Merchant Fulfillment API v0 Reference
Purchase shipping for non-Prime and Prime orders using Amazon’s Buy Shipping Services.
With the Selling Partner API for Merchant Fulfillment, you can build applications that sellers can use to purchase shipping for non-Prime and Prime orders using Amazon's Buy Shipping Services.
Version information
Version : v0
Contact information
Contact : Selling Partner API Developer Support
Contact URL :
License information
License : Apache License 2.0
License URL :
URI scheme
Host :
Schemes : HTTPS
POST /mfn/v0/eligibleShippingServices
Operation: getEligibleShipmentServices
Returns a list of shipping service offers that satisfy the specified shipment request details.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
6 | 12 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that are applied to the requested operation when available. The preceding table indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the SP-API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body | body required | The request schema for the GetEligibleShipmentServices operation. | GetEligibleShipmentServicesRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetEligibleShipmentServicesResponse |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetEligibleShipmentServicesResponse |
401 | The request's authorization header is not formatted correctly or does not contain a valid token. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetEligibleShipmentServicesResponse |
403 | Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetEligibleShipmentServicesResponse |
404 | The specified resource does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetEligibleShipmentServicesResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetEligibleShipmentServicesResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetEligibleShipmentServicesResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetEligibleShipmentServicesResponse |
GET /mfn/v0/shipments/{shipmentId}
Operation: getShipment
Returns the shipment information for an existing shipment.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
1 | 1 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that are applied to the requested operation when available. The preceding table indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the SP-API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | shipmentId required | The Amazon-defined shipment identifier for the shipment. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetShipmentResponse |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetShipmentResponse |
401 | The request's authorization header is not formatted correctly or does not contain a valid token. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetShipmentResponse |
403 | Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetShipmentResponse |
404 | The specified resource does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetShipmentResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetShipmentResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetShipmentResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetShipmentResponse |
DELETE /mfn/v0/shipments/{shipmentId}
Operation: cancelShipment
Cancel the shipment indicated by the specified shipment identifier.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
1 | 1 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that are applied to the requested operation when available. The preceding table indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the SP-API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | shipmentId required | The Amazon-defined shipment identifier for the shipment to cancel. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CancelShipmentResponse |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CancelShipmentResponse |
401 | The request's authorization header is not formatted correctly or does not contain a valid token. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CancelShipmentResponse |
403 | Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CancelShipmentResponse |
404 | The resource specified does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CancelShipmentResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CancelShipmentResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CancelShipmentResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CancelShipmentResponse |
POST /mfn/v0/shipments
Operation: createShipment
Create a shipment with the information provided.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
2 | 2 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that are applied to the requested operation when available. The preceding table indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the SP-API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body | body required | The request schema for the CreateShipment operation. | CreateShipmentRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CreateShipmentResponse |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CreateShipmentResponse |
401 | The request's authorization header is not formatted correctly or does not contain a valid token. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CreateShipmentResponse |
403 | Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CreateShipmentResponse |
404 | The specified resource does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CreateShipmentResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CreateShipmentResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CreateShipmentResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | CreateShipmentResponse |
POST /mfn/v0/additionalSellerInputs
Operation: getAdditionalSellerInputs
Gets a list of additional seller inputs required for a ship method. This is generally used for international shipping.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
1 | 1 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that are applied to the requested operation when available. The preceding table indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may have higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, refer to Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the SP-API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body | body required | The request schema for the GetAdditionalSellerInputs operation. | GetAdditionalSellerInputsRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetAdditionalSellerInputsResponse |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetAdditionalSellerInputsResponse |
401 | The request's authorization header is not formatted correctly or does not contain a valid token. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetAdditionalSellerInputsResponse |
403 | Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetAdditionalSellerInputsResponse |
404 | The specified resource does not exist. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetAdditionalSellerInputsResponse |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetAdditionalSellerInputsResponse |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetAdditionalSellerInputsResponse |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers : x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | GetAdditionalSellerInputsResponse |
Error response returned when the request is unsuccessful.
Name | Description | Schema |
code required | An error code that identifies the type of error that occurred. | string |
message required | A message that describes the error condition in a human-readable form. | string |
details optional | Additional details that can help the caller understand or fix the issue. | string |
A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful.
Type : < Error > array
Whether to include a packing slip.
