmShipmentErrorResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | ConfirmShipmentErrorResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | ConfirmShipmentErrorResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | ConfirmShipmentErrorResponse |
For additional error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Error Responses and Schemas
This table contains HTTP status codes and associated information for error responses.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
401 | The request's Authorization header is not formatted correctly or does not contain a valid token. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ConfirmShipmentErrorResponse |
The request body for the updateShipmentStatus
Name | Description | Schema |
marketplaceId required | The unobfuscated marketplace identifier. | MarketplaceId |
shipmentStatus required | The shipment status to apply. | ShipmentStatus |
orderItems optional | For partial shipment status updates, the list of order items and quantities to be updated. | OrderItems |
The request body for the updateVerificationStatus
Name | Description | Schema |
regulatedOrderVerificationStatus required | The updated values of the VerificationStatus field. | UpdateVerificationStatusRequestBody |
The updated values of the VerificationStatus
Name | Description | Schema |
status required | The new verification status of the order. | VerificationStatus |
externalReviewerId required | The identifier for the order's regulated information reviewer. | string |
rejectionReasonId optional | The unique identifier for the rejection reason used for rejecting the order's regulated information. Only required if the new status is rejected. | string |
The unobfuscated marketplace identifier.
Type : string
The shipment status to apply.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
ReadyForPickup | Ready for pickup. |
PickedUp | Picked up. |
RefusedPickup | Refused pickup. |
For partial shipment status updates, the list of order items and quantities to be updated.
Type : < OrderItems > array
Name | Description | Schema |
orderItemId optional | The unique identifier of the order item. | string |
quantity optional | The quantity for which to update the shipment status. | integer |
The error response schema for the UpdateShipmentStatus
Name | Description | Schema |
errors optional | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the UpdateShipmentStatus operation. | ErrorList |
The error response schema for the UpdateVerificationStatus
Name | Description | Schema |
errors optional | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the UpdateVerificationStatus operation. | ErrorList |
The response schema for the getOrders
Name | Description | Schema |
payload optional | The payload for the getOrders operation. | OrdersList |
errors optional | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the getOrders operation. | ErrorList |
The response schema for the getOrder
The response schema for the getOrderBuyerInfo
Name | Description | Schema |
payload optional | The payload for the getOrderBuyerInfo operation. | OrderBuyerInfo |
errors optional | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the getOrderBuyerInfo operation. | ErrorList |
The response schema for the getOrderRegulatedInfo
Name | Description | Schema |
payload optional | The payload for the getOrderRegulatedInfo operation. | OrderRegulatedInfo |
errors optional | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the getOrderRegulatedInfo operation. | ErrorList |
The response schema for the getOrderAddress
Name | Description | Schema |
payload optional | The payload for the getOrderAddress operations. | OrderAddress |
errors optional | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the getOrderAddress operation. | ErrorList |
The response schema for the getOrderItems
Name | Description | Schema |
payload optional | The payload for the getOrderItems operation. | OrderItemsList |
errors optional | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the getOrderItems operation. | ErrorList |
The response schema for the getOrderItemsBuyerInfo
Name | Description | Schema |
payload optional | The payload for the getOrderItemsBuyerInfo operation. | OrderItemsBuyerInfoList |
errors optional | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the getOrderItemsBuyerInfo operation. | ErrorList |
A list of orders along with additional information to make subsequent API calls.
Name | Description | Schema |
Orders required | A list of orders. | OrderList |
NextToken optional | When present and not empty, pass this string token in the next request to return the next response page. | string |
LastUpdatedBefore optional | A date used for selecting orders that were last updated before (or at) a specified time. An update is defined as any change in order status, including the creation of a new order. Includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller. All dates must be in ISO 8601 format. | string |
CreatedBefore optional | A date used for selecting orders created before (or at) a specified time. Only orders placed before the specified time are returned. The date must be in ISO 8601 format. | string |
A list of orders.
Type : < Order > array
Order information.
