Workflow for creating a shipment

Overview of how to create a shipment.

Creating a shipment via multi step process

Creating a shipment is a multi-step process that includes calls to the Shipping API. Here is the recommended workflow for creating a shipment:

  1. Call the getRates operation to get a set of eligible rates for the shipment.

  2. (Conditional) Call the getAdditionalInputs operation if directed to do so by the getRates operation to discover additional data required to purchase a shipment. This step is required for international shipments.

  3. Call the purchaseShipment operation with any required additional inputs to create a shipment.

Here is a diagram of the recommended workflow for creating a shipment:

Create a shipment workflow

Creating a shipment via single step process

Alternatively, vendors can purchase the best fit ship option for the package by calling the smart purchase shipment API via the oneClickShipment operation.

  1. Call the smartPurchaseShipment operation to create a shipment. Once a shipment is created, the Shipping API provides operations to manage a shipment.

Here is the recommended workflow for creating a vendor own carrier Direct Fulfillment shipment:

Direct fulfillment shipment workflow

Other important APIs

  • Call the getTracking operation to get the current status and tracking history for a purchased shipment.

  • Call the getShipmentDocuments operation to return documents associated with a package in the shipment.

  • Call the cancelShipment operation to cancel a purchased shipment.

Here is the recommended workflow for managing a shipment. These operations are not available for Direct Fulfillment shipments.

Managing a shipment workflow

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