Name | Description | Schema |
IncludePackingSlipWithLabel optional | When true, include a packing slip with the label. | boolean |
The label format details and whether to include a packing slip.
Name | Description | Schema |
IncludePackingSlipWithLabel optional | When true, include a packing slip with the label. | boolean |
LabelFormat optional | The label format. | LabelFormat |
Indicates whether the carrier will pick up the package, and what fee is charged, if any.
Name | Description | Schema |
CarrierWillPickUpOption required | Carrier will pick up option. | CarrierWillPickUpOption |
Charge required | The fee charged. | CurrencyAmount |
List of available carrier pickup options.
Type : < AvailableCarrierWillPickUpOption > array
The available delivery confirmation options, and the fee charged, if any.
Name | Description | Schema |
DeliveryExperienceOption required | The delivery confirmation level. | DeliveryExperienceOption |
Charge required | Currency type and amount. | CurrencyAmount |
List of available delivery experience options.
Type : < AvailableDeliveryExperienceOption > array
The available shipping service options.
Name | Description | Schema |
AvailableCarrierWillPickUpOptions required | List of available carrier pickup options. | AvailableCarrierWillPickUpOptionsList |
AvailableDeliveryExperienceOptions required | List of available delivery experience options. | AvailableDeliveryExperienceOptionsList |
The available label formats.
Type : < LabelFormatOption > array
The available label formats.
Type : < LabelFormatOption > array
A validation constraint.
Name | Description | Schema |
ValidationRegEx optional | A regular expression. | string |
ValidationString required | A validation string. | string |
List of constraints.
Type : < Constraint > array
Maps the additional seller input to the definition. The key to the map is the field name.
Name | Description | Schema |
AdditionalInputFieldName optional | The field name. | string |
SellerInputDefinition optional | Specifies characteristics that apply to a seller input. | SellerInputDefinition |
Specifies characteristics that apply to a seller input.
Name | Description | Schema |
IsRequired required | When true, the additional input field is required. | boolean |
DataType required | The data type of the additional input field. | string |
Constraints required | List of constraints. | Constraints |
InputDisplayText required | The display text for the additional input field. | string |
InputTarget optional | Whether the seller input applies to the item or the shipment. | InputTargetType |
StoredValue required | Additional information required to purchase shipping. | AdditionalSellerInput |
RestrictedSetValues optional | The set of fixed values in an additional seller input. | RestrictedSetValues |
Indicates whether the additional seller input is at the item or shipment level.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
SHIPMENT_LEVEL | The additional seller input is at the shipment level. |
ITEM_LEVEL | The additional seller input is at the item level. |
A list of additional inputs.
Type : < AdditionalInputs > array
Additional information required to purchase shipping.
Name | Description | Schema |
DataType optional | The data type of the additional information. | string |
ValueAsString optional | The value when the data type is string. | string |
ValueAsBoolean optional | The value when the data type is boolean. | boolean |
ValueAsInteger optional | The value when the data type is integer. | integer |
ValueAsTimestamp optional | The value when the data type is a date-time formatted string. | Timestamp |
ValueAsAddress optional | The postal address information. | Address |
ValueAsWeight optional | The weight. | Weight |
ValueAsDimension optional | The length. | Length |
ValueAsCurrency optional | Currency type and amount. | CurrencyAmount |
An additional set of seller inputs required to purchase shipping.
Name | Description | Schema |
AdditionalInputFieldName required | The name of the additional input field. | string |
AdditionalSellerInput required | Additional information required to purchase shipping. | AdditionalSellerInput |
A list of additional seller input pairs required to purchase shipping.
Type : < AdditionalSellerInputs > array
The postal address information.
Name | Description | Schema |
Name required | The name of the addressee, or business name. | AddressName |
AddressLine1 required | The street address information. | AddressLine1 |
AddressLine2 optional | Additional street address information. | AddressLine2 |
AddressLine3 optional | Additional street address information. | AddressLine3 |
DistrictOrCounty optional | The district or county. | DistrictOrCounty |
Email required | The email address. | EmailAddress |
City required | The city. | City |
StateOrProvinceCode optional | The state or province code. This is a required field in Canada, US, and UK marketplaces, and for shipments that originate in China. | StateOrProvinceCode |
PostalCode required | The zip code or postal code. | PostalCode |
CountryCode required | The two-letter country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. | CountryCode |
Phone required | The phone number. | PhoneNumber |
The street address information.