Name | Description | Schema |
AmazonOrderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
SellerOrderId optional | A seller-defined order identifier. | string |
PurchaseDate required | The date when the order was created. | string |
LastUpdateDate required | The date when the order was last updated. Note: LastUpdateDate is returned with an incorrect date for orders that were last updated before 2009-04-01. | string |
OrderStatus required | The current order status. | enum (OrderStatus) |
FulfillmentChannel optional | Whether the order was fulfilled by Amazon (AFN) or by the seller (MFN). | enum (FulfillmentChannel) |
SalesChannel optional | The sales channel of the first item in the order. | string |
OrderChannel optional | The order channel of the first item in the order. | string |
ShipServiceLevel optional | The shipment service level of the order. | string |
OrderTotal optional | The total charge for this order. | Money |
NumberOfItemsShipped optional | The number of items shipped. | integer |
NumberOfItemsUnshipped optional | The number of items unshipped. | integer |
PaymentExecutionDetail optional | Information about sub-payment methods for a Cash On Delivery (COD) order. Note: For a COD order that is paid for using one sub-payment method, one PaymentExecutionDetailItem object is returned, with PaymentExecutionDetailItem /PaymentMethod = COD. For a COD order that is paid for using multiple sub-payment methods, two or more PaymentExecutionDetailItem objects are returned. | PaymentExecutionDetailItemList |
PaymentMethod optional | The payment method for the order. This property is limited to Cash On Delivery (COD) and Convenience Store (CVS) payment methods. Unless you need the specific COD payment information provided by the PaymentExecutionDetailItem object, we recommend using the PaymentMethodDetails property to get payment method information. | enum (PaymentMethod) |
PaymentMethodDetails optional | A list of payment methods for the order. | PaymentMethodDetailItemList |
MarketplaceId optional | The identifier for the marketplace where the order was placed. | string |
ShipmentServiceLevelCategory optional | The shipment service level category of the order. Possible values: Expedited , FreeEconomy , NextDay , Priority , SameDay , SecondDay , Scheduled , Standard . | string |
EasyShipShipmentStatus optional | The status of the Amazon Easy Ship order. This property is included only for Amazon Easy Ship orders. | EasyShipShipmentStatus |
CbaDisplayableShippingLabel optional | Custom ship label for Checkout by Amazon (CBA). | string |
OrderType optional | The type of the order. | enum (OrderType) |
EarliestShipDate optional | The start of the time period within which you have committed to ship the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for seller-fulfilled orders. Note: EarliestShipDate might not be returned for orders placed before February 1, 2013. | string |
LatestShipDate optional | The end of the time period within which you have committed to ship the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for seller-fulfilled orders. Note: LatestShipDate might not be returned for orders placed before February 1, 2013. | string |
EarliestDeliveryDate optional | The start of the time period within which you have committed to fulfill the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for seller-fulfilled orders. | string |
LatestDeliveryDate optional | The end of the time period within which you have committed to fulfill the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for seller-fulfilled orders that do not have a PendingAvailability , Pending, or Canceled status. | string |
IsBusinessOrder optional | When true, the order is an Amazon Business order. An Amazon Business order is an order where the buyer is a Verified Business Buyer. | boolean |
IsPrime optional | When true, the order is a seller-fulfilled Amazon Prime order. | boolean |
IsPremiumOrder optional | When true, the order has a Premium Shipping Service Level Agreement. For more information about Premium Shipping orders, see "Premium Shipping Options" in the Seller Central Help for your marketplace. | boolean |
IsGlobalExpressEnabled optional | When true, the order is a GlobalExpress order. | boolean |
ReplacedOrderId optional | The order ID value for the order that is being replaced. Returned only if IsReplacementOrder = true. | string |
IsReplacementOrder optional | When true, this is a replacement order. | boolean |
PromiseResponseDueDate optional | Indicates the date by which the seller must respond to the buyer with an estimated ship date. Returned only for Sourcing on Demand orders. | string |
IsEstimatedShipDateSet optional | When true, the estimated ship date is specified for the order. Returned only for Sourcing on Demand orders. | boolean |
IsSoldByAB optional | When true, the item within this order was bought and re-sold by Amazon Business EU SARL (ABEU). By buying and instantly re-selling your items, ABEU becomes the seller of record, making your inventory available for sale to customers who would not otherwise purchase from a third-party seller. | boolean |
IsIBA optional | When true, the item within this order was bought and re-sold by Amazon Business EU SARL (ABEU). By buying and instantly re-selling your items, ABEU becomes the seller of record, making your inventory available for sale to customers who would not otherwise purchase from a third-party seller. | boolean |
DefaultShipFromLocationAddress optional | The recommended location for the seller to ship the items from. It is calculated at checkout. The seller may or may not choose to ship from this location. | Address |
BuyerInvoicePreference optional | The buyer's invoicing preference. Sellers can use this data to issue electronic invoices for orders in Turkey. Note: This attribute is only available in the Turkey marketplace. | enum (BuyerInvoicePreference) |
BuyerTaxInformation optional | Contains the business invoice tax information. Sellers can use this data to issue electronic invoices for business orders in Turkey. Note: 1. This attribute is only available in the Turkey marketplace for the orders that BuyerInvoicePreference is BUSINESS.2. The BuyerTaxInformation is a restricted data. Use a Restricted Data Token (RDT) and restricted Selling Partner API roles to access this restricted data. | BuyerTaxInformation |
FulfillmentInstruction optional | Contains the instructions about the fulfillment like where should it be fulfilled from. | FulfillmentInstruction |
IsISPU optional | When true, this order is marked to be picked up from a store rather than delivered. | boolean |
