Delete applications and revoke self-authorizations
Starting February 15, 2023, developers can use self-service application deletion and self-authorization revoke workflows on Seller Central, Vendor Central and Developer Central. These features allow developers to delete unwanted applications and remove self-authorizations from existing applications that have reached max application or authorization limits.
What is changing?
Application deletion will now be available for applications that meet the following criteria:
- Application is in the production state
- Application is in Draft state and is not published
- Application is only used on SP-API
- Application does not have an Amazon Business role
- Application does not have any existing active OAuth or self-authorizations
Note: Self-authorization can be revoked via self-service.
Developers are now able to manually revoke any self-authorizations on the self-authorization page. This allows customers to meet the application deletion requirements or if their app has reach max 1P authorization limits.
Which marketplaces are affected?
This change applies to all marketplaces.
Who is affected?
Developers with access to Developer Central pages on Seller Central, Vendor Central or Developer Central, and have applications that meet the above deletion requirements will be able to use this new feature.
What action is required?
There is no immediate action required.
If you have an application that meet the deletion requirements, you will be able to proceed with application deletion.
If you have an application that has self-authorizations only, you will be able to revoke the authorizations on the self-authorization page and then proceed with application deletion.
For all other use cases, please create a Developer Support case for assistance.