Type : string
maxLength : 180
Additional street address information.
Type : string
maxLength : 60
Additional street address information.
Type : string
maxLength : 60
The name of the addressee, or business name.
Type : string
maxLength : 30
An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format.
Type : string
Benefits that are included and excluded for each shipping offer. Benefits represents services provided by Amazon (for example, CLAIMS_PROTECTED
) when sellers purchase shipping through Amazon. Benefit details are made available for any shipment placed on or after January 1st 2024 00:00 UTC.
Name | Description | Schema |
IncludedBenefits optional | A list of included benefits. | IncludedBenefits |
ExcludedBenefits optional | A list of excluded benefits. Refer to the ExcludeBenefit object for further documentation. | ExcludedBenefits |
A list of included benefits.
Type : < string > array
A list of excluded benefits. Refer to the ExcludeBenefit
object for further documentation.
Type : < ExcludedBenefit > array
An object representing an excluded benefit that is excluded for a shipping offer or rate.
Name | Description | Schema |
Benefit optional | A benefit that is being excluded from a shipment. | string |
ReasonCodes optional | List of reasons why a benefit is excluded for a shipping offer (for example, LATE_DELIVERY_RISK ). | ExcludedBenefitReasonCodes |
List of reasons why a benefit is excluded for a shipping offer (for example, LATE_DELIVERY_RISK
Type : < string > array
Response schema.
The city.
Type : string
maxLength : 30
The two-letter country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
Type : string
Request schema.
Name | Description | Schema |
ShipmentRequestDetails required | Shipment information required to create a shipment. | ShipmentRequestDetails |
ShippingServiceId required | An Amazon-defined shipping service identifier. | ShippingServiceIdentifier |
ShippingServiceOfferId optional | Identifies a shipping service order made by a carrier. | string |
HazmatType optional | Hazardous materials options for a package. Consult the terms and conditions for each carrier for more information about hazardous materials. | HazmatType |
LabelFormatOption optional | Whether to include a packing slip. | LabelFormatOptionRequest |
ShipmentLevelSellerInputsList optional | A list of additional seller inputs required to ship this shipment. | AdditionalSellerInputsList |
Response schema.
A list of item level fields.
Name | Description | Schema |
Asin required | The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. | string |
AdditionalInputs required | A list of additional inputs. | AdditionalInputsList |
A list of item level fields.
Type : < ItemLevelFields > array
Request schema.
Name | Description | Schema |
ShippingServiceId required | An Amazon-defined shipping service identifier. | ShippingServiceIdentifier |
ShipFromAddress required | The address from which to ship. | Address |
OrderId required | An Amazon defined order identifier | AmazonOrderId |
The payload for the getAdditionalSellerInputs
Name | Description | Schema |
ShipmentLevelFields optional | A list of additional inputs. | AdditionalInputsList |
ItemLevelFieldsList optional | A list of item level fields. | ItemLevelFieldsList |
Response schema.
Name | Description | Schema |
payload optional | The payload for the getAdditionalSellerInputs operation. | GetAdditionalSellerInputsResult |
errors optional | A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful. | ErrorList |
Currency type and amount.
Name | Description | Schema |
CurrencyCode required | Three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. maxLength : 3 | string |
Amount required | The currency amount. | number (double) |
Custom text to print on the label. Note: Custom text is only included on labels that are in ZPL format (ZPL203). FedEx does not support CustomTextForLabel
Type : string
maxLength : 14
The delivery confirmation level.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
DeliveryConfirmationWithAdultSignature | Delivery confirmation with an adult signature. |
DeliveryConfirmationWithSignature | Delivery confirmation with a signature. Required for DPD (UK). |
DeliveryConfirmationWithoutSignature | Delivery confirmation without a signature. |
NoTracking | No delivery confirmation. |
The district or county.
Type : string
The email address.
Type : string
The document data and checksum.
Name | Description | Schema |
Contents required | Data for printing labels encoded into a Base64, GZip-compressed string. | string |
FileType required | The file type for a label. | FileType |
Checksum required | An MD5 hash to validate the PDF document data, in the form of a Base64 string. | string |
The file type for a label.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
application/pdf | A Portable Document Format (pdf) file. |
application/zpl | A Zebra Programming Language (zpl) file. |
image/png | A Portable Network Graphics (png) file. |
Request schema.