IsAccessPointOrder optional | When true, this order is marked to be delivered to an Access Point. The access location is chosen by the customer. Access Points include Amazon Hub Lockers, Amazon Hub Counters, and pickup points operated by carriers. | boolean |
MarketplaceTaxInfo optional | Tax information about the marketplace where the sale took place. Sellers can use this data to issue electronic invoices for orders in Brazil. Note: This attribute is only available in the Brazil marketplace for the orders with Pending or Unshipped status. | MarketplaceTaxInfo |
SellerDisplayName optional | The seller’s friendly name registered in the marketplace where the sale took place. Sellers can use this data to issue electronic invoices for orders in Brazil. Note: This attribute is only available in the Brazil marketplace for the orders with Pending or Unshipped status. | string |
ShippingAddress optional | The shipping address for the order. Note: 1. ShippingAddress is only available for orders with the following status values: Unshipped , PartiallyShipped , Shipped and InvoiceUnconfirmed .2. The ShippingAddress contains restricted data. Use a Restricted Data Token (RDT) and restricted Selling Partner API roles to access the restricted data in ShippingAddress , for example, Name , AddressLine1 , AddressLine2 , AddressLine3 , Phone , AddressType and ExtendedFields . | Address |
BuyerInfo optional | Buyer information. Note: The BuyerInfo contains restricted data. Use a Restricted Data Token (RDT) and restricted Selling Partner API roles to access the restricted data in BuyerInfo , for example, BuyerName , BuyerTaxInfo , PurchaseOrderNumber . | BuyerInfo |
AutomatedShippingSettings optional | Contains information regarding the Shipping Settings Automaton program, such as whether the order's shipping settings were generated automatically, and what those settings are. | AutomatedShippingSettings |
HasRegulatedItems optional | Whether the order contains regulated items which may require additional approval steps before being fulfilled. | boolean |
ElectronicInvoiceStatus optional | The status of the electronic invoice. | ElectronicInvoiceStatus |
Buyer information for an order.
Name | Description | Schema |
AmazonOrderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
BuyerEmail optional | The anonymized email address of the buyer. | string |
BuyerName optional | The buyer name or the recipient name. | string |
BuyerCounty optional | The county of the buyer. Note: This attribute is only available in the Brazil marketplace. | string |
BuyerTaxInfo optional | Tax information about the buyer. Sellers can use this data to issue electronic invoices for business orders. Note: This attribute is only available for business orders in the Brazil, Mexico and India marketplaces. | BuyerTaxInfo |
PurchaseOrderNumber optional | The purchase order (PO) number entered by the buyer at checkout. Returned only for orders where the buyer entered a PO number at checkout. | string |
The order's regulated information along with its verification status.
Name | Description | Schema |
AmazonOrderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
RegulatedInformation required | The regulated information collected during purchase and used to verify the order. | RegulatedInformation |
RequiresDosageLabel required | When true, the order requires attaching a dosage information label when shipped. | boolean |
RegulatedOrderVerificationStatus required | The order's verification status. | RegulatedOrderVerificationStatus |
The verification status of the order along with associated approval or rejection metadata.
Name | Description | Schema |
Status required | The verification status of the order. | VerificationStatus |
RequiresMerchantAction required | When true, the regulated information provided in the order requires a review by the merchant. | boolean |
ValidRejectionReasons required | A list of valid rejection reasons that may be used to reject the order's regulated information. | < RejectionReason > array |
RejectionReason optional | The reason for rejecting the order's regulated information. Not present if the order isn't rejected. | RejectionReason |
ReviewDate optional | The date the order was reviewed. In ISO 8601 date time format. | string |
ExternalReviewerId optional | The identifier for the order's regulated information reviewer. | string |
The reason for rejecting the order's regulated information. Not present if the order isn't rejected.
Name | Description | Schema |
RejectionReasonId required | The unique identifier for the rejection reason. | string |
RejectionReasonDescription required | The description of this rejection reason. | string |
The verification status of the order.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
Pending | The order is pending approval. Note that the approval might be needed from someone other than the merchant as determined by the RequiresMerchantAction property. |
Approved | The order's regulated information has been reviewed and approved. |
Rejected | The order's regulated information has been reviewed and rejected. |
Expired | The time to review the order's regulated information has expired. |
Cancelled | The order was cancelled by the purchaser. |
The regulated information collected during purchase and used to verify the order.
Name | Description | Schema |
Fields required | A list of regulated information fields as collected from the regulatory form. | < RegulatedInformationField > array |
A field collected from the regulatory form.
Name | Description | Schema |
FieldId required | The unique identifier for the field. | string |
FieldLabel required | The name for the field. | string |
FieldType required | The type of field. | enum (FieldType) |
FieldValue required | The content of the field as collected in regulatory form. Note that FileAttachment type fields will contain a URL to download the attachment here. | string |
The shipping address for the order.
Name | Description | Schema |
AmazonOrderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
BuyerCompanyName optional | The company name of the contact buyer. For Invoice By Amazon (IBA) orders, the buyer company should be Amazon entities. | string |
ShippingAddress optional | The shipping address for the order. Note: ShippingAddress is only available for orders with the following status values: Unshipped , PartiallyShipped , Shipped and InvoiceUnconfirmed . | Address |
DeliveryPreferences optional | Contains all of the delivery instructions provided by the customer for the shipping address. | DeliveryPreferences |
The shipping address for the order.
