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Amazon Seller Data Access

Seller and third-party access to Amazon Seller (business user) data.

Sellers that have a professional selling account and authorized third parties that are registered as SP-API developers can use the Selling Partner API (SP-API) to programmatically access Amazon's Seller data (also referred to as business user data), including customers' data. Through SP-API, Sellers and authorized third parties have access to various tools and downloadable reports that include listings, returns, inventory, orders, product recommendations, payments, feedback, and analytics. Sellers can also access the data directly on Seller Central.

Amazon also provides sellers and authorized third parties access to an End User Data Report, which offers access to data that is generated by end users (customers) through their use of our stores.



The End User Data Report is available for the following stores: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Sweden.

Connect to SP-API

For programmatic access to business user data (including the End User Data Report), you must complete the following SP-API onboarding steps.



If you are a Seller that wants to use SP-API for your business, but do not want to self-manage, you can have an authorized SP-API developer operate on your behalf. You must authorize the developer using Login with Amazon, which is Amazon's implementation of OAuth 2.0. For more information, refer to steps 3 through 5 below.

Step 1. Register as an SP-API developer

If you want to integrate with the SP-API, you must first register as a Private SP-API developer.

You only need to register as a developer once, in any region and store, to have continuous access to the SP-API. As part of registration, you must complete a Developer Profile. The Developer Profile collects the following:

  • Your organization’s contact information

  • Information about the data you require from Amazon Services APIs

  • Security and use information (to ensure your compliance with Amazon’s policies and agreements)

  • Access requirements

For more information, refer to Register as a Private SP-API Developer.

Step 2. Register your Selling Partner application

After you register as a private SPI-API developer, you can register a private application. Private applications are only available to your organization. For more information, refer to Register your application.

Step 3. Authorize your application

After you register a private application, you can self-authorize your application. For more information, refer to Self Authorization.

If you are a Seller who chooses to work with an authorized SP-API third party developer, you can use the workflows described in How is my application authorized? to authorize their public application. The authorization model for SP-API is based on Login with Amazon.

Step 4. Access the SP-API

If you have a private application, you can connect to SP-API using the Login with Amazon refresh token that you obtained during your self-authorization.

If you have an authorized third party public application, the authorized SP-API third party developer can make calls to SP-API on your behalf.

Step 5. Call the SP-API

The SP-API provides two sandbox environments that you can use to test your applications without affecting your production data or triggering real-world events:

  • Static sandbox: Uses pattern matching to return static, mocked responses.

  • Dynamic sandbox: Routes requests to a sandbox backend that can return realistic responses based on the request parameters. The dynamic sandbox is supported for select APIs.

To learn how to call SP-API endpoints, refer to the Test Selling Partner API Endpoints tutorial.

Access business user data, including the End User Data Report

To access business user data, you have two options:

  • Programmatically access business user data with the SP-API.

If you are a Seller with a private application or an authorized SP-API third party, you have access to data and functionalities through the SP-API, which includes inventory management, order handling, pricing, payments, and reporting.

The End User Data Report provides access to end user (customer) data, including contact information, page view (glance view), and order data for customers who have elected to share this data with specific sellers. This data is accessible across various reporting periods, including DAY, WEEK, and MONTH. You can define start and end dates, along with the desired reporting period for data retrieval and aggregation.



If no customers elect to share their data, the End User Data Report is empty.

To programmatically access End User Data Report data, use the Reports API and specify END_USER_DATA_REPORT for the reportType parameter. Use the pre-signed URL in the getReportDocument operation response to download your requested data.

For more information about requesting, scheduling, and retrieving a report, refer to the Reports API v2021-06-30 Use Case Guide.

Additional support

If you need help with your request, wish to request additional data or if you have questions related to data access, contact Developer Support.