Name | Description | Schema |
ShipmentRequestDetails required | Shipment information required for requesting shipping service offers. | ShipmentRequestDetails |
ShippingOfferingFilter optional | Filter for use when requesting eligible shipping services. | ShippingOfferingFilter |
Response schema.
Name | Description | Schema |
payload optional | The payload for the getEligibleShipmentServices operation. | GetEligibleShipmentServicesResult |
errors optional | One or more unexpected errors occurred during this operation. | ErrorList |
The payload for the getEligibleShipmentServices
Name | Description | Schema |
ShippingServiceList required | A list of shipping services offers. | ShippingServiceList |
RejectedShippingServiceList optional | List of services that are for some reason unavailable for this request | RejectedShippingServiceList |
TemporarilyUnavailableCarrierList optional | A list of temporarily unavailable carriers. | TemporarilyUnavailableCarrierList |
TermsAndConditionsNotAcceptedCarrierList optional | List of carriers whose terms and conditions were not accepted by the seller. | TermsAndConditionsNotAcceptedCarrierList |
Response schema.
Hazardous materials options for a package. Consult the terms and conditions for each carrier for more information on hazardous materials.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
None | The package does not contain hazardous material. |
LQHazmat | The package contains limited quantities of hazardous material. |
An Amazon order item identifier and a quantity.
Name | Description | Schema |
OrderItemId required | An Amazon-defined identifier for an individual item in an order. | OrderItemId |
Quantity required | The number of items. | ItemQuantity |
ItemWeight optional | The weight. | Weight |
ItemDescription optional | The description of the item. | ItemDescription |
TransparencyCodeList optional | A list of transparency codes. | TransparencyCodeList |
ItemLevelSellerInputsList optional | A list of additional seller inputs required to ship this item using the chosen shipping service. | AdditionalSellerInputsList |
LiquidVolume optional | Liquid volume. | LiquidVolume |
IsHazmat optional | When true, the item qualifies as hazardous materials (hazmat). Defaults to false. | boolean |
DangerousGoodsDetails optional | Details related to any dangerous goods or items that are shipped. | DangerousGoodsDetails |
The list of items you want to include in a shipment.
Type : < Item > array
The number of items.
Type : integer (int32)
The description of the item.
Type : string
Data for creating a shipping label and dimensions for printing the label.
Name | Description | Schema |
CustomTextForLabel optional | Custom text to print on the label. Note: Custom text is only included on labels that are in ZPL format (ZPL203). FedEx does not support CustomTextForLabel . | CustomTextForLabel |
Dimensions required | Dimensions for printing a shipping label. | LabelDimensions |
FileContents required | The document data and checksum. | FileContents |
LabelFormat optional | The label format. | LabelFormat |
StandardIdForLabel optional | The type of standard identifier to print on the label. | StandardIdForLabel |
Custom text for shipping labels.
Name | Description | Schema |
CustomTextForLabel optional | Custom text to print on the label. Note: Custom text is only included on labels that are in ZPL format (ZPL203). FedEx does not support CustomTextForLabel . | CustomTextForLabel |
StandardIdForLabel optional | The type of standard identifier to print on the label. | StandardIdForLabel |
A label dimension.
Type : number
Dimensions for printing a shipping label.
Name | Description | Schema |
Length required | The length dimension. | LabelDimension |
Width required | The width dimension. | LabelDimension |
Unit required | The unit of measurement. | UnitOfLength |
The label format.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
Portable Document Format (pdf). | |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics (png) format. |
ZPL203 | Zebra Programming Language (zpl) format, 203 dots per inch resolution. |
ZPL300 | Zebra Programming Language (zpl) format, 300 dots per inch resolution. |
ShippingServiceDefault | The default provided by the shipping service. |
List of label formats.
Type : < LabelFormat > array
The length.
Name | Description | Schema |
value optional | The value in units. | number |
unit optional | The unit of length. | UnitOfLength |
An Amazon-defined identifier for an individual item in an order.
Type : string
A number that represents the given package dimension.
Type : number (double)
The dimensions of a package contained in a shipment.