Name | Description | Schema |
Name required | The name. | string |
CompanyName optional | The company name of the recipient. Note: This attribute is only available for shipping address. | string |
AddressLine1 optional | The street address. | string |
AddressLine2 optional | Additional street address information, if required. | string |
AddressLine3 optional | Additional street address information, if required. | string |
City optional | The city. | string |
County optional | The county. | string |
District optional | The district. | string |
StateOrRegion optional | The state or region. | string |
Municipality optional | The municipality. | string |
PostalCode optional | The postal code. | string |
CountryCode optional | The country code. A two-character country code, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. | string |
Phone optional | The phone number of the buyer. Note: 1. This attribute is only available for shipping address. 2. The buyer Phone number is suppressed in some cases, including but not limited to a. Phone is suppressed for all Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) orders.b. Phone is suppressed for the shipped MFN(Fulfilled by the seller) order when current date is past Latest Delivery Date. | string |
ExtendedFields optional | The container for address extended fields. For example, street name or street number. Note: Only available for Brazil shipping addresses. | AddressExtendedFields |
AddressType optional | The address type of the shipping address. | enum (AddressType) |
The container of extended address fields. For example, street name, street number. Only available with Brazil shipping addresses as of now.
Name | Description | Schema |
StreetName optional | The street name. | string |
StreetNumber optional | The house number/building number/property number in the street. | string |
Complement optional | The floor number/unit number in the building/private house number. | string |
Neighborhood optional | The neighborhood. It's smaller than a region and an integral part of an address. It is used in some countries like Brazil. | string |
Contains all of the delivery instructions provided by the customer for the shipping address.
Name | Description | Schema |
DropOffLocation optional | Drop-off location selected by the customer. | string |
PreferredDeliveryTime optional | Business hours and days when the delivery is preferred. | PreferredDeliveryTime |
OtherAttributes optional | Enumerated list of miscellaneous delivery attributes associated with the shipping address. | < OtherDeliveryAttributes > array |
AddressInstructions optional | Building instructions, nearby landmark or navigation instructions. | string |
The time window when the delivery is preferred.
Name | Description | Schema |
BusinessHours optional | Business hours when the business is open for deliveries. | < BusinessHours > array |
ExceptionDates optional | Dates when the business is closed in the next 30 days. | < ExceptionDates > array |
Business days and hours when the destination is open for deliveries.
Name | Description | Schema |
DayOfWeek optional | Day of the week. | enum (DayOfWeek) |
OpenIntervals optional | Time window during the day when the business is open. | < OpenInterval > array |
Dates when the business is closed or open with a different time window.
Name | Description | Schema |
ExceptionDate optional | Date when the business is closed, in ISO 8601 date format. | string |
IsOpen optional | Boolean indicating if the business is closed or open on that date. | boolean |
OpenIntervals optional | Time window during the day when the business is open. | < OpenInterval > array |
The time interval for which the business is open.
Name | Description | Schema |
StartTime optional | The time when the business opens. | OpenTimeInterval |
EndTime optional | The time when the business closes. | OpenTimeInterval |
The time when the business opens or closes.
Name | Description | Schema |
Hour optional | The hour when the business opens or closes. | integer |
Minute optional | The minute when the business opens or closes. | integer |
Miscellaneous delivery attributes associated with the shipping address.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
HAS_ACCESS_POINT | Indicates whether the delivery has an access point pickup or drop-off location. |
PALLET_ENABLED | Indicates whether pallet delivery is enabled for the address. |
PALLET_DISABLED | Indicates whether pallet delivery is disabled for the address. |
The monetary value of the order.
Name | Description | Schema |
CurrencyCode optional | The three-digit currency code. In ISO 4217 format. | string |
Amount optional | The currency amount. | string |
A list of payment method detail items.
Type : < string > array
A list of payment execution detail items.
Type : < PaymentExecutionDetailItem > array
Information about a sub-payment method used to pay for a COD order.
Name | Description | Schema |
Payment required | The monetary value of the order. | Money |
PaymentMethod required | A sub-payment method for a COD order. Possible values: COD : Cash On Delivery.GC : Gift Card.PointsAccount : Amazon Points.Invoice : Invoice. | string |
Tax information about the buyer.
Name | Description | Schema |
CompanyLegalName optional | The legal name of the company. | string |
TaxingRegion optional | The country or region imposing the tax. | string |
TaxClassifications optional | A list of tax classifications that apply to the order. | < TaxClassification > array |
Tax information about the marketplace.
Name | Description | Schema |
TaxClassifications optional | A list of tax classifications that apply to the order. | < TaxClassification > array |
The tax classification for the order.
Name | Description | Schema |
Name optional | The type of tax. | string |
Value optional | The buyer's tax identifier. | string |
The order items list along with the order ID.
