
Pre-Launch Announcement: Amazon Shipping Non-Delivery Reports API

We are thrilled to announce that we are launching the long-awaited NDR API to share real-time non-delivery reports and actions. This will remove the need to do this manually.

What is improving?

Amazon Shipping IN is enabling shippers and integrator to obtain NDR-eligible tracking IDs as soon as they become eligible, directly through their webhook. This eliminates the requirement for any external API requests. Developers, including shippers and integrator, have the ability to subscribe to updates for NDR eligible tracking IDs via their webhook URL endpoint.

When it is happening?

The scheduled launch date is set for May 25, 2024.

What is included in this enhancement?

The shipper now has the capability to submit Non-Delivery Report (NDR) Feedback for eligible tracking IDs via API. The available actions include Reschedule, Reattempt, and RTO (Return to Origin), and the shipper can choose one of these options:

  • If the shipper selects ndrAction as Reschedule, they must include a rescheduleDate, indicating the desired date for rescheduling the shipment delivery.
  • If the shipper opts for ndrAction as Reattempt, they are required to furnish additionalAddressNotes, providing supplementary details related to the delivery address of the shipment.
  • Alternatively, the shipper can choose RTO, signaling a decision to initiate a return to the origin

This feature will be available in IN.

What action is required from my end?

Reach out to the team to enable NDR API for you at [email protected]. If you are already using Amazon shipping APIs, we would onboard you to NDR push notifications (requirements: App ID, end point). However, if you are not using the Amazon shipping APIs, you would have to create a new developer account ( to initiate this process.

Sample request and response JSON for the API

  "version": "0",
  "id": "48af9743-336e-00eb-7194-de9975baa012",
  "detail-type": "NDR Events",
  "source": "AmazonShipping",
  "account": "434519225125",
  "time": "2024-02-21T19:33:09Z",
  "region": "eu-west-1",
  "resources": [],
  "detail": {
    "trackingId": "1809561149386",
    "referenceID": "795817695",
    "latestDeliveryAttemptedDate": "2023-12-27T01:35:24Z",
    "deliveryAttemptCount": "4",
    "shipmentStatus": "Undeliverable",
    "reasonCode": "Customer rejected",
    "paymentType": "CollectOnDelivery",
    "ndrDueDate": "2023-12-28T04:08:59Z",
    "expectedDeliveryDate": "2023-12-29T14:30:00Z",
    "shippingPartyAccountId": "A109W4MEBU BWQI",
    "appId": "amzn1.sp.solution.4622520d-ef11-4366-aa17-5ff8bb0b1010",
    "version": 4,
    "timeToLive": 1703188564

Request example


Request body example:

   "trackingId": "340503704730",  
   "ndrAction": "REATTEMPT",  
   "ndrRequestData": {  
      "rescheduleDate": "2024-01-08T13:29:26.824Z",  
      "additionalAddressNotes": "Near circle"  


It returns No-Content Body with Http Status code as 204.


  1. Which are the required fields in the payload?
    TrackingId and NdrAction must always be provided as they are mandatory fields. Additionally, if the NdrAction is set to Reschedule, the rescheduleDate field becomes mandatory. Similarly, if the NdrAction is set to Reattempt, the additionalAddressNotesfield is also required.

  2. What type of data can we pass in additionalAddressNotes?
    It should have information associated with an address and has character limit of 256 or an alternate phone number.

  3. Will there be any change in NDR eligible shipments logic and what all information I receive as part of eligible shipment info?
    With this product launch, we are not changing any logic for eligible shipments. We are providing an additional medium for shippers to share the feedback and receive NDR eligible shipments. Also, the information shared on the NDR eligible (excel) will be shared as part of NDR push notification for eligible shipments (except address filed)

  4. Can I continue to share the feedback via bulk upload excel?
    Yes, we are not restricting access for bulk upload excel. You can continue to use the bulk upload functionality to share the feedback.

  5. We are not enabled for NDR push notifications, can we still send NDR feedback via API?
    Yes, you can use NDR feedback API to send the feedback even without NDR push notifications. You can refer NDR UI to fetch eligible list and share the feedback for those tracking ids via API.

  6. How to act on "Reason Codes"?
    Here is a list of next actions to be taken by you for the respective reason codes:

  • Address not found: You can choose “Reattempt with address notes” and provide additional address details in column K, also marked as “Address Notes”
  • Unable to contact customer: You can choose “Reattempt with address notes” and provide additional phone number details in column K
  • Customer unavailable/ Payment not ready: You can use “Reschedule” option to select date on which you want us to reattempt the delivery of the shipment.
  • Rejected not required: You should contact the customer to determine the next step. Based on the customer response, select either “Return to origin approved” or “Reschedule” or “Re-attempt with additional notes” to re-attempt the shipment.
  1. Will we also get a summary via API?
    No, we currently do not share the performance summary via API. However, you can continue to fetch from the NDR portal (

You can find more details at the following places