Name | Description | Schema |
Length optional | The length dimension. If you don't specify PredefinedPackageDimensions , you must specify the length. | PackageDimension |
Width optional | The width dimension. If you don't specify PredefinedPackageDimensions , you must specify the width. | PackageDimension |
Height optional | The height dimension. If you don't specify PredefinedPackageDimensions , you must specify the height. | PackageDimension |
Unit optional | The unit of measurement. If you don't specify PredefinedPackageDimensions , you must specify the unit. | UnitOfLength |
PredefinedPackageDimensions optional | An enumeration of predefined parcel tokens. If you specify a PredefinedPackageDimensions token, you are not obligated to use a branded package from a carrier. For example, if you specify the FedEx_Box_10kg token, you do not have to use that particular package from FedEx. You are only obligated to use a box that matches the dimensions specified by the token. Note: Carriers can have restrictions on the type of package allowed for certain ship methods. Check the carrier website for details. Example: Flat rate pricing is available when materials are sent by USPS in a USPS-produced Flat Rate envelope or box. | PredefinedPackageDimensions |
The phone number.
Type : string
maxLength : 30
The zip code or postal code.
Type : string
maxLength : 30
An enumeration of predefined parcel tokens. If you specify a PredefinedPackageDimensions
token, you are not obligated to use a branded package from a carrier. For example, if you specify the FedEx_Box_10kg
token, you do not have to use that particular package from FedEx. You are only obligated to use a box that matches the dimensions specified by the token. Note: Carriers can have restrictions on the type of package allowed for certain ship methods. Check the carrier website for details. Example: Flat rate pricing is available when materials are sent by USPS in a USPS-produced Flat Rate envelope or box.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
FedEx_Box_10kg | 15.81 x 12.94 x 10.19 in. |
FedEx_Box_25kg | 54.80 x 42.10 x 33.50 in. |
FedEx_Box_Extra_Large_1 | 11.88 x 11.00 x 10.75 in. |
FedEx_Box_Extra_Large_2 | 15.75 x 14.13 x 6.00 in. |
FedEx_Box_Large_1 | 17.50 x 12.38 x 3.00 in. |
FedEx_Box_Large_2 | 11.25 x 8.75 x 7.75 in. |
FedEx_Box_Medium_1 | 13.25 x 11.50 x 2.38 in. |
FedEx_Box_Medium_2 | 11.25 x 8.75 x 4.38 in. |
FedEx_Box_Small_1 | 12.38 x 10.88 x 1.50 in. |
FedEx_Box_Small_2 | 8.75 x 2.63 x 11.25 in. |
FedEx_Envelope | 12.50 x 9.50 x 0.80 in. |
FedEx_Padded_Pak | 11.75 x 14.75 x 2.00 in. |
FedEx_Pak_1 | 15.50 x 12.00 x 0.80 in. |
FedEx_Pak_2 | 12.75 x 10.25 x 0.80 in. |
FedEx_Tube | 38.00 x 6.00 x 6.00 in. |
FedEx_XL_Pak | 17.50 x 20.75 x 2.00 in. |
UPS_Box_10kg | 41.00 x 33.50 x 26.50 cm. |
UPS_Box_25kg | 48.40 x 43.30 x 35.00 cm. |
UPS_Express_Box | 46.00 x 31.50 x 9.50 cm. |
UPS_Express_Box_Large | 18.00 x 13.00 x 3.00 in. |
UPS_Express_Box_Medium | 15.00 x 11.00 x 3.00 in. |
UPS_Express_Box_Small | 13.00 x 11.00 x 2.00 in. |
UPS_Express_Envelope | 12.50 x 9.50 x 2.00 in. |
UPS_Express_Hard_Pak | 14.75 x 11.50 x 2.00 in. |
UPS_Express_Legal_Envelope | 15.00 x 9.50 x 2.00 in. |
UPS_Express_Pak | 16.00 x 12.75 x 2.00 in. |
UPS_Express_Tube | 97.00 x 19.00 x 16.50 cm. |
UPS_Laboratory_Pak | 17.25 x 12.75 x 2.00 in. |
UPS_Pad_Pak | 14.75 x 11.00 x 2.00 in. |
UPS_Pallet | 120.00 x 80.00 x 200.00 cm. |
USPS_Card | 6.00 x 4.25 x 0.01 in. |
USPS_Flat | 15.00 x 12.00 x 0.75 in. |
USPS_FlatRateCardboardEnvelope | 12.50 x 9.50 x 4.00 in. |
USPS_FlatRateEnvelope | 12.50 x 9.50 x 4.00 in. |
USPS_FlatRateGiftCardEnvelope | 10.00 x 7.00 x 4.00 in |
USPS_FlatRateLegalEnvelope | 15.00 x 9.50 x 4.00 in. |
USPS_FlatRatePaddedEnvelope | 12.50 x 9.50 x 4.00 in. |
USPS_FlatRateWindowEnvelope | 10.00 x 5.00 x 4.00 in. |
USPS_LargeFlatRateBoardGameBox | 24.06 x 11.88 x 3.13 in. |
USPS_LargeFlatRateBox | 12.25 x 12.25 x 6.00 in. |
USPS_Letter | 11.50 x 6.13 x 0.25 in. |
USPS_MediumFlatRateBox1 | 11.25 x 8.75 x 6.00 in. |
USPS_MediumFlatRateBox2 | 14.00 x 12.00 x 3.50 in. |
USPS_RegionalRateBoxA1 | 10.13 x 7.13 x 5.00 in. |
USPS_RegionalRateBoxA2 | 13.06 x 11.06 x 2.50 in. |
USPS_RegionalRateBoxB1 | 16.25 x 14.50 x 3.00 in. |
USPS_RegionalRateBoxB2 | 12.25 x 10.50 x 5.50 in. |
USPS_RegionalRateBoxC | 15.00 x 12.00 x 12.00 in. |
USPS_SmallFlatRateBox | 8.69 x 5.44 x 1.75 in. |
USPS_SmallFlatRateEnvelope | 10.00 x 6.00 x 4.00 in. |
The set of fixed values in an additional seller input.
Type : < string > array