Name | Description | Schema |
OrderItems required | A list of order items. | OrderItemList |
NextToken optional | When present and not empty, pass this string token in the next request to return the next response page. | string |
AmazonOrderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
A list of order items.
Type : < OrderItem > array
A single order item.
Name | Description | Schema |
ASIN required | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. | string |
SellerSKU optional | The seller stock keeping unit (SKU) of the item. | string |
OrderItemId required | An Amazon-defined order item identifier. | string |
AssociatedItems optional | A list of associated items that a customer has purchased with a product. For example, a tire installation service purchased with tires. | < AssociatedItem > array |
Title optional | The name of the item. | string |
QuantityOrdered required | The number of items in the order. | integer |
QuantityShipped optional | The number of items shipped. | integer |
ProductInfo optional | Product information for the item. | ProductInfoDetail |
PointsGranted optional | The number and value of Amazon Points granted with the purchase of an item. | PointsGrantedDetail |
ItemPrice optional | The selling price of the order item. An order item is an item and a quantity. This means that the value of ItemPrice is equal to the selling price of the item multiplied by the quantity ordered. Note that ItemPrice excludes ShippingPrice and GiftWrapPrice . | Money |
ShippingPrice optional | The shipping price of the item. | Money |
ItemTax optional | The tax on the item price. | Money |
ShippingTax optional | The tax on the shipping price. | Money |
ShippingDiscount optional | The discount on the shipping price. | Money |
ShippingDiscountTax optional | The tax on the discount on the shipping price. | Money |
PromotionDiscount optional | The total of all promotional discounts in the offer. | Money |
PromotionDiscountTax optional | The tax on the total of all promotional discounts in the offer. | Money |
PromotionIds optional | A list of promotion identifiers provided by the seller when the promotions were created. | PromotionIdList |
CODFee optional | The fee charged for COD service. | Money |
CODFeeDiscount optional | The discount on the COD fee. | Money |
IsGift optional | Indicates whether the item is a gift. Possible values: true , false . | string |
ConditionNote optional | The condition of the item as described by the seller. | string |
ConditionId optional | The condition of the item. Possible values: New , Used , Collectible , Refurbished , Preorder , Club . | string |
ConditionSubtypeId optional | The subcondition of the item. Possible values: New , Mint , Very Good , Good , Acceptable , Poor , Club , OEM , Warranty , Refurbished Warranty , Refurbished , Open Box , Any , Other . | string |
ScheduledDeliveryStartDate optional | The start date of the scheduled delivery window in the time zone of the order destination. In ISO 8601 date time format. | string |
ScheduledDeliveryEndDate optional | The end date of the scheduled delivery window in the time zone of the order destination. In ISO 8601 date time format. | string |
PriceDesignation optional | Indicates that the selling price is a special price that is available only for Amazon Business orders. For more information about the Amazon Business Seller Program, refer to Amazon Business. Possible values: BusinessPrice - A special price that is available only for Amazon Business orders. | string |
TaxCollection optional | Information about withheld taxes. | TaxCollection |
SerialNumberRequired optional | When true, the product type for this item has a serial number. Returned only for Amazon Easy Ship orders. | boolean |
IsTransparency optional | When true, the ASIN is enrolled in Transparency and the Transparency serial number that needs to be submitted can be determined by the following: 1D or 2D Barcode: This has a T logo. Submit either the 29-character alpha-numeric identifier beginning with AZ or ZA, or the 38-character Serialized Global Trade Item Number (SGTIN). 2D Barcode SN: Submit the 7- to 20-character serial number barcode, which likely has the prefix SN. The serial number will be applied to the same side of the packaging as the GTIN (UPC/EAN/ISBN) barcode. QR code SN: Submit the URL that the QR code generates. | boolean |
IossNumber optional | The IOSS number for the marketplace. Sellers shipping to the European Union (EU) from outside of the EU must provide this IOSS number to their carrier when Amazon has collected the VAT on the sale. | string |
StoreChainStoreId optional | The store chain store identifier. Linked to a specific store in a store chain. | string |
DeemedResellerCategory optional | The category of deemed reseller. This applies to selling partners that are not based in the EU and is used to help them meet the VAT Deemed Reseller tax laws in the EU and UK. | enum (DeemedResellerCategory) |
BuyerInfo optional | A single item's buyer information. Note: The BuyerInfo contains restricted data. Use a Restricted Data Token (RDT) and restricted Selling Partner API roles to access the restricted data in BuyerInfo , for example, BuyerCustomizedInfo and GiftMessageText . | ItemBuyerInfo |
BuyerRequestedCancel optional | Information about whether or not a buyer requested cancellation. | BuyerRequestedCancel |
SerialNumbers optional | A list of serial numbers for electronic products that are shipped to customers. Returned for FBA orders only. | < string > array |
SubstitutionPreferences optional | Substitution preferences for the order item. This is an optional field and will only be present if seller supports substitutions like in case of some grocery sellers. | SubstitutionPreferences |
Measurement optional | Measurement information for the order item. | Measurement |
ShippingConstraints optional | Shipping constraints applicable to this order. | ShippingConstraints |
Substitution preferences for an order item.
