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Important Notice: Discontinued Support - LWA Tokens can no longer retrieve PII in Selling Partner API


Note: Update to this announcement

Refer to UPDATE: Discontinued Support - LWA Tokens can no longer retrieve PII in Selling Partner API for important updates to this announcement regarding LWA Tokens availability.

Effective July 31, 2023 August 31, 2023, Developer applications must use the new access protocol via the Tokens API and Restricted Data Token (RDT) to make successful calls to retrieve Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the Selling Partner API. Use of LWA tokens to try and retrieve this information will result in a failure. The operations listed below will require the use of RDT and will no longer accept LWA tokens. In addition, all operations and reports that vend PII, launched after July 31, 2023 August 31, 2023, will require the use of RDT and will not support LW tokens at launch.

  • Orders
    • GetOrderAddress
    • GetOrderItemsBuyerInfo
    • GetOrders
    • GetOrder
    • GetOrderItems
  • Merchant Fulfillment
    • GetShipments
    • CreateShipment
    • CancelShipmentOld
  • Shipping
    • directPurchaseShipment
  • Direct Fulfillment Orders
    • GetOrder
    • GetOrders
  • Direct Fulfillment Shipping
    • GetCustomerInvoices
    • GetCustomerInvoice
    • GetPackingSlips
    • GetPackingSlip
    • GetShippingLabels
    • GetShippingLabel
  • Reports
    • GetReportDocument

Why is this changing?

Amazon takes protecting customer data seriously. This change ensures that developers are using the latest technology and features for the benefit of vendors, sellers, and customers.

Who is affected?

Developers who use Selling Partner APIs to retrieve customer PII.

Which countries are affected?

This affects all countries.

What action is required?

To avoid service disruption, you must update affected applications to use the new access protocol by July 31, 2023 August 31, 2023.

More information

We are providing the following resources to aid your integration:

  • Tokens API Use Case Guide - This guide has been updated to include the list of restricted operations that require the use of RDT.
  • Tokens API reference - This is a new reference for the Tokens API and includes the operations for the new access protocol (RDT).
  • Tokens API Model – This swagger model describes the operations you can use in the Tokens API.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do I need to use RDT for all operations in the Selling Partner API?

No, this change only requires RDT for the listed operations.

How can I get more information and stay up to date on SP-API?

Visit https://developer.amazonservices.com or sign up for email notifications at https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/mws/notification.html.

Where can I ask questions of other developers already using SP-API?

Visit us on GitHub at https://github.com/amzn/selling-partner-api-docs/issues to view developer community questions about SP-API or post your own.

How can I ask Amazon for help?

Open a support contact with Amazon at https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/mws/contactus.html.