A seller-defined order identifier.
Type : string
maxLength : 64
The details of a shipment. Includes the shipment status.
Name | Description | Schema |
ShipmentId required | An Amazon-defined shipment identifier. | ShipmentId |
AmazonOrderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. | AmazonOrderId |
SellerOrderId optional | A seller-defined order identifier. | SellerOrderId |
ItemList required | The list of items you want to include in a shipment. | ItemList |
ShipFromAddress required | The address of the sender. | Address |
ShipToAddress required | The destination address for the shipment. | Address |
PackageDimensions required | The dimensions of a package contained in a shipment. | PackageDimensions |
Weight required | The package weight. | Weight |
Insurance required | If you specify DeclaredValue in a previous call to the createShipment operation, then Insurance indicates the shipment insurance amount that the carrier uses. If DeclaredValue isn't with a previous call to the createShipment operation, then the shipment is insured for the carrier's minimum insurance amount, or the combined sale prices that the items are listed for in the shipment. | CurrencyAmount |
ShippingService required | A shipping service offer made by a carrier. | ShippingService |
Label required | Data for creating a shipping label and dimensions for printing the label. If the shipment is canceled, an empty label is returned. | Label |
Status required | The shipment status. | ShipmentStatus |
TrackingId optional | The shipment tracking identifier provided by the carrier. | TrackingId |
CreatedDate required | The date and time the shipment is created. | Timestamp |
LastUpdatedDate optional | The date and time of the last update. | Timestamp |
An Amazon-defined shipment identifier.
Type : string
Shipment information required for requesting shipping service offers or for creating a shipment.
Name | Description | Schema |
AmazonOrderId required | An Amazon-defined order identifier in 3-7-7 format. | AmazonOrderId |
SellerOrderId optional | A seller-defined order identifier. | SellerOrderId |
ItemList required | The list of items you want to include in a shipment. | ItemList |
ShipFromAddress required | The address of the sender. | Address |
PackageDimensions required | The package dimensions. | PackageDimensions |
Weight required | The package weight. | Weight |
MustArriveByDate optional | The date by which the package must arrive to keep the promise to the customer, in ISO 8601 date-time format. If MustArriveByDate is specified, only shipping service offers that can be delivered by that date are returned. | Timestamp |
ShipDate optional | When used in a request, this is the date and time that the seller wants to ship the package. When used in a response, this is the date and time that the package can be shipped by the indicated method. | Timestamp |
ShippingServiceOptions required | Extra services offered by the carrier. | ShippingServiceOptions |
LabelCustomization optional | Label customization options. | LabelCustomization |
The shipment status.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
Purchased | The seller purchased a label by calling the createShipment operation. |
RefundPending | The seller requested a label refund by calling the cancelShipment operation, and the refund request is being processed by the carrier. Note: A seller can create a new shipment for an order while Status = RefundPending for a canceled shipment. After you request a label refund (by calling cancelShipment ), the status of the order remains Shipped . |
RefundRejected | The label refund request is rejected by the carrier. A refund request is rejected because the cancellation window has expired or the carrier has already accepted the shipment for delivery. Cancellation policies vary by carrier. For more information about carrier cancellation policies, refer to the Seller Central Help for your marketplace. |
RefundApplied | The refund has been approved and credited to the seller's account. |
The delivery confirmation level.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
DeliveryConfirmationWithAdultSignature | Delivery confirmation with adult signature. |
DeliveryConfirmationWithSignature | Delivery confirmation with signature. Required for DPD (UK). |
DeliveryConfirmationWithoutSignature | Delivery confirmation without signature. |
NoTracking | No delivery confirmation. |
NoPreference | No preference. |
Filter for use when requesting eligible shipping services.
