Listings Items API v2020-09-01 Reference
Access selling partner listings data on Amazon.
The Selling Partner API for Listings Items (Listings Items API) provides programmatic access to selling partner listings on Amazon. Use this API in collaboration with the Selling Partner API for Product Type Definitions, which you use to retrieve the information about Amazon product types needed to use the Listings Items API.
For more information, see the Listing Items API Use Case Guide.
Version information
Version : 2020-09-01
Contact information
Contact : Selling Partner API Developer Support
Contact URL :
License information
License : Apache License 2.0
License URL :
URI scheme
Host :
Schemes : HTTPS
PUT /listings/2020-09-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku}
Operation: putListingsItem
Creates a new or fully-updates an existing listings item for a selling partner.
Note: The parameters associated with this operation may contain special characters that must be encoded to successfully call the API. To avoid errors with SKUs when encoding URLs, refer to URL Encoding.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
5 | 10 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, see Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | sellerId required | A selling partner identifier, such as a merchant account or vendor code. | string |
Path | sku required | A selling partner provided identifier for an Amazon listing. | string |
Query | marketplaceIds required | A comma-delimited list of Amazon marketplace identifiers for the request. | < string > array(csv) |
Query | issueLocale optional | A locale for localization of issues. When not provided, the default language code of the first marketplace is used. Examples: "en_US", "fr_CA", "fr_FR". Localized messages default to "en_US" when a localization is not available in the specified locale. | string |
Body | body required | The request body schema for the putListingsItem operation. | ListingsItemPutRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successfully understood the request to create or fully-update a listings item. See the response to determine if the submission has been accepted. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | ListingsItemSubmissionResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
DELETE /listings/2020-09-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku}
Operation: deleteListingsItem
Delete a listings item for a selling partner.
Note: The parameters associated with this operation may contain special characters that must be encoded to successfully call the API. To avoid errors with SKUs when encoding URLs, refer to URL Encoding.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
5 | 10 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, see Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | sellerId required | A selling partner identifier, such as a merchant account or vendor code. | string |
Path | sku required | A selling partner provided identifier for an Amazon listing. | string |
Query | marketplaceIds required | A comma-delimited list of Amazon marketplace identifiers for the request. | < string > array(csv) |
Query | issueLocale optional | A locale for localization of issues. When not provided, the default language code of the first marketplace is used. Examples: "en_US", "fr_CA", "fr_FR". Localized messages default to "en_US" when a localization is not available in the specified locale. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successfully understood the listings item delete request. See the response to determine whether the submission has been accepted. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | ListingsItemSubmissionResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
PATCH /listings/2020-09-01/items/{sellerId}/{sku}
Operation: patchListingsItem
Partially update (patch) a listings item for a selling partner. Only top-level listings item attributes can be patched. Patching nested attributes is not supported.
Note: The parameters associated with this operation may contain special characters that must be encoded to successfully call the API. To avoid errors with SKUs when encoding URLs, refer to URL Encoding.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
5 | 10 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, see Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path | sellerId required | A selling partner identifier, such as a merchant account or vendor code. | string |
Path | sku required | A selling partner provided identifier for an Amazon listing. | string |
Query | marketplaceIds required | A comma-delimited list of Amazon marketplace identifiers for the request. | < string > array(csv) |
Query | issueLocale optional | A locale for localization of issues. When not provided, the default language code of the first marketplace is used. Examples: "en_US", "fr_CA", "fr_FR". Localized messages default to "en_US" when a localization is not available in the specified locale. | string |
Body | body required | The request body schema for the patchListingsItem operation. | ListingsItemPatchRequest |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Successfully understood the listings item patch request. See the response to determine if the submission was accepted. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | ListingsItemSubmissionResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Error Responses and Schemas
This table contains HTTP status codes and associated information for error responses.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers: x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
403 | Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
413 | The request size exceeded the maximum accepted size. Headers: x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned. x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
415 | The request payload is in an unsupported format. Headers: x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned. x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers: x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned. x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers: x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned. x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers: x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation.Note: For this status code, the rate limit header is deprecated and no longer returned. x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
Error response returned when the request is unsuccessful.
Name | Description | Schema |
code required | An error code that identifies the type of error that occurred. | string |
message required | A message that describes the error condition. | string |
details optional | Additional details that can help the caller understand or fix the issue. | string |
A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful.
Name | Schema |
errors required | < Error > array |
An issue with a listings item.
Name | Description | Schema |
code required | An issue code that identifies the type of issue. | string |
message required | A message that describes the issue. | string |
severity required | The severity of the issue. | enum (Severity) |
attributeName optional | Name of the attribute associated with the issue, if applicable. | string |
Individual JSON Patch operation for an HTTP PATCH request.
Name | Description | Schema |
op required | Type of JSON Patch operation. Supported JSON Patch operations include add, replace, and delete. See | enum (Op) |
path required | JSON Pointer path of the element to patch. See | string |
value optional | JSON value to add, replace, or delete. | < object > array |
The request body schema for the patchListingsItem operation.
Name | Description | Schema |
productType required | The Amazon product type of the listings item. | string |
patches required | One or more JSON Patch operations to perform on the listings item. | < PatchOperation > array |
The request body schema for the putListingsItem operation.
Name | Description | Schema |
productType required | The Amazon product type of the listings item. | string |
requirements optional | The name of the requirements set for the provided data. | enum (Requirements) |
attributes required | JSON object containing structured listings item attribute data keyed by attribute name. | object |
Response containing the results of a submission to the Selling Partner API for Listings Items.
Name | Description | Schema |
sku required | A selling partner provided identifier for an Amazon listing. | string |
status required | The status of the listings item submission. | enum (Status) |
submissionId required | The unique identifier of the listings item submission. | string |
issues optional | Listings item issues related to the listings item submission. | < Issue > array |
The status of the listings item submission.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
ACCEPTED | The listings submission was accepted for processing. |
INVALID | The listings submission was not valid and was not accepted for processing. |
Type of JSON Patch operation. Supported JSON Patch operations include add, replace, and delete. See
Type : enum
Value | Description |
add | The "add" operation adds or replaces the target property. |
replace | The "replace" operation adds or replaces the target property. |
delete | The "delete" operation removes the target property. Not supported for vendors (vendors will receive an HTTP status code 400 response). |
The severity of the issue.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
ERROR | Indicates an issue has occurred preventing the submission from processing, such as a validation error. |
WARNING | Indicates an issue has occurred that should be reviewed, but has not prevented the submission from processing. |
INFO | Indicates additional information has been provided that should be reviewed. |
The name of the requirements set for the provided data.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
LISTING | Indicates the submitted data contains product facts and sales terms. |
LISTING_PRODUCT_ONLY | Indicates the submitted data contains product facts only. |
LISTING_OFFER_ONLY | Indicates the submitted data contains sales terms only. Not supported for vendors (vendors will receive an HTTP status code 400 response). |
Updated about 1 month ago