Name | Description | Schema |
SubstitutionType required | The type of substitution that these preferences represent. | enum (SubstitutionType) |
SubstitutionOptions optional | Substitution options for the order item. | SubstitutionOptionList |
A collection of substitution options.
Type : < SubstitutionOption > array
Substitution options for an order item.
Name | Description | Schema |
ASIN optional | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. | string |
QuantityOrdered optional | The number of items to be picked for this substitution option. | integer |
SellerSKU optional | The seller stock keeping unit (SKU) of the item. | string |
Title optional | The title of the item. | string |
Measurement optional | Measurement information for the substitution option. | Measurement |
Measurement information for an order item.
Name | Description | Schema |
Unit required | The unit of measure for this measurement. | enum (Unit) |
Value required | The value of the measurement. | number |
An item associated with an order item. For example, a tire installation service purchased with tires.
Name | Description | Schema |
OrderId optional | The order item's order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
OrderItemId optional | An Amazon-defined item identifier for the associated item. | string |
AssociationType optional | The type of association an item has with an order item. | AssociationType |
The type of association an item has with an order item.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
VALUE_ADD_SERVICE | The associated item is a service order. |
A single order item's buyer information list with the order ID.
Name | Description | Schema |
OrderItems required | A single order item's buyer information list. | OrderItemBuyerInfoList |
NextToken optional | When present and not empty, pass this string token in the next request to return the next response page. | string |
AmazonOrderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | string |
A single order item's buyer information list.
Type : < OrderItemBuyerInfo > array
A single order item's buyer information.
Name | Description | Schema |
OrderItemId required | An Amazon-defined order item identifier. | string |
BuyerCustomizedInfo optional | Buyer information for custom orders from the Amazon Custom program. Note: This attribute is only available for MFN (Fulfilled by the seller) orders. | BuyerCustomizedInfoDetail |
GiftWrapPrice optional | The gift wrap price of the item. | Money |
GiftWrapTax optional | The tax on the gift wrap price. | Money |
GiftMessageText optional | A gift message provided by the buyer. Note: This attribute is only available for MFN (Fulfilled by the seller) orders. | string |
GiftWrapLevel optional | The gift wrap level specified by the buyer. | string |
The number of Amazon Points offered with the purchase of an item, and their monetary value.
Name | Description | Schema |
PointsNumber optional | The number of Amazon Points granted with the purchase of an item. | integer |
PointsMonetaryValue optional | The monetary value of the Amazon Points granted. | Money |
Product information on the number of items.
Name | Description | Schema |
NumberOfItems optional | The total number of items that are included in the ASIN. | string |
A list of promotion identifiers provided by the seller when the promotions were created.
Type : < string > array
Buyer information for custom orders from the Amazon Custom program.
Name | Description | Schema |
CustomizedURL optional | The location of a zip file containing Amazon Custom data. | string |
Information about withheld taxes.
Name | Description | Schema |
Model optional | The tax collection model applied to the item. | enum (Model) |
ResponsibleParty optional | The party responsible for withholding the taxes and remitting them to the taxing authority. | enum (ResponsibleParty) |
Contains the business invoice tax information. Available only in the TR marketplace.
Name | Description | Schema |
BuyerLegalCompanyName optional | Business buyer's company legal name. | string |
BuyerBusinessAddress optional | Business buyer's address. | string |
BuyerTaxRegistrationId optional | Business buyer's tax registration ID. | string |
BuyerTaxOffice optional | Business buyer's tax office. | string |
Contains the instructions about the fulfillment like where should it be fulfilled from.
Name | Description | Schema |
FulfillmentSupplySourceId optional | Denotes the recommended sourceId where the order should be fulfilled from. | string |
Delivery constraints applicable to this order.
Name | Description | Schema |
PalletDelivery optional | Indicates if the line item needs to be delivered by pallet | ConstraintType |
Details the importance of the constraint present on the item
Type : enum
Value | Description |
MANDATORY | Item must follow the constraint to ensure order is met with buyer's delivery requirements. |
Buyer information.
Name | Description | Schema |
BuyerEmail optional | The anonymized email address of the buyer. | string |
BuyerName optional | The buyer name or the recipient name. | string |
BuyerCounty optional | The county of the buyer. Note: This attribute is only available in the Brazil marketplace. | string |
BuyerTaxInfo optional | Tax information about the buyer. Sellers can use this data to issue electronic invoices for business orders. Note: This attribute is only available for business orders in the Brazil, Mexico and India marketplaces. | BuyerTaxInfo |
PurchaseOrderNumber optional | The purchase order (PO) number entered by the buyer at checkout. Returned only for orders where the buyer entered a PO number at checkout. | string |
A single item's buyer information.
