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开发者中心API 状态支持
开发者中心API 状态支持

新增:引入车辆 API v2024-11-01

Announcing the Vehicles API v2024-11-01, which you can use to retrieve information about vehicles, including their unique identifiers. You can use this information and the Listings Items API to provide the list of vehicles with which your listed ASINs are compatible.

需要提供车辆配件信息的商品需要获取车辆 KTYPE 列表。KTYPE 为车辆数字标识符。此 API 提供车辆与其 KTYPE 的对照表,助您将目录中的每个商品独立映射到相应的 KTYPE 组。之后,可利用商品信息 API 将此映射发送给亚马逊。


For more information, refer to the Vehicles API v2024-11-01 use case guide.