Name | Description | Schema |
IncludePackingSlipWithLabel optional | When true, include a packing slip with the label. | boolean |
IncludeComplexShippingOptions optional | When true, include complex shipping options. | boolean |
CarrierWillPickUp optional | Carrier will pick up option. | CarrierWillPickUpOption |
DeliveryExperience optional | The delivery confirmation level. | DeliveryExperienceOption |
A shipping service offer made by a carrier.
Name | Description | Schema |
ShippingServiceName required | A plain text representation of a carrier's shipping service. For example, "UPS Ground" or "FedEx Standard Overnight". | string |
CarrierName required | The name of the carrier. | string |
ShippingServiceId required | An Amazon-defined shipping service identifier. | ShippingServiceIdentifier |
ShippingServiceOfferId required | An Amazon-defined shipping service offer identifier. | string |
ShipDate required | The date that the carrier will ship the package. | Timestamp |
EarliestEstimatedDeliveryDate optional | The earliest date by which the shipment will be delivered. | Timestamp |
LatestEstimatedDeliveryDate optional | The latest date by which the shipment will be delivered. | Timestamp |
Rate required | The amount that the carrier will charge for the shipment. | CurrencyAmount |
ShippingServiceOptions required | Extra services offered by the carrier. | ShippingServiceOptions |
AvailableShippingServiceOptions optional | The available shipping service options. | AvailableShippingServiceOptions |
AvailableLabelFormats optional | List of label formats. | LabelFormatList |
AvailableFormatOptionsForLabel optional | The available label formats. | AvailableFormatOptionsForLabelList |
RequiresAdditionalSellerInputs required | When true, additional seller inputs are required. | boolean |
Benefits optional | Benefits that are included and excluded for each shipping offer. Benefits represents services provided by Amazon (for example, CLAIMS_PROTECTED ) when sellers purchase shipping through Amazon. Benefit details are made available for any shipment placed on or after January 1st 2024 00:00 UTC. | Benefits |
An Amazon-defined shipping service identifier.
Type : string
A list of shipping services offers.
Type : < ShippingService > array
Extra services provided by a carrier.
Name | Description | Schema |
DeliveryExperience required | The delivery confirmation level. | DeliveryExperienceType |
DeclaredValue optional | The declared value of the shipment. The carrier uses this value to determine the amount to use to insure the shipment. If DeclaredValue is greater than the carrier's minimum insurance amount, the seller is charged for the additional insurance, as determined by the carrier. For information about optional insurance coverage, refer to Seller Central Help: UK, US. | CurrencyAmount |
CarrierWillPickUp required | When true, the carrier will pick up the package. Note: Scheduled carrier pickup is available only using Dynamex (US), DPD (UK), and Royal Mail (UK). | boolean |
CarrierWillPickUpOption optional | Carrier will pick up option. | CarrierWillPickUpOption |
LabelFormat optional | The seller's preferred label format. | LabelFormat |
Carrier will pick up option.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
CarrierWillPickUp | The carrier will pick up the package. |
ShipperWillDropOff | The seller is responsible for arranging pickup or dropping off the package to the carrier. |
NoPreference | No preference. |
The type of standard identifier to print on the label.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
AmazonOrderId | An Amazon-defined order identifier in 3-7-7 format. |
The state or province code. This is a required field in Canada, US, and UK marketplaces, and for shipments that originate in China.