Name | Description | Schema |
BuyerCustomizedInfo optional | Buyer information for custom orders from the Amazon Custom program. Note: This attribute is only available for MFN (Fulfilled by the seller) orders. | BuyerCustomizedInfoDetail |
GiftWrapPrice optional | The gift wrap price of the item. | Money |
GiftWrapTax optional | The tax on the gift wrap price. | Money |
GiftMessageText optional | A gift message provided by the buyer. Note: This attribute is only available for MFN (Fulfilled by the seller) orders. | string |
GiftWrapLevel optional | The gift wrap level specified by the buyer. | string |
Contains information regarding the Shipping Settings Automation program, such as whether the order's shipping settings were generated automatically, and what those settings are.
Name | Description | Schema |
HasAutomatedShippingSettings optional | When true, this order has automated shipping settings generated by Amazon. This order could be identified as an SSA order. | boolean |
AutomatedCarrier optional | Auto-generated carrier for SSA orders. | string |
AutomatedShipMethod optional | Auto-generated ship method for SSA orders. | string |
Information about whether or not a buyer requested cancellation.
Name | Description | Schema |
IsBuyerRequestedCancel optional | Indicate whether the buyer has requested cancellation. Possible Values: true , false . | string |
BuyerCancelReason optional | The reason that the buyer requested cancellation. | string |
The status of the Amazon Easy Ship order. This property is included only for Amazon Easy Ship orders.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
PendingSchedule | The package is awaiting the schedule for pick-up. |
PendingPickUp | Amazon has not yet picked up the package from the seller. |
PendingDropOff | The seller will deliver the package to the carrier. |
LabelCanceled | The seller canceled the pickup. |
PickedUp | Amazon has picked up the package from the seller. |
DroppedOff | The package was delivered to the carrier by the seller. |
AtOriginFC | The package is at the origin fulfillment center. |
AtDestinationFC | The package is at the destination fulfillment center. |
Delivered | The package has been delivered. |
RejectedByBuyer | The package has been rejected by the buyer. |
Undeliverable | The package cannot be delivered. |
ReturningToSeller | The package was not delivered and is being returned to the seller. |
ReturnedToSeller | The package was not delivered and was returned to the seller. |
Lost | The package is lost. |
OutForDelivery | The package is out for delivery. |
Damaged | The package was damaged by the carrier. |
The status of the electronic invoice. Only available for Easy Ship orders and orders in the BR marketplace.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
NotRequired | The order does not require an electronic invoice to be uploaded. |
NotFound | The order requires an electronic invoice but it is not uploaded. |
Processing | The required electronic invoice was uploaded and is processing. |
Errored | The uploaded electronic invoice was not accepted. |
Accepted | The uploaded electronic invoice was accepted. |
The request schema for an shipment confirmation.
Name | Description | Schema |
packageDetail required | Properties of packages | PackageDetail |
codCollectionMethod optional | The cod collection method, support in JP only. | enum (CodCollectionMethod) |
marketplaceId required | The unobfuscated marketplace identifier. | MarketplaceId |
The error response schema for the confirmShipment
Name | Description | Schema |
errors optional | One or more unexpected errors occurred during the confirmShipment operation. | ErrorList |
Properties of packages
Name | Description | Schema |
packageReferenceId required | A seller-supplied identifier that uniquely identifies a package within the scope of an order. Only positive numeric values are supported. | PackageReferenceId |
carrierCode required | Identifies the carrier that will deliver the package. This field is required for all marketplaces. For the acceptable CarrierCode value, refer to the list of CarrierCode. | string |
carrierName optional | Carrier Name that will deliver the package. Required when carrierCode is "Others" | string |
shippingMethod optional | Ship method to be used for shipping the order. | string |
trackingNumber required | The tracking number used to obtain tracking and delivery information. | string |
shipDate required | The shipping date for the package. Must be in ISO 8601 date/time format. | string (date-time) |
shipFromSupplySourceId optional | The unique identifier of the supply source. | string |
orderItems required | The list of order items and quantities to be updated. | ConfirmShipmentOrderItemsList |
A list of order items.
Type : < ConfirmShipmentOrderItem > array
A single order item.
Name | Description | Schema |
orderItemId required | The unique identifier of the order item. | string |
quantity required | The quantity of the item. | integer |
transparencyCodes optional | The list of transparency codes. | TransparencyCodeList |
A list of order items.
Type : < TransparencyCode > array
The Transparency code associated with the item.
Type : string
A seller-supplied identifier that uniquely identifies a package within the scope of an order. Only positive numeric values are supported.
Type : string
A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful.
Type : < Error > array
Error response returned when the request is unsuccessful.
Name | Description | Schema |
code required | An error code that identifies the type of error that occurred. | string |
message required | A message that describes the error condition. | string |
details optional | Additional details that can help the caller understand or fix the issue. | string |
The buyer's invoicing preference. Sellers can use this data to issue electronic invoices for orders in Turkey.
