


Private vendor applications: Private vendor applications are available only to your organization and are self-authorized. An example use case is creating an application through in-house IT resources, or a third-party IT company or agency creating an app for you.



Private vendor developers can authorize other vendor groups if they have admin permissions on both accounts, up to a maximum number. For more information, refer to Application authorization limits and Using Multiple Vendor Groups. If a private vendor developer exceeds their authorization limits, then they must either remove an existing self-authorization or contact Vendor Central Support to increase your quota.

Before you register, review the Registration recommendations in the SP-API Registration overview topic.

For more information about developer types, refer to Terminology, or watch the Getting Started videos.






  1. Go to Vendor Central for your marketplace. Refer to Vendor Central URLs for a list of URLs by marketplace.


    For Solution Provider Portal users, sign in to Solution Provider Portal, select Settings, then choose Developer Profile.

  2. Sign in using the credentials for the Vendor Central account with the vendor group that you want your application to access. For more information about vendor groups, refer to About Vendor Groups.

  3. から Integration メニュー、選択 API Integration

  4. 出品用アカウントの開発者プロフィールをまだ作成していない場合は、以下を選択してください Proceed to Developer Profile。それ以外の場合は、を選択してください View profile

  5. 開発者登録フォームに必要事項を記入してください。

    • あなたのを入力してください Contact Information
    • 入る Data Access 詳細。
      • から Data Access ドロップダウン、選択 Private Developer: I build application(s) that integrate my own company with Amazon Services APIs
    • 現在開発者である場合は、組織のすべての開発者IDをカンマで区切って入力する必要があります。
    • Select the Roles that apply to your organization. For more information about Role definitions, refer to Roles in the Selling Partner API.


    Vendors using Direct Fulfillment need additional restricted roles. Restricted roles contain personally identifiable information (PII). Vendors are required to provide additional information about data use and security controls when integrating. For the full list of API calls that require restricted access, refer to the Direct to Consumer Shipping (Restricted) role documentation. Refer to Registration recommendations for more policy information.

  6. あなたのを入力してください Use Cases

  7. あなたのを入力してください Security Controls

  8. Check the box confirming that you have read and agree to the Amazon Services API Developer Agreement, Acceptable Use Policy, and the Data Protection Policy.

  9. Registerを選択します。

  10. Wait for next steps. Case updates will be sent to the admin email address on file. If you are contacted for more information, you must respond within five days to prevent case closure. For more information, refer to Check the status of your request to register as a developer.


Selling Partner APIアクセスを許可または拒否するかどうかは、アプリケーションの機能、適性利用規約、データ保護ポリシーのコンプライアンスなど、開発者プロファイルに入力した情報に基づいて行われます。Selling Partner APIの適格性をどのように判断するかについての詳細な情報を提供することはできませんが、こうした決定においてはデータセキュリティを優先しています。