Type : string
maxLength : 30
Information about a rejected shipping service
Name | Description | Schema |
CarrierName required | The rejected shipping carrier name. For example, USPS. | string |
ShippingServiceName required | The rejected shipping service localized name. For example, FedEx Standard Overnight. | string |
ShippingServiceId required | The rejected shipping service identifier. For example, FEDEX_PTP_STANDARD_OVERNIGHT . | ShippingServiceIdentifier |
RejectionReasonCode required | A reason code meant to be consumed programatically. For example, CARRIER_CANNOT_SHIP_TO_POBOX . | string |
RejectionReasonMessage optional | A localized human readable description of the rejected reason. | string |
List of services that are for some reason unavailable for this request
Type : < RejectedShippingService > array
A carrier who is temporarily unavailable, most likely due to a service outage experienced by the carrier.
Name | Description | Schema |
CarrierName required | The name of the carrier. | string |
A list of temporarily unavailable carriers.
Type : < TemporarilyUnavailableCarrier > array
A carrier whose terms and conditions have not been accepted by the seller.
Name | Description | Schema |
CarrierName required | The name of the carrier. | string |
List of carriers whose terms and conditions were not accepted by the seller.
Type : < TermsAndConditionsNotAcceptedCarrier > array
Date-time formatted timestamp.
Type : string (date-time)
The shipment tracking identifier provided by the carrier.
Type : string
The transparency code associated with the item. Determine the transparency serial number with:
1D or 2D barcode: This has a T logo. Submit either the 29-character alpha-numeric identifier beginning with AZ or ZA, or the 38-character Serialized Global Trade Item Number (SGTIN).
2D barcode SN: Submit the 7- to 20-character serial number barcode, that likely has the prefix SN. The serial number is applied to the same side of the packaging as the GTIN (UPC/EAN/ISBN) barcode.
QR code SN: Submit the URL that the QR code generates.
Type : string
A list of transparency codes.
Type : < TransparencyCode > array
The unit of length.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
inches | The unit of length is inches. |
centimeters | The unit of length is centimeters. |
The unit of weight.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
oz | The unit of weight is ounces. |
g | The unit of weight is grams. |
The weight.
Name | Description | Schema |
Value required | The weight value. | WeightValue |
Unit required | The unit of weight. | UnitOfWeight |
The weight value.
Type : number (double)
Liquid volume.
Name | Description | Schema |
Unit required | The unit of measurement. | enum (Unit) |
Value required | The measurement value. | number |
Details related to any dangerous goods or items that are shipped.
Name | Description | Schema |
UnitedNationsRegulatoryId optional | The specific UNID of the item being shipped. Pattern : "^(UN|ID|NA)[0-9]{4}$" | string |
TransportationRegulatoryClass optional | The specific regulatory class of the shipped item. Pattern : "^[1-9](\\.[1-9])?$" | string |
PackingGroup optional | The specific packaging group of the item being shipped. | enum (PackingGroup) |
PackingInstruction optional | The specific packing instruction of the item being shipped. | enum (PackingInstruction) |
The specific packaging group of the item being shipped.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
I | Packing group I indicates great danger. |
II | Packing group II indicates medium danger. |
III | Packing group III indicates minor danger. |
The specific packing instruction of the item being shipped.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
PI965_SECTION_IA | Ion PI965 Section IA (LiBa). |
PI965_SECTION_IB | Ion PI965 Section IB (LiBa). |
PI965_SECTION_II | Ion PI965 Section II (LiBa). |
PI966_SECTION_I | Ion PI966 Section I (LiBa with equipment). |
PI966_SECTION_II | Ion PI966 Section II (LiBa with equipment). |
PI967_SECTION_I | Ion PI967 Section I (LiBa in equipment). |
PI967_SECTION_II | Ion PI967 Section II (LiBa in equipment). |
PI968_SECTION_IA | Metal PI968 Section IA (LiBa). |
PI968_SECTION_IB | Metal PI968 Section IB (LiBa). |
PI969_SECTION_I | Metal PI969 Section I (LiBa with equipment). |
PI969_SECTION_II | Metal PI969 Section II (LiBa with equipment). |
PI970_SECTION_I | Metal PI970 Section I (LiBa in equipment). |
PI970_SECTION_II | Metal PI970 Section II (LiBa in equipment). |
The unit of measurement.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
ML | Milliliter - Metric unit of volume. |
L | Liter - Metric unit of volume. |
FL_OZ | Fluid ounce - Imperial unit of volume. |
GAL | Gallon - Imperial unit of volume. |
PT | Pint - Imperial unit of volume. |
QT | Quart - Imperial unit of volume. |
C | Cup - Imperial unit of volume. |
Updated 13 days ago