Finances API v2024-06-19 Reference
Retrieve financial information for a selling business.
The Selling Partner API for Finances helps you obtain financial information relevant to a seller's business. You can obtain financial events for a given order or date range without having to wait until a statement period closes.
Version information
Version : 2024-06-19
Contact information
Contact : Selling Partner API Developer Support
Contact URL :
License information
License : Apache License 2.0
License URL :
URI scheme
Host :
Schemes : HTTPS
GET /finances/2024-06-19/transactions
Operation: listTransactions
Returns transactions for the given parameters. It may take up to 48 hours for transactions to appear in your transaction events.
Usage Plan:
Rate (requests per second) | Burst |
0.5 | 10 |
The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit
response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, see Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query | postedAfter required | A date used for selecting transactions posted after (or at) a specified time. The date-time must be no later than two minutes before the request was submitted, in ISO 8601 date time format. | string (date-time) |
Query | postedBefore optional | A date used for selecting transactions posted before (but not at) a specified time. The date-time must be later than PostedAfter and no later than two minutes before the request was submitted, in ISO 8601 date time format. If PostedAfter and PostedBefore are more than 180 days apart, no transactions are returned. You must specify the PostedAfter parameter if you specify the PostedBefore parameter. Default: Now minus two minutes. | string (date-time) |
Query | marketplaceId optional | A string token used to select Marketplace ID. | string |
Query | nextToken optional | A string token returned in the response of your previous request. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Success. Headers : x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string) : Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string) : Unique request reference identifier. | ListTransactionsResponse |
For error status codes, descriptions and schemas, see Error responses and schemas.
Error Responses and Schemas
This table contains HTTP status codes and associated information for error responses.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
400 | Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed. Headers: x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
403 | Indicates that access to the resource is forbidden. Possible reasons include Access Denied, Unauthorized, Expired Token, or Invalid Signature. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
404 | The resource specified does not exist. Headers: x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit (string):Your rate limit (requests per second) for this operation. x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
413 | The request size exceeded the maximum accepted size. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
415 | The request payload is in an unsupported format. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
429 | The frequency of requests was greater than allowed. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
500 | An unexpected condition occurred that prevented the server from fulfilling the request. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
503 | Temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. Headers: x-amzn-RequestId (string):Unique request reference identifier. | ErrorList |
The Response schema.
Name | Description | Schema |
nextToken optional | When present and not empty, pass this string token in the next request to return the next response page. | string |
transactions optional | Contains transactions within a given time period. | Transactions |
Contains transactions within a given time period.
Type : < Transaction > array
Contains all information related to the transaction.
Name | Description | Schema |
sellingPartnerMetadata optional | Metadata describing the seller. | SellingPartnerMetadata |
relatedIdentifiers optional | Related business identifiers of the transaction. | RelatedIdentifiers |
transactionType optional | The type of transaction. Possible values: | string |
transactionId optional | The unique identifier for the transaction. | string |
transactionStatus optional | The status for the transaction. Possible values: Deferred Released | string |
description optional | Describes the reasons for the transaction. Example: 'Order Payment','Refund Order' | string |
postedDate optional | The date and time when the transaction was posted. | Date |
totalAmount optional | Total amount of transaction. | Currency |
marketplaceDetails optional | Information about the marketplace where the transaction occurred. | MarketplaceDetails |
items optional | Additional information about the items in Transaction. | Items |
contexts optional | Additional Information about the transaction. | Contexts |
breakdowns optional | List of breakdowns which will provide the details on how the total amount is calculated for the financial transaction. | Breakdowns |
Fields with a schema type of BigDecimal are a signed decimal number (for example CurrencyAmount).
Type : number
A currency type and amount.
Name | Description | Schema |
currencyCode optional | The three-digit currency code in ISO 4217 format. | string |
currencyAmount optional | The monetary value. | BigDecimal |
Metadata describing the seller.
Name | Description | Schema |
sellingPartnerId optional | Unique seller identifier. | string |
accountType optional | Account type of transaction. | string |
marketplaceId optional | Marketplace identifier of transaction. | string |
Related business identifier of the transaction.
Name | Description | Schema |
relatedIdentifierName optional | Enumerated set of related business identifier names. | enum (RelatedIdentifierName) |
relatedIdentifierValue optional | Corresponding value of RelatedIdentifierName | string |
Related business identifiers of the transaction.
Type : < RelatedIdentifier > array
Fields with a schema type of date are in ISO 8601 date time format (for example GroupBeginDate).
Type : string (date-time)
Information about the marketplace where the transaction occurred.
Name | Description | Schema |
marketplaceId optional | The identifier of the marketplace where the transaction was made. | string |
marketplaceName optional | The name of the marketplace where the transaction occurred. Example: '','' | string |
List of items in the transaction
Type : < Item > array
Additional information about the items in Transaction.
