Aggiornamento: l'API Fulfillment Inbound v2024-03-20 ora supporta i dettagli di preparazione

Ora puoi ottenere e impostare i dettagli di preparazione con le seguenti operazioni:

  • listPrepDetails: Retrieve preparation instructions for how to ship an MSKU into Amazon’s fulfillment network, such as the available values for prepOwner and labelOwner.
  • setPrepDetails: Provide the prepCategory and prepType for how an MSKU will be prepared for shipment, which Amazon saves for future shipments.

Questa modifica si applica ai seguenti marketplace:

  • Canada
  • NOI
  • Spagna
  • UK
  • Francia
  • Olanda
  • Germania
  • Italia
  • Svezia
  • Singapore
  • Australia
  • Giappone

For more information, refer to Retrieve preparation instructions for an MSKU and Set preparation instructions for an MSKU in the Fulfillment Inbound API v2024-03-20 Use Case Guide.