Note: This attribute is only available in the Turkey marketplace.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
INDIVIDUAL | Buyer should be issued an individual invoice. |
BUSINESS | Buyer should be issued a business invoice. Tax information is available in BuyerTaxInformation structure. |
Day of the week.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
SUN | Sunday - Day of the week. |
MON | Monday - Day of the week. |
TUE | Tuesday - Day of the week. |
WED | Wednesday - Day of the week. |
THU | Thursday - Day of the week. |
FRI | Friday - Day of the week. |
SAT | Saturday - Day of the week. |
The cod collection method, support in JP only.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
DirectPayment | - |
The unit of measure for this measurement.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
OUNCES | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in ounces. |
POUNDS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in pounds. |
KILOGRAMS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in kilograms. |
GRAMS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in grams. |
MILLIGRAMS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in milligrams. |
INCHES | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in inches. |
FEET | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in feet. |
METERS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in meters. |
CENTIMETERS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in centimeters. |
MILLIMETERS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in millimeters. |
SQUARE_METERS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in square meters. |
SQUARE_CENTIMETERS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in square centimeters. |
SQUARE_FEET | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in square feet. |
SQUARE_INCHES | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in square inches. |
GALLONS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in gallons. |
PINTS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in pints. |
QUARTS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in quarts. |
FLUID_OUNCES | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in fluid ounces. |
LITERS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in liters. |
CUBIC_METERS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in cubic meters. |
CUBIC_FEET | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in cubic feet. |
CUBIC_INCHES | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in cubic inches. |
CUBIC_CENTIMETERS | Indicates the item's measurement is measured in cubic centimeters. |
COUNT | Indicates the item's measurement is measured by count. |
The party responsible for withholding the taxes and remitting them to the taxing authority.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
Amazon Services, Inc. | The MarketplaceFacilitator entity for the US marketplace. |
The type of field.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
Text | This field is a text representation of a response collected from the regulatory form. |
FileAttachment | This field contains the link to an attachment collected from the regulatory form. |
The type of substitution that these preferences represent.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
CUSTOMER_PREFERENCE | Customer has provided the substitution preferences. |
AMAZON_RECOMMENDED | Amazon has provided the substitution preferences. |
DO_NOT_SUBSTITUTE | Do not provide substitute if item is not found. |
The current order status.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
Pending | The order has been placed but payment has not been authorized. The order is not ready for shipment. Note that for orders with OrderType = Standard, the initial order status is Pending. For orders with OrderType = Preorder, the initial order status is PendingAvailability, and the order passes into the Pending status when the payment authorization process begins. |
Unshipped | Payment has been authorized and order is ready for shipment, but no items in the order have been shipped. |
PartiallyShipped | One or more (but not all) items in the order have been shipped. |
Shipped | All items in the order have been shipped. |
Canceled | The order was canceled. |
Unfulfillable | The order cannot be fulfilled. This state applies only to Amazon-fulfilled orders that were not placed on Amazon's retail web site. |
InvoiceUnconfirmed | All items in the order have been shipped. The seller has not yet given confirmation to Amazon that the invoice has been shipped to the buyer. |
PendingAvailability | This status is available for pre-orders only. The order has been placed, payment has not been authorized, and the release date of the item is in the future. The order is not ready for shipment. |
The type of the order.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
StandardOrder | An order that contains items for which the selling partner currently has inventory in stock. |
LongLeadTimeOrder | An order that contains items that have a long lead time to ship. |
Preorder | An order that contains items with a release date that is in the future. |
BackOrder | An order that contains items that already have been released in the market but are currently out of stock and will be available in the future. |
SourcingOnDemandOrder | A Sourcing On Demand order. |
The tax collection model applied to the item.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
MarketplaceFacilitator | Tax is withheld and remitted to the taxing authority by Amazon on behalf of the seller. |
The payment method for the order. This property is limited to Cash On Delivery (COD) and Convenience Store (CVS) payment methods. Unless you need the specific COD payment information provided by the PaymentExecutionDetailItem
object, we recommend using the PaymentMethodDetails
property to get payment method information.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
COD | Cash on delivery. |
CVS | Convenience store. |
Other | A payment method other than COD and CVS. |
The address type of the shipping address.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
Residential | The shipping address is a residential address. |
Commercial | The shipping address is a commercial address. |
Whether the order was fulfilled by Amazon (AFN) or by the seller (MFN).
Type : enum
Value | Description |
MFN | Fulfilled by the seller. |
AFN | Fulfilled by Amazon. |
The category of deemed reseller. This applies to selling partners that are not based in the EU and is used to help them meet the VAT Deemed Reseller tax laws in the EU and UK.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
IOSS | Import one stop shop. The item being purchased is not held in the EU for shipment. |
UOSS | Union one stop shop. The item being purchased is held in the EU for shipment. |
Updated about 2 months ago