Name | Description | Schema |
description optional | Description of items in the transaction | string |
relatedIdentifiers optional | Related business identifiers of the item. | ItemRelatedIdentifiers |
totalAmount optional | The total amount of the item. | Currency |
breakdowns optional | List of breakdowns which will provide the details on how the total amount is calculated for the financial transaction. | Breakdowns |
contexts optional | Additional Information about the item. | Contexts |
Related business identifiers of the item.
Name | Description | Schema |
itemRelatedIdentifierName optional | Enumerated set of related item identifier names for the item. | enum (ItemRelatedIdentifierName) |
itemRelatedIdentifierValue optional | Corresponding value of ItemRelatedIdentifierName | string |
Related Business identifiers of the item in Transaction.
Type : < ItemRelatedIdentifier > array
List of breakdowns which will provide the details on how the total amount is calculated for the financial transaction.
Type : < Breakdown > array
Breakdown provides details regarding the money movement under the financial transaction. Breakdowns get categorized further into breakdown types, breakdown amounts, and further breakdowns into a hierarchical structure.
List of additional Information about the item.
Type : < Context > array
Additional Information about the item.
Polymorphism : Composition
Name | Description | Schema |
contextType required | - | string |
storeName optional | Store name related to transaction. | string |
orderType optional | Order type of the transaction. | string |
channel optional | Channel details of related transaction. | string |
asin optional | Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. | string |
sku optional | Stock keeping unit (SKU) of the item. | string |
quantityShipped optional | Quantity of the item shipped. | integer (int32) |
fulfillmentNetwork optional | Fulfillment network of the item. | string |
paymentType optional | Type of payment made. | string |
paymentMethod optional | Method of payment made. | string |
paymentReference optional | Reference number of payment made. | string |
paymentDate optional | Date of payment made. | Date |
deferralReason optional | Deferral policy applied on the transaction. Example: 'B2B','DD7' | string |
maturityDate optional | Release Date of the transaction. | Date |
deferralStatus optional | Status of the transaction. Example: 'HOLD','RELEASE' | string |
startTime optional | Start time of the transaction. | Date |
endTime optional | End time of the transaction. | Date |
Additional information related to the product.
Name | Description | Schema |
asin optional | Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item. | string |
sku optional | Stock keeping unit (SKU) of the item. | string |
quantityShipped optional | Quantity of the item shipped. | integer (int32) |
fulfillmentNetwork optional | Fulfillment network of the item. | string |
Additional information related to Amazon Pay.
Name | Description | Schema |
storeName optional | Store name related to transaction. | string |
orderType optional | Order type of the transaction. | string |
channel optional | Channel details of related transaction. | string |
Additional information related to Payments related transactions.
Name | Description | Schema |
paymentType optional | Type of payment made. | string |
paymentMethod optional | Method of payment made. | string |
paymentReference optional | Reference number of payment made. | string |
paymentDate optional | Date of payment made. | Date |
Additional information related to Deferred transactions.
Name | Description | Schema |
deferralReason optional | Deferral policy applied on the transaction. Example: 'B2B','DD7' | string |
maturityDate optional | Release Date of the transaction. | Date |
deferralStatus optional | Status of the transaction. Example: 'HOLD','RELEASE' | string |
Additional information related to time range for transaction.
A list of error responses returned when a request is unsuccessful.
Name | Description | Schema |
errors required | Error response returned when the request is unsuccessful. | < Error > array |
Error response returned when the request is unsuccessful.
Name | Description | Schema |
code required | An error code that identifies the type of error that occurred. | string |
message required | A message that describes the error condition. | string |
details optional | Additional details that can help the caller understand or fix the issue. | string |
Enumerated set of related business identifier names.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
ORDER_ID | Associated OrderId of transaction |
SHIPMENT_ID | Associated ShipmentId of transaction |
EVENT_GROUP_ID | Associated identifier of the transaction's financial event group. |
REFUND_ID | Associated RefundId of transaction |
INVOICE_ID | Associated InvoiceId of transaction |
DISBURSEMENT_ID | Disbursement Id for Amazon's bank transfer. |
TRANSFER_ID | Associated TransferId of transaction |
Enumerated set of related item identifier names for the item.
Type : enum
Value | Description |
ORDER_ADJUSTMENT_ITEM_ID | An Amazon-defined order adjustment identifier defined for refunds, guarantee claims, and chargeback events. |
COUPON_ID | An identifier for Coupon applied on transaction. |
REMOVAL_SHIPMENT_ITEM_ID | An identifier for an item in a removal shipment. |
TRANSACTION_ID | Transaction id for the item. |
Updated 6 days ago