Recevez des envois

Returns a list of inbound shipments based on criteria that you specify.

Usage Plan:

Rate (requests per second)Burst

The x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit response header returns the usage plan rate limits that were applied to the requested operation, when available. The table above indicates the default rate and burst values for this operation. Selling partners whose business demands require higher throughput may see higher rate and burst values than those shown here. For more information, see Usage Plans and Rate Limits in the Selling Partner API.

Query Params
array of strings

A list of ShipmentStatus values. Used to select shipments with a current status that matches the status values that you specify.

Show Details
WORKINGThe shipment was created by the seller, but has not yet shipped.
READY_TO_SHIPThe seller has printed box labels (for Small parcel shipments) or pallet labels (for Less Than Truckload shipments).
SHIPPEDThe shipment was picked up by the carrier.
RECEIVINGThe shipment has arrived at the fulfillment center, but not all items have been marked as received.
CANCELLEDThe shipment was cancelled by the seller after the shipment was sent to the fulfillment center.
DELETEDThe shipment was cancelled by the seller before the shipment was sent to the fulfillment center.
CLOSEDThe shipment has arrived at the fulfillment center and all items have been marked as received.
ERRORThere was an error with the shipment and it was not processed by Amazon.
EN TRANSITThe carrier has notified the fulfillment center that it is aware of the shipment.
LIVRÉThe shipment was delivered by the carrier to the fulfillment center.
CHECKED_INThe shipment was checked-in at the receiving dock of the fulfillment center.
array of strings
length ≤ 999

A list of shipment IDs used to select the shipments that you want. If both ShipmentStatusList and ShipmentIdList are specified, only shipments that match both parameters are returned.


A date used for selecting inbound shipments that were last updated after (or at) a specified time. The selection includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller.


A date used for selecting inbound shipments that were last updated before (or at) a specified time. The selection includes updates made by Amazon and by the seller.


Indicates whether shipments are returned using shipment information (by providing the ShipmentStatusList or ShipmentIdList parameters), using a date range (by providing the LastUpdatedAfter and LastUpdatedBefore parameters), or by using NextToken to continue returning items specified in a previous request.


A string token returned in the response to your previous request.


A marketplace identifier. Specifies the marketplace where the product would be stored.


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