Professional Services (Restricted) Role
API operations and types permitted by the Professional Services (Restricted) role.
Operation | Method | API Path | Region |
addAppointmentForServiceJobByServiceJobId | POST | /service/v1/serviceJobs/{serviceJobId}/appointments | NA, EU, FE |
assignAppointmentResources | PUT | /service/v1/serviceJobs/{serviceJobId}/appointments/{appointmentId}/resources | NA, EU, FE |
cancelReport | DELETE | /reports/2020-09-04/reports/{reportId} | NA, EU, FE |
cancelReport | DELETE | /reports/2021-06-30/reports/{reportId} | NA, EU, FE |
cancelReportSchedule | DELETE | /reports/2020-09-04/schedules/{reportScheduleId} | NA, EU, FE |
cancelReportSchedule | DELETE | /reports/2021-06-30/schedules/{reportScheduleId} | NA, EU, FE |
cancelReservation | DELETE | /service/v1/reservation/{reservationId} | NA, EU, FE |
cancelServiceJobByServiceJobId | PUT | /service/v1/serviceJobs/{serviceJobId}/cancellations | NA, EU, FE |
completeServiceJobByServiceJobId | PUT | /service/v1/serviceJobs/{serviceJobId}/completions | NA, EU, FE |
createDestination | POST | /notifications/v1/destinations | NA, EU, FE |
createReport | POST | /reports/2020-09-04/reports | NA, EU, FE |
createReport | POST | /reports/2021-06-30/reports | NA, EU, FE |
createReportSchedule | POST | /reports/2020-09-04/schedules | NA, EU, FE |
createReportSchedule | POST | /reports/2021-06-30/schedules | NA, EU, FE |
createReservation | POST | /service/v1/reservation | NA, EU, FE |
createServiceDocumentUploadDestination | POST | /service/v1/documents | NA, EU, FE |
getAppointmentSlots | GET | /service/v1/appointmentSlots | NA, EU, FE |
getAppointmmentSlotsByJobId | GET | /service/v1/serviceJobs/{serviceJobId}/appointmentSlots | NA, EU, FE |
getDestination | GET | /notifications/v1/destinations/{destinationId} | NA, EU, FE |
getDestinations | GET | /notifications/v1/destinations | NA, EU, FE |
getFixedSlotCapacity | POST | /service/v1/serviceResources/{resourceId}/capacity/fixed | NA, EU, FE |
getMyFeesEstimateForASIN | POST | /products/fees/v0/items/{Asin}/feesEstimate | NA, EU, FE |
getMyFeesEstimateForSKU | POST | /products/fees/v0/listings/{SellerSKU}/feesEstimate | NA, EU, FE |
getOrderAddress | GET | /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/address | NA, EU, FE |
getOrderBuyerInfo | GET | /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/buyerInfo | NA, EU, FE |
getOrderFulfillmentInstructions | GET | /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/fulfillmentInstructions | NA, EU, FE |
getOrder | GET | /orders/v0/orders/{orderId} | NA, EU, FE |
getOrderItemsBuyerInfo | GET | /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/orderItems/buyerInfo | NA, EU, FE |
getOrderItems | GET | /orders/v0/orders/{orderId}/orderItems | NA, EU, FE |
getOrderMetrics | GET | /sales/v1/orderMetrics | FE |
getOrders | GET | /orders/v0/orders | NA, EU, FE |
getRangeSlotCapacity | POST | /service/v1/serviceResources/{resourceId}/capacity/range | NA, EU, FE |
getReportDocument - RDT | GET | /reports/2020-09-04/documents/{reportDocumentId} | NA, EU, FE |
getReportDocument - RDT | GET | /reports/2021-06-30/documents/{reportDocumentId} | NA, EU, FE |
getReportDocument | GET | /reports/2020-09-04/documents/{reportDocumentId} | NA, EU, FE |
getReportDocument | GET | /reports/2021-06-30/documents/{reportDocumentId} | NA, EU, FE |
getReport | GET | /reports/2020-09-04/reports/{reportId} | NA, EU, FE |
getReport | GET | /reports/2021-06-30/reports/{reportId} | NA, EU, FE |
getReportSchedule | GET | /reports/2020-09-04/schedules/{reportScheduleId} | NA, EU, FE |
getReportSchedule | GET | /reports/2021-06-30/schedules/{reportScheduleId} | NA, EU, FE |
getReportSchedules | GET | /reports/2020-09-04/schedules | NA, EU, FE |
getReportSchedules | GET | /reports/2021-06-30/schedules | NA, EU, FE |
getReports | GET | /reports/2020-09-04/reports | NA, EU, FE |
getReports | GET | /reports/2021-06-30/reports | NA, EU, FE |
getServiceJobByServiceJobId | GET | /service/v1/serviceJobs/{serviceJobId} | NA, EU, FE |
getServiceJobs | GET | /service/v1/serviceJobs | NA, EU, FE |
rescheduleAppointmentForServiceJobByServiceJobId | POST | /service/v1/serviceJobs/{serviceJobId}/appointments/{appointmentId} | NA, EU, FE |
setAppointmentFulfillmentData | PUT | /service/v1/serviceJobs/{serviceJobId}/appointments/{appointmentId}/fulfillment | NA, EU, FE |
updateReservation | PUT | /service/v1/reservation/{reservationId} | NA, EU, FE |
updateSchedule | PUT | /service/v1/serviceResources/{resourceId}/schedules | NA, EU, FE |
Feeds, Reports and Notifications
API Section | Type | Region |
Updated 18 days ago