Panoramica della registrazione SP-API
Scopri come registrarti come sviluppatore SP-API.
You must register as a Selling Partner API (SP-API) developer before you can register your Selling Partner API application.
La procedura per la registrazione come sviluppatore varia leggermente a seconda del tipo di applicazione che intendi creare:
Private seller applications: Applications for sellers that are available only to your organization, and are self-authorized.
Note that only professional selling accounts can register to develop or integrate with SP-API for private seller applications. Individual accounts are not eligible. You can upgrade your account to a professional plan at any time.
Private vendor applications: Vendor applications that are available only to your organization, and are self-authorized.
Public seller and vendor applications: Applications that are publicly available and are authorized by sellers or by vendors using OAuth. In accordance with the Amazon Services API Developer Agreement, public developers must list their app in the Amazon Selling Partner Appstore.
Public and private applications are subject to authorization limits and restrictions. For more information, refer to Authorization Limits.
Per completare l'autorizzazione devi essere un utente con account principale.
Raccomandazioni per la registrazione
- Review the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), the Data Protection Policy (DPP) and the Amazon Services API Developer Agreement requirements before submitting your profile.
- Review the Selling Partner API technical papers to implement select requirements within the Data Protection Policy.
- Assicurati che il team tecnico responsabile della sicurezza dei dati sia il team che risponde alle domande di controllo di sicurezza dell'applicazione Developer Profile.
- L'applicazione Profilo sviluppatore ha un limite di 500 parole. Non copiare informazioni dalle Condizioni d'uso, dalla Politica sulla protezione dei dati o da altre politiche di Amazon.
- For information about your registration status, refer to Check the status of your request to register as a developer.
Updated 2 days ago