Data Kiosk Query Processing Finished Notification
Detailed information on the Data Kiosk Query Processing Finished Notification.
Sellers and vendors can subscribe to this notification.
notification is sent when a Data Kiosk query finishes processing.
Payload schema: Version 2023-11-15
notification with payloadVersion
= 2023-11-15 includes the following properties in the payload
Name | Description | Required |
accountId |
The merchant customer ID or vendor group ID of the selling partner account that the query was submitted on behalf of.
Type: string |
Yes |
queryId |
The query identifier. This identifier is unique only in combination with the accountId .
Type: string |
Yes |
query |
The submitted query.
Type: string |
Yes |
processingStatus |
The processing status of the query.
Type: string |
Yes |
dataDocumentId |
The data document identifier. This document identifier is only present when there is data available as a result of the query. This identifier is unique only in combination with the accountId . Pass this identifier into the getDocument operation to get the information required to retrieve the data document's contents.
Type: string |
No |
errorDocumentId |
The error document identifier. This document identifier is only present when an error occurs during query processing. This identifier is unique only in combination with the accountId . Pass this identifier into the getDocument operation to get the information required to retrieve the error document's contents.
Type: string |
No |
pagination |
When a query produces results that are not included in the data document, pagination occurs. This means all results are divided into individual pages. To retrieve the next page, you must pass a CreateQuerySpecification object with paginationToken set to this object's nextToken and with query set to this object's query in the subsequent createQuery request. When there are no more pages to fetch, the nextToken field will be absent.
Type: |
No |
Name | Description | Type |
nextToken |
A token that can be used to fetch the next page of results. | string |
Notification schema: DataKioskQueryProcessingFinishedNotification.json
Notification example:
"notificationVersion": "2023-11-15",
"payloadVersion": "2023-11-15",
"eventTime": "2023-12-23T21:30:13.713Z",
"payload": {
"accountId": "amzn1.merchant.o.ABCD0123456789",
"queryId": "54517018502",
"query": "query MyQuery{salesAndTrafficByDate(startDate:\"2023-05-01\" endDate:\"2023-06-01\" aggregateBy:DAY){marketplaceId startDate endDate sales{unitsOrdered}traffic{pageViews}}}",
"processingStatus": "DONE",
"dataDocumentId": "amzn1.tortuga.3.edbcd0d8-3434-8222-1234-52ad8ade1208.REP4567URI9BMZ",
"pagination": {
"nextToken": "AAMA-EFRSURBSGhKZlpVSWVwOW96aU1xa2p6amVJdGp1YlZxMndOelFXa2hydStrUjZvVmFRRWVINldMNnFUVz"
"notificationMetadata": {
"applicationId": "",
"subscriptionId": "subscription-id-d0e9e693-c3ad-4373-979f-ed4ec98dd746",
"publishTime": "2023-12-23T21:30:16.903Z",
"notificationId": "d0e9e693-c3ad-4373-979f-ed4ec98dd746"
Updated 8 months ago